Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the active into the passive voice

1) He has invited some friends to tea.

2) They built the house five years ago.

Write the following sentences in indirect speech. Mind the sequence offenses.

1) Mr. Shannon said to Jean: "This is a play after Dickens's novel 'A Tale of Two Cities'."

2) Mrs. Smith asks John: "Will you have sugar on your cornflakes?"

3) The teacher asked me: "What English books have you read?"

4) Nick said to Ann: "I don't like fish."

5) The teacher asked her pupils: "Will you have lime to read the story tomorrow?"

6. Choose the correct word:

1) There was a storm of applause when the curtain ___. (to rise - to raise).

2) Our seals were in the orchestra stalls and we could see the ___well (stage -scene).

3) What ___have you seen in the ancient town? (yet-more - else).

4) What ___things did you buy? (more- other- another)

5) Nobody ___such an answer from him (to expect - to wait).

6) ___a minute! Your brother is sure to come soon (to expect - to wait).

7) The student spoke English ___badly that the teacher couldn't give him even a satisfactory mark (such - so).

8) We have read five stories in this book, two stories ___(to stay - to remain).

7. Fill in prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary:

1) ___that very moment Mrs. Hilton told them that it was high time ___ everybody to go to bed.

2) He is leaving ___Moscow ___Kiev.

3) He took salad to begin___.

4) Going to the forest now is ______the question. It's too dark.

5) ___the first course she likes clear soup.

6) Don't be late ___the lecture.

8. Fill in articles wherever necessary:

1) It's ___pity you have never been to England.

2) Helen passed ___entrance exams to the institute with ___excellent marks.

3) ___weather kept fine.

4) It was not difficult to settle ___question.

5) Robert sometimes spent his time lying on ___ beach.

6) His ship often went to ___Pacific Ocean.

9. Translate the following sentences into English:

1) Он ухаживал за цветами в саду.

2) Ни моя сестра, ни мой брат не ходят часто на экскурсию.

3) У нас кончились овощи и почти нет хлеба.

4) Мы видели, как наша мама вошла в мясной магазин и купила мяса и колбасы.

5) Нам кратчайшую дорогу к Большому Театру.







Базалық шетел тілі-1 курс-2 семестр

Variant 1

Listening: Module 12. 1 (Cutting Edge, Pre-Intermediate)

Listen and mark these statements True (T) or False (F)

a Valerie has always spent a lot of money on clothes.

b She always prefers designer products.

c Nicola is worried about how much money people spend on these things.

d She thinks cheaper products are usually just as good.

e Rory thinks people who are obessed with designer clothes are stupid.

f He thinks all trainers and jeans are cool, and look good.

2. Give the interrogative and negative forms of the following .sentences and write special questions to the underlined parts:

1) I had to lake an umbrella because the weather was rainy. (6 sentences)

3. Rewrite these sentences changing the underlined verbs from the Present Indefinite to 1)the Past Indefinite, 2) the Future Indefinite, 3)the Present Continuous, 4) the Past Continuous, 5)the Present Perfect, 6)the Past Perfect Tenses. Make other necessary changes, add the corresponding adverbs of time.

1) The story is translated in the second semester.

Change the form of the verbs in the sentences from the active into the passive voice.

1) They are doing home exercises.

2) Betty often takes Benny to the park.

3) I shall finish the translation at about seven.

Write the following sentences in indirect speech. Mind the sequence of tenses.

1) John said: "We shall go to the seaside if we have enough money".

2) The grandmother said to Kitty: "Don't sit up late."

3) The Dean said to the students: "Begin preparing for your spring examinations."

4) "Nick said to Helen: "I got two tickets for "Hamlet" beforehand."

5) He said: "The play is very well staged".

6) Alice said: "The boys are playing football at the stadium."

6. Choose the correct word:

1) Why are you ___? We are going to have a lecture, (to leave - to stay).

2) The dean ___ to the institute at a quarter to nine (to come - to go).

3) When the teacher made sure that all the pupils were ___ to him he began the lesson (to listen - to  hear).

4) There was a green __ sofa in my aunt's bedroom (short - low).

5) Many well-known singers___ in the concert (to take part - to take place).

6) In the morning we settled ___ questions and got everything arranged for the journey (a great  number of- a great deal of)

7) Mrs. Watson ___ her children that they must not go out on such a cold day (to tell - to say).

8) The exhibition is worth visiting. I ____ to be your guide (to suggest - tooffer).

7. Fill in prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary:

1) I can't slay any longer. I'm pressed ___time.

2) Which do you like more: to live ___town or ____  ____ town?

3) He took an exam ___History on Monday and got a good mark ___ it.

4) The people looked at the hero ____ admiration.

5) It goes without saying we must help those who need ____ our help.

6) We are proud ____ our University.

8. Fill in articles wherever necessary:

1) He is ___very person we want to see.

2) Their flat is in ___ new house on ___bank of___ Moskva river.

3) Zhibek Zholy is one of ____ busiest streets in Almaty.

4) It is ___one-act: opera in two scenes.

5) Let Nelly go to ___fishmonger's.


9. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Вам бы лучше пойти сейчас осматривать город.

2. Британский музей произвел на него большое впечатление.

3. Туристы не могли не восхищаться красотами наших гор.

4. Сколько времени вам нужно, чтобы сдать этот экзамен?

5. Я уверена, что она переводит статью уже два дня.




Базалық шетел тілі-1 курс-2 семестр

Variant 2

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