Infinitive as Adverbial Modifier

1. The poor boy was half crazed with grief, and yet he had to go to London to play this match, for he could not get out of it without explanations which would expose his secret.

2. I should like to give a sketch of the character of this man, but it seems presumptuous to attempt such a thing upon paper, when the idea in my own mind is at best a vague and uncertain one. Several times I have thought that I grasped the clue which might explain, but only to be disappointed by his presenting himself in some new light which would upset all my conclusions.

3. I have been fetched out of bed several times to listen to it, but I need hardly say that I was never able to distinguish anything unnatural.

4. The pack which was forming to the south of us has partly cleared away, and the water is so warm as to lead me to believe that we are lying in one of those branches of the Gulf Stream which run up between Greenland and Spitsbergen.

5. He raised himself up upon his elbow, and looking round to see that we were alone, he beckoned to me to come and sit beside him.

6. In order to make my narrative intelligible, I must run lightly over one or two incidents in my former life which throw light upon subsequent events.

7. I arrived in Boston on October 12, 1993, and proceeded immediately to the office of the firm in order to thank them for their courtesy.

8. His complexion was of a sickly yellow and deeply pitted with small-pox, that is why the general impression was so unfavourable as to be almost revolting.

9. Some students who chanced to pass during the next hour were much astonished to see the worthy Professor of Physiology and his favourite student both sitting upon a very muddy bank.

10. Yet such is the state of things amongst us that the little energy and glimmering of reason which he possesses is entirely taken up with the labours which are necessary in order to procure certain metallic disks, wherewith he may purchase the chemical elements necessary to build up his ever-wasting tissues, and keep a roof over him to shelter him from the inclemency of the weather.

11. Why not go mushrooming? It would help you (to) distract a little. And to distract is what you do need right now. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that if you stay here with all these thoughts on your mind any longer, you will live to become insane. I wouldn't want you to be taken to a lunatic (mental) asylum. – To listen to you, I am on the verge of sanity! I may be having a hard time now, but it is sure to pass, I just need time to get over it.

12. I am quite surprised to see you. What could have brought you here? – I am afraid I have come to deliver bad news. I saw police officers arrest your brother and take him to the police station and I thought it would be wise for me to come here so as to let you know. – Well, of course, why else turn up here?

13. To look at you, I would say that you are a vampire. To have such pale complexion and such dark areas under your eyes is sure to be unhealthy. Why not turn to a doctor? You may have fallen ill with some serious disease. Let me take you to the nearby hospital to be examined.

14. To come across you in the street, I wouldn't recognize you. An ugly duckling I used to know as a child has grown to become a beautiful graceful swan. And that makes me even more pleased to see you. Why not go some place to have a bite and chat?

15. He understood that what she was saying was too right to object to, and therefore he could do nothing but agree. But as he did, he looked aside as if to observe the boys playing at the playing ground.

16. She returned home to find a surprise party waiting for her. She was amazed to see so many people smiling to her and so many presents waiting to be unwrapped. She was too moved (touched) to say a word. All she could do was stand in the doorway and cry.

17. To leave her alone was the most I could do to help. All she needed at that moment was to be left alone. But I am certain that she is strong enough to overcome her grief. – It would be wonderful to see her smile rather than look the picture of sorrow as if to live on is the hardest thing to do.

18. To worry about trifles is so much like you. If it relieves you, I would have done the same to help her under the circumstances. And if she had followed your advice, she wouldn't be in trouble now. It may be unpleasant to her, but she seems to be too light-minded to understand when to stop. And you are not to blame for her inability to count money. Anyway why cry over spilt milk? Let's do something to cheer you up.

19. I could do nothing to draw him out. He wouldn't tell me what was on his mind. But I know him too well not to see that he is plotting something. I wish I were more patient to simply wait to find out.

20. To find a way out, we need to turn to them. They are the only people to tell us how to act. They must have dealt with such situations a hundred times and can advise us what to do next. Why not call them to arrange to meet? It is better than sit by and not even try to find a solution.


Infinitive as Parenthesis

1. You seem to be sick. To be on the safe side, why not make an appointment to see your GP just to be sure you're not suffering from anything serious?

2. Wild bears are reported to have been spotted in the neighbourhood. To be on the safe side, will you not allow the children to roam the forest for a while?

3. “To sum it up”, said Edward, “the greatest parties are possible with the oddest people in the strangest places at the weirdest times.”

4. Strange to say it, but after that incident we now have an even better relationship. It has brought the best out of both of us.

5. "It was very disappointing, to say the least, that our advice was not accepted as in the end everyone had to pay for the failure."

6. How could you have treated her like that! To say the least, I find it shocking.

7. To put it plainly, I want you out of this house immediately. And I assure you that I will see to it that you shall never be allowed to cross this threshold again.

8. When it made the headlines, Mary was not pleased, to put it mildly. She hadn't expected the story to be made public.

9. "To cut a long story short, they started dating and they are now happily married, and I cannot help being glad to see my daughter pleased."

10. To cut a long story short, there followed a short conversation which revealed they had absolutely no idea who I was. And needless to say, they urged me to tell as much as possible about myself.

11. Going through the city was a pain in the neck, to put it mildly. The traffic was not only heavy but mad. Motorists were only forward-centered with very little courtesy to display, Not to mention the taxi-drivers who could cut in at will. To make the matters worse, it took us 2 hours to find space to park. We were compelled to stop over at a Mcdonald's spot to buy some food as this was the only way to use their parking space.

12. How was your boyfriend’s acquaintance with your parents? – He spilt red wine on the carpet, insulted my mother, and to crown it all, broke my favourite vase.

13. He was an excellent leader? But to tell the truth/to be honest, we were all a little afraid of him.

14. Such a fate is unlikely to befall him: to begin with, his is a genuine talent.

15. The United States can tell you all about what's wrong with the British, to say nothing of the Russians (A.H. Sulzberger).

16. The ability to simplify means to be able to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak (Hans Hofmann).

17. All defense secretaries in wartime have, needless to say, made misjudgments (Bill Kristol)

18. Strange to say, the luminous world is the invisible world; the luminous world is that which we do not see. Our eyes of flesh see only night (Victor Hugo)

19. There are many different kinds of radioactive waste and each has its own half-life so, just to be on the safe side and to simplify matters, I base my calculations on the worst one and that's plutonium (David Brower)

20. To begin with, you must realize that any idea accepted by the brain is automatically transformed into an action of some sort. It may take seconds or minutes or longer, but ideas always produce a reaction of some sort (Scott Reed).

21. We assume, to begin with, that the individual is at least as complex in his internal structure as the language is which he speaks – otherwise, how could he speak a language which is complex? (Kenneth L. Pike)


Complex Object

1. If I had heard you coming, I wouldn’t have got frightened to see you. I would want/prefer you to knock before entering the room next time. – I am sorry for scaring you, I didn’t mean/intend to do it. Next time I’ll be making more noise to let you know I’m coming.

2. The police announced to have finally arrested the robber and made him confess robbing the bank in Baker Street. No one believes him to have no accomplices, but the culprit claims to have organized everything alone. Meanwhile he is waiting for the court to decide if he is telling the truth.

3. I have never suspected him to be dating that girl. I have seen them walking together a couple of times, but I was sure them to be mere friends or colleagues. Of course I cannot count on him to break up with her only because I don’t approve of his choice. He is too old to let me decide his future for him. But to be his mother and to see that he is going to ruin his life is very hard. If only I could make him understand it now! But he won’t hear me!..

4. Who could have persuaded you to buy this rusty old car? I believe it to be 100 years old! You cannot really rely on it to get you to your destinations, can you? – Don’t exaggerate. The mechanic declared it to work flawlessly for another 20 years at least, though he warned me not to drive it to its extremities. – I cannot believe you to be so silly. The mechanic would have told you anything to get rid of this old junk. To have trusted him is the craziest thing you could have done. What are we to do with it now?

5. I forbid you to invite this person to ever come to our house because I’ve always thought him to bring misfortune. – Don’t be ridiculous. I can see that you treat him partially because of your superstitions, but I know him to be a decent person, besides, I hear a lot that he can be trusted/relied on.

6. I smell something burning in the kitchen. Are you sure to have turned off the oven? To be on the safe side, I would like you to go and check.

7. Ask Kevin to take his CV with him. We may have an interesting offer to make to him. I know him to have never let anyone down and that’s what our company needs right now.

8. Have you seen Janet leave? – No, I haven’t. Isn’t she at home? I think I heard some music playing in her bedroom not long ago. She couldn’t have slipped away unnoticed, could she?

9. Can you hear the dog barking? I want you to go and make it stop. It’s been barking for two hours already and I cannot stand hearing it any more.

10.  If I hadn’t heard him decline such a profitable offer, I wouldn’t have believed it. I have always thought him to be a reasonable man.


Arakin, Unit 2 + Grammar

1. You have done nothing to be admired. To tell the truth I even doubt that you have a friend to rely on, if you should get in a mess. To succeed in life and to win people’s admiration, you shouldn’t, to begin with, be constantly mixed up with suspicious people and affairs. This has bad impact on your reputation.

2. She is clever enough to resist the temptation of raising this problem. To stay in the background now is wiser than to arouse pointless suspicion and suffer from unfair accusations as a result. To be on the safe side, I wouldn’t come in contact with them for a while. Though, she is not weak-hearted to follow the line of least resistance or to lose consciousness in the face of difficulties.

3. She wanted something exciting to interfere in her monotonous life, and her life-time dream was to run away as far as possible from here never to return. But what was the point in denying that she suffered from lack of means to do so?

4. I heard him express his point of view on the matter and I can’t help but agree with him on some points. To be more precise/exact, what he suggests has a point and the proof he provides is irresistible. And to crown it all, he has taken pains to come in contact with the authorities to obtain their permission to interfere with the situation.

5. On reflection, I can’t but agree that no one can be above suspicion until the truth is revealed. If I were asked to make my point, I would point out that placing everyone under constant suspicion may force the one having something to do with this mess make a false step, which will enable us to find him.

6. To dream and imagine things is definitely her cup of tea. I have known her to be a dreamer since we were little children. Needless to say, that her parents considered her constant fantasies to reflect a kind of mental disorder in a way/in/to some degree. They were suspicious about what influence/impact it might have on her future life. But when she was 17, there came a turning point in her life to change everything never to be the same again. A distant relative heard her telling one of her dreams to her friend and he couldn’t resist admiring it. The very day he made himself clear to the girl’s parents that she was very talented rather than crazy and that he would like her to write down her dreams into stories to be sent to a publishing house. Strange to say, her parents agreed to let her try with mixed feelings. To cut a long story short, the girl succeeded in arousing/winning worldwide admiration with her works and is now on the point of being awarded a literary prize for her contribution to the development of fantasy short stories.


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