FutureContinuous (будущее длительное)


London Museums and Galleries

London is a cultural capital of Great Britain. It is famous forits museums and galleries. There are a lot of museums and galleries in the city, which attract a lot of tourists.

The British Museum is the oldest museum and attracts millions of visitors each year. It was founded in 1753 by an act of the Parliament. The enormous collection includes treasures from the Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations through to medieval European art and Japanese and Asian antiquities. Highlights include the Rosetta Stone (dates from 195 BC and is the key to understand ancient Egyptian picture writings and the hieroglyphs),the Egyptian mummies, sculptures from the Greek Pantheon in Athens, and Sutton Hoo treasure (comes from the burial site of 7th­century Anglo­Saxon King in Suffolk). In 1857 the famous domed Reading Room was built.

The Natural History Museum has a fine collection of dinosaurs, birds, mammals and plant life, as well as geology and ecology displays. It is divided into five departments covering botany, entomology, mineralogy, palaeontologyandzoology. It was opened in 1881. Its research and educational departments continue to make a vital contribution to the world’s store on information about our planet and its inhabitants.

The Science Museum has five floors packed with imaginative displays about science and technology from the Industrial Revolution through to space exploration, and even the digital age in the Wing, opened in 2000.

The Museum of London at the Barbican takes a look at the fascinating history of the city and its people from prehistoric times to the present day. It is the largest and the most comprehensive city museum in the world. There is also a research library containing a vast amount of material relating to London. The museum has a lively and original outlook — quite the opposite of the popular idea of a museum as a stuffy, boring place. It is a unique museum.

At theLondon Transport Museum trams, buses and even underground trains are among the colourful displays. It displays London’s first horse­drawn omnibus of 1829 and a locomotive used on the Circle Line in 1866. The Museum houses the old Flower Market.

In the National Army Museum you’ll discover the compelling story of the British soldier in peace and in war through five centuries, from Tudor times to the present day. It shows its visitors how soldiers lived, worked and fought. The treasures on display include medals,paintings, weapons and items from one of the world’s finest

collections of military costume.

The National Maritime Museum in Greenwich was opened in 1937. The museum displays cover naval history from Tudor times to the present day. There is a large collection of navigation instruments there. Two outposts of the museum should not be missed: the first will be seen at once by all visitors arriving by boat: the CuttySark, the last sailing clipper to be built, launched in 1869. Behind the museum, in Greenwich Park you can see the Old Royal Observatory, erected by Christopher Wren in 1675–76. The observatory moved out after World War II, but this is still the position of the zero meridian of longitude, marked on the cobbled yard.

The National Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green displays over 4,000 toys past and present, from historic folk toys to Robots and Barbie. It is one of the largest collections on public view in the world. But it’s more than just a toy museum — you will also discover many fine examples of children’s books, costumes and nursery furniture.

The Museum of Moving Image explores the magical story of cinema, television and video, from its early beginnings in 2,000 BC with shadow plays to the latest developments in TV technology. Visitors can also experience the wonderful interactive exhibits — they can read the news, fly over London “like Superman”, make their own cartoon. Popular with children of all ages the museum was voted by its visitors as their best­liked London attraction.

The Victoria and Albert Museum (V & A) is a national museum of fine and applied art, and covers all countries, periods and styles. Its collection includes sculpture, fashion and textiles, paintings, silver, glass, ceramics, jewellery, books prints and photographs from Britain and all over the world.

The National Gallery and the Tate Gallery are two big London art galleries. They have some very famous pictures in them. You can see the history of British art in the Tate Gallery besides the Thames. It was opened in 1897 and was named after the sugar millionaire Sir Henry Tate who gave the Victorian paintings and paid for the building. The National Gallery, overlooking Trafalgar Square, has over 2,000 paintings in its collection covering more than 700 years of art. The pictures belong to the public and access to them is free. It has been since the Gallery was founded in 1824.

Famous names in British history and culture from Tudor times to the 21st century are represented at the National Portrait Gallery.

One of the top London’s attractions areMadame Tussaud’s and the London Planetarium. The famous exhibition of waxworks was established in Paris in 1770 by Marie Tussaud, who later made her name with models of victims of the guillotine. She moved to London in 1802. This museum consists of several halls with wax images of outstanding political characters, poets and writers, world­ famous film stars and musicians.

You can see a lot of other museums in London, and besides there is a show or a new exhibition every week in London. People like different things, and London has exhibitions of cars, boats, books, pictures, food, clothes, bicycles and what not. The saying “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life” means that you can’t be bored in London.


enormous — огромный

treasure — сокровище

medieval — средневековый

antiquity — древность, старина

highlight — в центре внимания

hieroglyphs — иероглифы

mummies — мумии

burialsite — курган

mammal — млекопитающее

vitalcontribution — значитель­ный вклад

spaceexploration — исследова­ния космоса

fascinating — очаровательный

comprehensive — обширный

stuffy — скучный

compellingstory — захватыва­ющий рассказ

naval — военно­морской

longitude — долгота

cobbledyard — двор, мощенный булыжником

nurseryfurniture — детская мебель

jewellery — драгоценности

waxwork — восковаяфигура


1. Why is London a cultural capital of Britain? 2. What is London famous for? 3. Which is the oldest museum in London? 4. What museums in London do you know? 5. What art galleries in 312 London do you know? 6. What museums would you like to visit and why? 7. What galleries would you like to visit and why?

8. What do you know about the V & A museum? 9. What do you know about

the famous exhibition of waxworks? 10. What does the saying “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life” mean?


FutureContinuous (будущее длительное)

В английском языке время FutureContinuous (будущее длительное) используется приописании действий, которые будут длиться, происходить в будущем в некоторый момент времени, e.g. I'llbeworkingtomorrowat 3 p.m. Кроме того, следует помнить, что для выражения будущих действий, которые были запланированы или подготовлены заранее, нам тоже необходимо будет строить предложения по структуре FutureContinuous, e.g. I'llbewearing a bluedress. - На мне будет синее платье.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильное предложение:

a. At 10 p.m. I still will be working.

 At 10 p.m. I will still be work

At 10 p.m. I will still be working

b. Our manager will be present the proposal at the next meeting

Our manager will be presenting the proposal at the next meeting

Our manager will presenting the proposal at the next meeting.

c. We be studying at the library when the teacher comes

We'll be studying at the library when the teacher comes

We'll be studying at the library when the teacher will come

d. She'll be seeing her colleague tomorrow so they can discuss it briefly

She'll be seeing her colleague tomorrow so they will can discuss it briefly

She'll be see her colleague tomorrow so they can discuss it briefly

e. -You will be cooking tomorrow in the afternoon? – No, I won't.

– Will you be cooking tomorrow in the afternoon? – No, I will.

– Will you be cooking tomorrow in the afternoon? – No, I won't.

Упражнение 2.Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соответствующую форму (утвердительную, вопросительную или отрицательную) Future Continuous, Future Simple или Present Simple:

a. She (to have) dinner when I (come back) home.

b.We (to work, not) in the garden when it (to start)raining.

c.(you, to listen) to the music when he (to call)?

d.This time tomorrow I (to sit) on a plane to Warsaw.

e.Wendy (know) for sure that Jack (to arrive) at 5 o'clock in the evening.

Упражнение 3. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям и дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы:

a. His American colleagues will be flying back to the USA this time tomorrow.

b. Our manager will be presenting his business plan at the next meeting.

c. You and your girlfriend will be eating sushi soon.

d. Ronald, Garry and Jason will be playing the guitar at school at 7 o'clock tomorrow.

e.It will be raining when we reach London.

Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения в FutureContinuous

a. I will in a cafe be tomorrow this time sitting .

b.won't you return be our sons when reading .

c. they that be will time at swimming ?

d.they day packing be long all things won't ?

e.will tomorrow at 10 a.m be my boss the contract signing

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский предложения, используя FutureContinuous (Progressive):

a. Я буду работать, когда он вернется.

b. Будет ли она встречать нас на вокзале?

c. Пока наши дети будут завтракать, я приготовлю твой костюм.

d. Разве ты не будешь ждать его, когда самолет прилетит?

e. Сегодня в 5 вечера они будут гулять в парке.

f. Если ты придешь после полуночи, я точно буду спать.

g. Когда мы придем на вечеринку, все будут есть пиццу и пить пиво?

h. Чем вы будете заниматься, когда он позвонит вам?

i. Завтра в это же время мы будем смотреть новый фильм ужасов. Не могу дождаться.

j. В 3 часа Ольга будет кататься на коньках?


Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 183; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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