Accessible to the user правильный ответ

The Binary Form Of Decimal Number 27 is (ондық жүйедегі 27 санының екілік түрі) - 11011 правильный ответ -10111 -10101 -10111 -01010 \/ /\ The Computer Memory Is Measured In (компьютер жадының өлшем бірлігі) -KiloBytes правильный ответ -KiloJoules -KiloMeters -KiloGrams -KiloCalories \/ /\ One Byte In Computer is a (компьютердегі бір байт дегеніміз) -group of bits правильный ответ -group of fields -group of records -group of files -group of terminals \/ /\ What does the term "hardware" mean? ("hardware" термині нені білдіреді?) - Computer system architecture - System application architecture правильный ответ - Media control architecture -It is the Application Program \/ /\ Choose an example of an Output Device (шығару құрылғысын таңданыз) -Speakers правильный ответ -The Keyboard -The mouse - RAM \/ /\ Choose an example of an Input Device (енгізу құрылғысын таңданыз) -The Keyboard правильный ответ -Speakers -The Screen -RAM \/ /\ On what button do you click to close a program? (бағдарламаны жабу үшін қолданылатын батырма) -The X on the top right of the program правильный ответ -The Print button -The А button -The ctrl on the top right of the program \/ /\ CD-ROM stands for (CD-ROM дегеніміз) - Compact Disk Read Only Memory правильный ответ - Compactable Read Only Memory - Compact Data Read Only Memory - Compactable Disk Read Only Memory \/ /\ Computer Fundamentals. ALU is (Компьютермен жұмыс жасау негіздері. ALU дегеніміз не?) - Arithmetic Logic Unit правильный ответ - Array Logic Unit - Application Logic Unit - None of above \/ /\ VGA is - Video Graphics Array правильный ответ - Visual Graphics Array - Volatile Graphics Array - Video Graphics Adapter \/ /\ Chief component of first generation computer was - Vacuum Tubes and Valves - Transistors - Integrated Circuits - None of above \/ /\ What is the common name for such boards? - Motherboard правильный ответ - Daughter board - Father board - Breadboard \/ /\ In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single boar- What is the name of this board? - Motherboard правильный ответ - Breadboard - Daughter board - Grandmother board \/ /\ The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except: - Modem правильный ответ - Microprocessor - Disk controller - Serial interface \/ /\ Meaning of CPU? -central processing unit правильный ответ - computer power up - computer process union - computer plan unit \/ /\ Name the two types of software -system software and application software правильный ответ -operating software and driver software -utility software and database software -presentation softwre and reference software \/ /\  Where is there BIOS? - in a constant memory (ROM); правильный ответ - in an operative memory (RAM); - on the Winchester; - on CD ROM; - in any operative memory;  \/ /\ What is Performs the CPU? - all major computing operations правильный ответ - audio playback - image operations - video translation - translation major computing operations \/ /\ What functions are carried out by an operating system? - the data exchange organization between the computer and various peripherals правильный ответ - providing organization and storage of files - connections of devices of input-output - the dialogue organization with the user, managements of equipment and computer resources - carrying out testing of computer system after turning on of the computer; \/ /\ What output device can be used for a paper copy of the document? - the printer - Monitor - scanner правильный ответ - time access to information - mouse \/ /\ What is the characteristic of the monitor? - time access to information - color resolution одно из двух - the clock - Resolution - as a stand for hands \/ /\ What number is the position system? - 1,2,3,4; правильный ответ - 37с; - IX. X,XI; - XXXX; - а,в,с; \/ /\ Two numerals … and … are used in binary system of the numeration.. + 0 and 1; правильный ответ - 1 and 2; - 10 and 11; - 10 and 15; - X and XXX; \/ /\ Translate the binary number 100101 for decimal -37;правильный ответ -25; -27; -29; -35; \/ /\ Translate the decimal number 23 for binary -10111; правильный ответ -11011; -10101; -11101; -11110: \/ /\ What symbol is coded information of computer? -0 and 1 правильный ответ -7 and 0 -1 and 1 - 16 and 0 - 1 and 2 \/ /\ How many bits consists one number or symbol? -8 правильный ответ -2 -4 -16 -32 \/ /\ Is there small measurement to information? -bit правильный ответ -byte -kilobyte -but -bin \/ /\ Why does a sound card need? - for audio playback правильный ответ - for images - for the computer - for mouse - system unit \/ /\ What is CPU? - is a brain computer правильный ответ - this printer device - this mouse device - Is the sound - this is video \/ /\ What is the central processor running? - software правильный ответ - mouse - video - image - printer \/ /\ What is the purpose of printer? - print documents  правильный ответ - audio playback - listening document - for images - manipulator \/ /\ The binary number system has a warrant of P: - P=2. - P=0. - P=1. - P=0,1. - P=10. \/ /\ What is a 1 Byte? - 8 bit; правильный ответ - it is One bit site; - are Two bit sites; - 6 bit; - 4 bit. \/ /\ What key is Help? - F1; правильный ответ - F2; - F9; - F5; - F3; \/ /\ What key is used for removing symbol, that locates left of cursor: - BaskSpace; правильный ответ - Del; - Ins; - HOME; - End; \/ /\ Key for removing symbol. - Delete; правильный ответ - Shift; - Caps Lock; - Enter; - Tab; \/ /\ Key which terminates the command of the user - Enter; правильный ответ - Backspace; - Esc; - Tab; - Spacebar; \/ /\ The Binary system of the numeration uses the numerals..... - 1 and 0 правильный ответ - 1 and 3 - 1 and 4 - 1 and 2 - 1 and 5 \/ /\ Folder is.... - container, containing different objects Windows; правильный ответ - a group of the diskettes; - a file, keeping in itself other files; - an area of the hard disk; - a file of the diskettes \/ /\ What extension has a performed files: - COM,EXE; правильный ответ - SYS; - TXT; - BAS.PAS; - BAT; \/ /\ Basket containing... - temporarily remote files and files; правильные ответ - all device of the computer; - a list of all files of the disk; - an objects worker table; - a labels worker table. \/ /\ The operating system is:                - system program;правильный ответ - applied program; - programming system; - text editor; - system applied \/ /\ An operating system from a disk loads into the RAM: - BIOS; - loader of an operating system; - driver;правильный ответ - service program; - the utility \/ /\ The complex of system and office programs is called: - operating system; - text editor; - graphic editor; - driver; - the utility; правильный ответ \/ /\ What is the Motherboard? -The System charge правильный ответ - The Cache - The Memory of PC - The Hard disk - The Video adapter \/ /\ The constant memory. -BIOS -CMOS -CD-Rom -DVD-Rom -The Cache \/ /\ A group of integrated circuits or chips: -Chipsets правильный ответ -Ports -Cache -BIOS -CMOS \/ /\ What is a modem? - The device for connection of computers in a local network правильный ответ - The device of data storage with direct access - The input equipment of a conclusion of the sound information - The device built in the computer - The computer for connection a local network \/ /\ Monitor is…… - The output equipment of the graphic and text information in the form - The display

accessible to the user правильный ответ

- The information input equipment

- The device visual the data

- The information input and output equipment



Reception of a firm copy of the information deduced from the computer.

-printer правильный ответ







What is sound signals proceed?

- columns правильный ответ

- mice

- the motherboard

- monitor

- rows



The keyboard is used for:

- typing правильный ответ

- as a stand for hands

- to enter commands

- information in the form accessible

- color resolution



Specify the items that are incorrect statements.

- The device "mouse" used to select items on the screen and control the operation of the program

- The device is "mouse" used to enter into the computer graphics

- The device is the "mouse" is used to control the quality of the image on the monitor screen

- The device is the "mise” used to control the quality of the image on the monitor screen

- The device is the "printer” is control the quality of the image on the monitor screen правильный ответ



The modem is used for:

- go to the Internet правильный ответ

- for transmission over a telephone line

- to play over a LAN

- to convert sounds

- to speak sounds



Who is Klod Shannon?

- He offered the formula of the determination amount to information in 1948. правильный ответ

- He offered the formula of the measure to information in 1945/

- He named the amount to information in 1945.

- He opened the semiconductor in 1948.

- He is first person of computer science.



What symbol is coded information of computer?

-0 and 1 правильный ответ

-0 and 0

-1 and 1

-2 and 0

-1 and 2



How many bits consists one byte?

- 8; правильный ответ

- 2;

- 4;

- 16;

- 32;



Is there small measurement to information?

- bit правильный ответ

- byte

- kilobyte

- but

- bin



What is the personal computer (PC) main external device?

- System Block правильный ответ

- Scaner

- CD - ROM

- The Cache

- Printer



What are belonging to carriers of information?

- Diskette drive, CD - ROM, DVD, hard disk правильный ответ

- Display, printer, hard disk

- Hard disk, motherboard, scanner

- CD-ROM, the cache, upper memory

- Sound card, mouse, keyboard



Why is use a cooler?

- Use to doesn't heat of computer правильный ответ

- For speedup of the working computer

- Reading to information

- Edit the music

- Keep parameter for computer configuration



The operating program does what?

- A program that manages all other programs on the computer правильный ответ

- Software that is embedded in a hardware device

- A specific type of software developed to allow interaction with hardware devices

- A program that manages programs device

- Application Programming Interface



What does API stand for?

- Application Program Interface правильный ответ

- Application Programming Interface

- Application Program Intercom

- Appash Programming Interface

- Apple Programming Interface



What does GUI stand for?

- Graphical User Interface правильный ответ

- Global User Iinter face

- Graphic Uuser Interface

- Graph Usa Interface

- in computer user Interface



What are the two types of software?

- application and system правильный ответ

- application and OS

- user and system

- OS

- Adobe After Effect



What is an example of system software?

- Devices Drivers правильный ответ

- Microsoft Word

- Adobe After Effect

- userware

- Application



Application programs do what?

- Enables the user to perform a task правильный ответ

- Enables the computer to talk to the hardware

- Enables software to run concurrently

- Enables software to run options

- do options



What is a structured collection of interrelated data within a certain area, intended for long-term storage in an external computer memory and permanent use?

- database правильный ответ

- interrelated data.

- table

- software

- OS



How we use Excel when creating databases?

+Microsoft Excel has built it tools to help you keep track of data and to find specific information when you want it.

-Microsoft Excel hasn't built it tools to help you keep track of data and to find specific information when you want it.

- Microsoft Excel has built it 256 tools to help you keep track of data and to find specific information when you want it.

-Microsoft Excel help don't keep track of data and to find specific information when you want it.правильный ответ

-Microsoft Excel has built it 56356 columns to help you keep track of data and to find specific information when you want it.



Where the data is stored in Excel?

-In a table правильный ответ

-In a columns

-In a books

-In a sheets

-In a file



What name is each row in databases? 

- record

- field

- table

- software

- OS



What name is each column in databases? 

-field правильный ответ


- table

- software

- OS



Sorting - a sequencing given on growth or decrease. For undertaking the sorting it is necessary:

- select the part of table, for which is required sorting; правильный ответ

- drop is required sorting;

- not give the command Given - a Sorting;

- give the file Given - a Sorting;

- not give the command Given - a Sorting;



A tabular processor or system for preparing and processing the tabular forms document.

- MS Excel правильный ответ

- MS Access

- Word

- The Window

- The Wincom



MS Excel .The Formula begins with sign in ….

-  = правильный ответ

- *

- +

- //

- 0



MS Excel Addressing on method left, right,below, above - is identified to be Relative For indication of the absolute address is used sign….

- $

- *

- +

- //

- /




MS Excel. For performing the filtering it is necessary:

- give the command Given - a Filter - Autofilitr; правильный ответ

- select the part of table, for which is required sorting;

- not give the command Given - a Sorting;

- give the file Given - a Sorting;

- confirm the choice a snub on button OK.



MS Excel Change addressing in formula possible keystroke

- F4



- F3

- F5



MS Excel The Address be

- relative, absolute and mixed правильный ответ

- filter, autofilitr

- base, absolute, true

- mixed, true. False

- mixed, true, absolute



MS Excel. Choose the wrong indication of the name of the cell:

- 10А

- F5

- A10

- AD25 правильный ответ

- Z1



Extension of the archive file

- rar правильный ответ







What command is executed for conservation of the file

- File – Save правильный ответ

- Date- Save

- File - Conservation

- Format - Conservation

- Conservation



How many Excel 2007 spreadsheet has columns?

- 16384

-65536 правильный ответ






How many Excel 2003 spreadsheet has columns?

-256 правильный ответ







How many Excel 2003 spreadsheet has rows?

-65536 правильный ответ







How many Excel 2007 spreadsheet has rows?

- 1048576



-65536 правильный ответ




Chose the tabular processor of Microsoft Office.

- Microsoft Word

- Microsoft Excel правильный ответ                                             


-Computer hardware



On the motherboard not place

-Hard Drive

-Processor правильный ответ

-The microprocessor package (chipsets)

-Tires and slots



Which command is meaning current disk?

- D:

- D< правильный ответ                                

- D.                                  

- D                                         

- D>       



1 gigabyte is equal to:

-1024 megabytes правильный ответ

-1024 bytes

-1024 kilobytes

-1024 GHz

-1000 kilobytes



1 terabyte is equal to:

-1024 gigabytes правильный ответ

-1024 kilobytes

-1024 petabytes

-1000 kilobytes

-1024 megabytes



What partition informatics related to software development:

-programming правильный ответ


-artificial intelligence

-general science

-theoretical informatics



Which The Subject is intended for Information, Information processing and technology and Communicating.

-ICT правильный ответ


-Computer hardware





Information processing includes:     

- the methods and technology of the reception, saving, transformations, issues and use to information. правильный ответ

- the methodical advice of the reception, saving, transformations, issues and use to information.

- many technology of the processing to information.

- problems and issues and use to information.

- the reception, saving, transformations to network.



The statement which includes collection of the methods and device, used by people for information handling.

-Information technology правильный ответ


-Computer hardware





Three main groups of the programming languages:

-Procedural or algorithmic, Object-oriented and Declarative languages

-Predictably or algorithmic, oriented and Declarative languages

-Predictably oriented and Declarative languages

- Algorithmic, oriented and Logical languages правильный ответ

- Two oriented and Declarative languages



Low-level Languages are:

- C++, Visual Basic and Assembler правильный ответ

- Visual Basic, Delphi

- Q Basic, Delphi

- PHP, Visual Basic, Delphi

- PL? Algol, Visual Basic, Delphi



Procedural or algorithmic Languages are:

- Q basic, Turbo Pascal правильный ответ

- Visual and Assembler

- Delphi, PL, Algol

- PHP, Visual Basic, Delphi

- PL, Algal, Visual Basic, Delphi



Programs are the shells of program and shells of operating is relieving functioning with operating system.

- Servers  правильный ответ







The most wide-spread operating system for personal computer are:

- MS WINDOWS, OS/2, UNIX.  правильный ответ








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