What does your student’s life differ in from the life of an English student?



Most people In Great Britain start life in universities or Institutes of higher education at the age of 18. It is unusual for people studying for degrees to study in their home towns, almost all prefer to try out their independence and move away and for many it is the first time they have lived away from home. Most universi­ties and colleges prefer first-year students to live in hall of residence (общежитие) and although residence in hall is not always compulsory, most institutes guarantee to provide lodging for fre­shers. Arriving at university for the first time is an inspiring experience, and it is comforting to know that people living around you feel as out of place as you do.

At the University College of Dales, the weekend before the start of the college year in October is set aside as Freshers’ weekend. The first-year students come back 2 days before everyone else, meet the principal, have talks on various aspects of student life and get to know the town in which the university is situated. The first Monday of the first term is devoted partly to completing the formalities of registration. Also in a large hall, all the university societies set up stalls, each aiming to explain their activities to and enlist the membership of new students. The majo­rity of students sign up for two or more clubs only to find that they actually have time for one or two!

Дата добавления: 2018-04-15; просмотров: 355; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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