Try to give detailed answers to the following questions and prove your point



    Read the text with a dictionary – to make sure you understand it in detail.


I am a first year student of Belgorod State University (BSU) and I want to tell a little about my University.

  Every year many young people who really care for good higher education enter BSU and become students. A new life begins – it is the life of an adult who has responsibility for all his actions before the society.

Belgorod State University is an extended institution of higher education. It is the largest scientific, cultural and pedagogical establishment in the South of Russia. It began its history in 1876 /about 130 years ago/ when a Teachers’ College was opened in our town. Later in 1939 the Teachers Training Institute was reorganized into Pedagogical city. Since 1996 it was granted the status of State University.

BSU is a complete educational and research complex, which incorporates 19 faculties, college of medicine, teachers’ training colleges, 5 research institutes, 20 laboratories, post-graduate and doctoral courses. The University complex is rather modern. There are 6 educational and laboratory buildings, 7 dormitories for students and teachers, a medical center and a sanatorium, dining-halls and canteens, a universal scientific library, housing more than 550000 books, an assembly hall, three sport halls, two skiing centers and a recreation camp located out of Belgorod. Besides the University has its own publishing house supplied with modern computer equipment. It has the license for publishing activity.

The University trains teachers in all basic specialities, doctors, lawyers, economists, managers, psychologists, social workers, journalists and other specialists. Besides, there is an International Faculty, which trains foreign students.

The curriculum consists of the educational and social subjects, foreign languages, philosophy, physical training and others.

                 The University course lasts five years, except the faculty of Medicine where it lasts six years. Each academic year is divided into two terms ending with the examination session. Many students get stipends. If a student has “fives” in all the subjects at the examinations he gets an increased stipend.

The educational process and scientific researches are made by highly qualified professors, who are very good specialists in their fields of science. The Head of the University is a professor, doctor of science Leonid Dyachenko. Professors deliver lectures clearly and scientifically in their own ways and give students many new and interesting facts about the application of the knowledge on the subject in students’ future work.

There are two departments in the University: Daytime department and Extra-mural department.

As the students want to become not ordinary but good specialists they work hard in laboratories and read additional modern literature on the subjects at the library as well.

Some students join scientific societies. There they work on those subjects, which they take care for. This work in the students’ scientific societies helps future specialists to understand better the character of their future job. It teaches them to be more observant.

  Students’ practical work is given much attention to.

  At present the University has significantly enlarged the foreign contacts and developed new forms of cooperation with foreign educational establishments and it continues to seek new forms of cooperation. It has close contacts with educational establishments of Germany, the USA, Poland and the other countries. Of late the University organized the Center of Montessori’s Pedagogics.

  The students of our University take an active part in extra activity. They are fond of sports, arts, music, dancing. So they often visit concerts, theater, sports competitions, discos and parties.


Reading comprehension

I. Find Russian equivalents to the underlined expressions in the text and make up short situations trying to use as many lexical units as it is possible.    

   II. Find in the text English equivalents to the expressions bellow and write a few sentences with them.   

1.отвечать перед обществом за свои действия -------------------------------------

2. получать статус государственного университета ------------------------------

     3. учебный план общеобразовательных предметов-------------------------------

4. дневное и заочное отделения ------------------------------------------------------

               5. получать повышенную стипендию -----------------------------------------------

6. читать лекции в своей манере (по-своему) -------------------------------------

7. читать дополнительную литературу по предмету -----------------------------

8. быть наблюдательным --------------------------------------------------------------

9. вступать в научное общество -----------------------------------------------------

10. образовательные учреждения ---------------------------------------------------

III.  Talking points

Try to give detailed answers to the following questions and prove your point.

1. What facts about the history of Belgorod State University can you mention?

2. What specialists does the University train? Are they only teachers?

     3. Which departments of BSU are available to study at?

     4. Are students always welcome in scientific societies?

     5. What can help the students to understand better the character of their future job?

     6. Do you often consult your professors? Can you discuss everything with them? Why?

  7. Do you think students’ practical work is important for their future job?

  8. What do you think is the best way for students to become good specialists?

  9. What do you think of cooperation of BSU with foreign educational establishments?

10. Are you proud of being a student of BSU? Why?

IV.  For or against

Дата добавления: 2018-04-05; просмотров: 424; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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