Theme: Fruit and vegetables are an indispensable part of a diet


1. Write down an essay on the given topic “Fruit and vegetables are an indispensable part of a diet” and give your opinion

Recommendations:  Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate them and try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.


The Smiths are in the dining-room. There are five of them: Mr. Smith, the head of the family, Mrs. Smith, his wife, and their children: john, Ann and Kitty. They are having breakfast. Mrs. Smith is putting some cornflakes on the boy’s plate. The elder daughter is passing the sugar to her father.

Mrs. Smith: Will you have sugar on the cornflakes, John?

John: Oh, no, Mum, thank you. I’d like some more milk instead.

Mrs. Smith: Why aren’t you eating anything, Kitty? You are so slow. Look, Ann is already finishing her cornflakes.

Kitty: I don’t like cornflakes. I’m just thirsty. Give me some tea and cakes, Mum.

Mrs. Smith: Now, be a good girl, Kitty. Have some more cornflakes. We’re going to have bacon and eggs, and then you’ll get your tea with toast and marmalade.

Mr. Smith: Could you give me a little more cornflakes, dear?

Mrs. Smith: Just a moment. (Mrs. Smith passes him his plate.) What about bacon and eggs? Will you have some?

Mr. Smith: Sure. And then a nice strong cup of tea. I’m afraid I must leave in a quarter of an hour or so.

The father is already having his cup of tea while the children are still talking over their cornflakes.

In the canteen

Ann: I think, it’s high time to have a bite. I am hungry.

Bob: So am I. I see you are ready to go down to the canteen, I am just finishing this article. Will you wait a minute, please.

Ann: Yes, hurry up, then.

Bob: I wonder if there is anything to your taste on the menu.

Ann: Oh, yes, all kinds of things. Let’s have some soup, clear soup, perhaps?

Bob: I don’t think I’ll have any soup today. I’d like some salad to begin with.

Ann: Will you have mixed salad, chops and mashed potatoes?

Bob: Why, yes of course. What do you say to a bottle а beer?

Ann: No beer, thanks. I prefer a glass of soda-water or just a cup of tea.

Bob: All right. Tea then. Will you pass me the mustard, please?

Ann: Here you are. As for me, I never take mustard or pepper.

Bob: You don’t say so!

Ann: Look! The waitress is already bringing our tea.

Bob: We want neither ham nor sausage, do we?

Ann: No, ham as well as sausage is out of the question. I’d like some fruit, apples or oranges.

Bob: Yes, but I’m afraid you forget about the meeting on our English club. We must leave at once to be in time for the beginning of the discussion.

Ann: Right you are. Let’s pay for the dinner and be off.

Vocabulary notes

Meal n завтрак, обед или ужин; to have a meal есть, поесть, e.g. We usually have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

Breakfast n завтрак; to have breakfast (dinner, supper) (no article!) завтракать, обедать, ужинать, e.g. dinner is ready. Have dinner with us.

Cornflakes пшеничные (кукурузные) хлопья

Mum=Mummy мама; Cf. dad=daddy.

More, another, still correspond to the Russian “еще” .The pronouns more and another are used with nouns. More is used both with countables in the plural and uncountables: more books, more sugar; another is used only with countables in the singular: another book, another student. Cf. more tea, but another cup of tea. Still is used with verbs. It is often translated into Russian as “все еще”, e.g. it is still raining. He is still at home.

Slow adj медленный, e.g. you are very slow. Slowly adv медленно, e.g. you speak very slowly.

To be going to собираться

Toast n гренок; ломтик хлеба, подрумяненный на огне

What about …? Как насчет…?

Leave (for) (left,left) vt. 1.уезжать, уходить, e.g. He is leaving Moscow for St. Petersburg. He is leaving for St. Petersburg. He is leaving in half an hour. Ant. Stay vi оставаться, e.g. The children stay at home as it is raining. 2.забывать, оставлять, e.g. Don’t leave your exercise-book at home. Cf. Don’t forget my address. Don’t forget to open the window.

It is high time (to do smth.) Давно пора

To have a bite перекусить

Hungry adj голодный; as a hungry dog, a hungry child: to be hungry хотеть есть, e.g. I am hungry. I am going to the canteen. Hunger n голод

I am hungry. So am I. и я тоже. The word combination So am (do, can…) I is used as a reply to an affirmative sentence. Neither am (do, can…) I is used after negative sentences, e.g. I am reading. So am I. I prefer a cup of tea. So do I. I can do it. So can I. I am not writing. Neither am I. I don’t like this salad. Neither does my sister. He can’t translate this sentence. Neither can I. The subject is at the end of the phrase and stressed: “So do I”

Wait vi ждать, to wait for (smb, smth), e.g. We are waiting for a taxi. Waiter (waitress) n официант, (официантка); syn. To expect

Hurry vi спешить, e.g. We are hurrying to the laboratory. Hurry up! Скорее! Живее! e.g. Hurry up, it’s already 8 o’clock.

Taste n вкус, e.g. You must know her taste if you want to buy her a present, to one’s taste по вкусу. Proverb: tastes differ. (=о вкусах не спорят ) taste vt 1. Пробовать ,e.g. Will you taste my porridge? 2. Иметь вкус, e.g. The pie tastes very sweet. Tasty adj вкусный

To begin with для начала начнем с того что

What do you say to… что вы скажете насчет?

You don’t say so! Что вы говорите? Неужели?!

Neithet…nor.. ни... ни...; in sentences with neither…nor the verb is used in the affirmative form and agrees with the second noun in number and person, e.g. Neither Ivanov nor Petrov knows the answer to my question. We have neither bread nor meat in the house. Please go and buy some.

It is out of the question. Об этом не может быть и речи. Это (совершенно) исключается, e.g. Going to the forest now is out of the question, it’s too dark.

Discussion n дискуссия, обсуждение; discuss vt, e.g. They are discussing a book by Mark Twain.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper; first course, second course, dessert; for the first (second) course

A plate, a glass, a cup, a saucer, a tea-pot, a kettle, a fork. A spoon, a knife

Bread, meat, fish, butter, eggs, cheese, sugar, sausage, bacon, herring

Potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, peas water, mustard, pepper

Water, milk, tea, coffee, cocoa, beer, wine, fruit- juice, honey

Soup (clear soup, cabbage soup, pea soup), porridge, macaroni, salad (mixed salad), mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, chops, cutlets, beefsteak, chicken, goose

Pudding, cake, sweets, pie, ice-cream, jam, jelly, stewed fruit apples, pears, plums, oranges, tangerines, grapes, bananas, berries, cherries, peaches, nuts

To have (to eat, to drink), to dine, to cook, to fry, to boil, to taste, to prefer

To lay the table, to sit down to table, to be (to sit) at table, to clear the table (to take away the dirty dishes); Help yourself to (smth., some food); Have some more; No more, thank you!


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary

Theme: Your day off


1. Write down an essay on the topic Your day off”.

Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate them and try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.

Your Day Off   

Most people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days. They have only one day off. It is Sunday.

 I like this day very much. You needn't hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week's work. On this day I wake up later than usual. But sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock. I read morning newspapers or listen to music.

 As soon as I get up I air the room, make my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast, clear away the dishes and wash up. Two more hours for getting ready with my homework, and I am free.       

I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to museums and parks. Last Sunday we went to the Botanical Garden. There were many beds of spring flowers there: red, yellow and blue. People in light clothes were walking along the paths. The air was fresh and clean. It was very pleasant to spend time there.

 In fine weather we also like to be out of town. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In winter my friends and I often go to the skating-rink. Skating is my favourite kind of sport, but I like to ski too.When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music or go to the cinema. We like films about the life of the youth abroad. On the way home we usually discuss the films we've seen.

 In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have our supper, make plans for tomorrow, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go for a walk. I enjoy my days off very much


 day off — выходной день

 week-end — конец недели

 hobby — увлечение

 to enjoy — наслаждаться

 to make plans — планировать

 to spend time — проводить время

 to discuss — обсуждать

 to have a rest — отдыхать

 to go to the country — ехать за город

 to go for a walk — идти на прогулку

 to listen to music — слушать музыку

 to play games — играть в игры

 to lie [lai] in the sun — загорать

 to come to smb's place — приходить к кому-л

 to receive guests [gests] — принимать гостей


 1. Which day of the week do you like best and why?

 2. What time do you get up on Sunday?

 3. How do you usually spend your days off?

 4. How did you spend your last Sunday?

 5. Do you often go to the country on your days off?

 6. What are the best places around your city?

 7. Do you go in for sports on Sunday?

 8. Do you often go to see your friends?

 9. With whom do you like to spend your days off?

 10. Do you sometimes go to the theatre on Sundays?

 11. How do you usually spend the evenings on your days off?

 12. Do you sometimes receive guests on Sunday?

 13. How do you plan to spend your next Sunday?


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary

Theme: Your working day


1. Write down a letter to your friend about ”Your working day”.     

Recommendations:   Read the given topic and make your letter. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate them and try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary


Theme: Your Institute


1. Write down a report on the topic Our Institute” 

Recommendations:Read the given topic and make your report. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate them and  try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.

I would like to express my opinion on the topic "My institute”. It is a well-known fact that this year Perm State Institute is 90. It is a great date and in my composition I’ll try to give my opinion on my Institute.

Firstly, I would like to compare PSI with other institutes of our city. It is considered to be the best institute of our city and one of the best institutes of our country. I realized that I should study there and my parents wanted me to enter it. Besides, my sister is the most vivid example what PSI can give to a person. Today she has interesting well-paid job, which is connected with her education. So, I didn’t doubt what institute to choose and where to study. Now I’m a first-year student. I passed entrance exams and I study here. As for entrance exams-I had only one exam, but it was horrible…It wasn’t difficult, but it was so nervous. The first examination session, of course, was difficult. So, everything is known in the comparison. Frankly speaking, I simply didn’t know how to pass the exam, what to do and that’s why it was difficult. More than that now I realized that it is easier to enter the institute than to study here, to try not to be expelled. Speaking of the Faculty of foreign languages and modern literatures-I can say that it is one of the most difficult faculties of our institute. Most of the educational process is practical lessons. Usually groups consist of 10 person and it is very easy to see whoever is working or not. And it is also very easy if one plays truant too often. If you missed some classes it is not so simple to catch up with the program later, because practical lessons give much to a person and nobody is going to explain you new information again. I also think that every student must remember that in the university everybody treats like an adult and you should prove it and behave like an adult.

Concerning my lecturers-I find them great, because practically all of them are specialists who know more than one foreign language. Everyone has a good command of teaching. Each of them is different and we treat him/her differently. I think that it is the main thing in the university- we learn how to get on well with different people, who we have to communicate with practically every day.

Concerning my group I should say that everyone in my group is personality and that’s why it is very interesting to study in such a small group. You can get with people closer and you try to be on good terms with everyone. To tell the truth I get on well with everyone, but I have some people I spend more time with. We mix up in cinemas, cafés and clubs. In general I should say that the institute changed me and to be exact my intercourse completely. I get acquainted with many interesting people. As for me- it is very important because by nature I’m sociable and to mix up with people means to live for me.

As for the institute building- I’m very glad that all the buildings are situated together and we don’t have to spend much time on moving from one building to another. The lecture-rooms of some buildings leave much to be desired, though now some buildings are under repair and maybe the lecture-rooms will be also repaired…who knows? Besides, I can note that in every building there is a snack bar, Xerox, clerical and book kiosk. Without any doubts it makes the life of every student easier. You can ask me if there is something that I don’t like in the University? Of course, there is one. I mean the PT lessons and the fact that we have to attend them for 3 years. To my mind it is needless, because if one really wants to go in for sport, he will do it, find the way to do it himself. So, you can see my attitude to the Institute and make sure that the Perm State Institute gives many opportunities to a person. I think that we should use them in full…

The library of our institute

«Library is a temple of books», -- somebody said. And I fully agree with these wise words. Every person in our country elder than 14 years old, I’m sure, was at least one time in the library. The majority of young people has subscriptions to the libraries they like. The libraries not only give us a vast choice of books, but also offers excellent opportunities of having rest.

 As you know, I study at the Far-Eastern State University, and I’m very proud that its library is thought to be the one of the largest in Primorye and even the whole Far-East.

 Soon after our studies began, we had heard for a course of lectures about the university library. We were told about the rules of using books we take from the library and about its catalogues. Having listened to this course, we passed an examination that showed everything we had learnt.

 Soon I had to visit our library the first time as I needed a text book on economics. I went downstairs (as library is situated in the ground floor) and found a room I was searching for. But I didn’t get the immediately as it was many students. So I waited for my turn. I asked to a librarian if I could get the book on economical theory. She answered affirmatively and soon brought me a book which name was «Modern economics». Than the librarian asked me if it was for the first time I used the library’s services. I answered that it was true, and she suggest me to receive reader’s ticket. I was interested to know what documents I had to provide for this. She told that she needed only my photo 3x4 cm and some money. Fortunately, I had picture with myself and two minutes later I was the owner of reader’s ticket, which proves that I am a real member of the university library.

 So, that is my story about our library. By the way, I want to say you that I was greatly surprised the level of service in it. It was very pleasant to meet kind librarian that was eager to help in everything you ask.


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary



 Theme: Your English classes


1. Write down an essay on the topic”Your English classes”

Recommendations:  Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate them and try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.


1. L.Diment, “Brush Up Your Talk”, Мoscow, 1972

2. В.Д. Аракин, «Практический курс английского языка», часть 1

3. I.I Koshmanova, N.A Sidorova, “Topics for discussions”, 1999 “Союз”, Санкт- Петербург

4. Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, «Английский язык»;

5. Христорождественская Л.П., Минск «Харвест» 199 Англ язык. Практический курс

6. Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка»

7. LONGMAN “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, 2005

8. А.В. Кунин, Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь, 2006 г.

9. English-Russian Dictionary/ Russian-English Dictionary

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