Exercise V. Retell the text in several sentences




International Sanitary Rules were adopted in 1926 by the International Sanitary Convention. Further they were changed, Specified and adopted in 1969 by the International Health organization and they are in force op till now.

Sanitary regime control its observation are realized by the Coastal state on international rules bases. International Sanitary rules are introduced in either country by the correspondent act of the Health department

If any foreign vessel doesn't fulfil sanitary rules regime then she cannot be detained in the port with the exception of time necessary for compulsory or forced sanitary treatment in case of yellow fever. The vessel can leave me port but during the whole period of voyage she cannot call at any other port of the same state sanitary rules of which had been broken by her.

Sanitary inspection of the vessels is conducted round the clock at the berth and only in the special cases in the roadstead. When ill man on board, lack of water, food, fuel, etc.

Pumping out of the ballast waters in me port water area is conducted only with the permission of the Sanitary Service. After washing the holds, water can be pumped out only with the permission of Sanitary Quarantine Service. All Sanitary operations are registered in the special book and sanitary certificate is given in case when all requirements are observed.

Isolation of ill persons, prohibition on import or export of certain cargoes, disaffection, deratisation are maintained in the interests of all countries and nations.


compulsory–обязательный          yellow fever  -лихорадка
to specify
-точно определять

Exercise I. Translate the text.

Exercise П. Answer the questions:

1. What rules are in force up till now?

2. Who realized control for observation of the sanitary regime?

3. Can the ship be detained if she doesn't fulfil sanitary rules regime?

4. Where are all sanitary operations registered?

5. Does the ship neeв permission for pumping out ballast water?



Exercise Ш. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Санитарный патент (гарантийное свидетельство); осуществлять; отдел здравоохранения; за исключением; обязательное лечение; лихорадка; запрет на ввод/вывод; дезинфекция; круглосуточный режим; соблюдать требования.

Exercise IV. Translate into English:

1. Международные санитарные правила были приняты в 1926 году.

2. Департамент здравоохранения осуществляет наблюдения за выполнением
санитарных требований.

3. В любой стране запреты на ввоз и вывоз определённых товаров и грузов.

4. В случае лихорадки лечение является обязательным.

5. Санитарный осмотр судов ведется круглосуточно.

6. Все операции регистрируются в специальном журнале.

7. В случае соблюдения всех требований судну выдаётся сертификат.

Exercise V. Express the main idea of every passage in two-three sentences. Exercise VI. Exercise VI. Retell the text.


Fire prevention measures of ships are provided by its constructive, organizational and technical aspects and also by adequate actions of the crew in their fight with fire. It is noted that considerable per cent of fire accidents are con­nected with the explosion and ignition of light type fuel. Explosions of hydraulic systems, short circuits, defects in electrical equipment have also high frequency. Usually fire in the engine - room is the result of lubricants ignition in the bearings of the main and auxiliary mechanisms.

The other type of «thermal» accidents takes place because of the open fire that is because of sparks during welding process. But we mustn't forget about negli­gence of the crew or ship builder's shortcomings. It is necessary to observe re­quirements on storage of dangerous materials. Hold should be dry and clean with appropriate ventilation. Paints must have low thermal conductivity with the aim to lessen the spreading speed of fire.

Inflammable materials must have inscription and marking, be checked periodically on validity and expiration date, leakage, tightness of cover and so on. It is compulsory far every ship to have highly efficient fire extinguishing system and also individual oxygen apparatus, means for hands protection, in a word everything that is necessary to safe life of every man at sea.




short circuit                  - короткое замыкание

bearings                         - подшипники

ignition                          - возгорание

sparks                             - искры

welding                          - сварка

shortcomings           -недостатки

validity                          - пригодность

expiration date             - истечение срока годности

extinguishing system -системы огнетушения

extinguisher                  - огнетушитель


Exercise I. Read and translate the flooring words and words combinations:

hydraulic systems, short circuit, frequency, engine-room, lubricants, ignitions, bearings, auxiliary mechanism, sparks, welding, negligence, shortcoming, conductivity, inscription, validity, expiration date, extinguishing system, oxygen apparatus.

Exercise П. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Короткое замыкание; оборудование; вспомогательный механизм; сварка; системы огнетушения; возгорание; частота; проводимость; истечение срока годности; подшипники; распространение огня; меры предотвращения огня; взрывы гидравлических систем.

Exercise Ш. Translate Into English:

1. В процессе сварки искры являются причиной пожара.

2. Каждое судно должно быть оборудовано системой огнетушения.

3. Все недостатки устраняются до выхода судна в море.

4. Каюты должны содержаться в чистоте и своевременно вентилироваться.

5. Низкая теплопроводность красок снижает возможность быстрого
распространения огня.

Exercise IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main reason of fire on board a ship?

2. What measures can we take to lessen the spreading speed of fire?

3. Why is it necessary to have markings and inscriptions on inflammable goods?

4. What is compulsory to have on board every ship?

5. How do builder's shortcomings influence on origin of fire?

Exercise V. Retell the text.


Exercise VI. Speak on the following topic:

Adequate action of the crew in their fight with fire.


Register of shipping is the juridical body. Its main objective is to increase safety of navigation. There is Register of Shipping not only in our country but in Great Britain - British Lloyd's, in France-French Veritas, in Sweden-Swedish Lloyd's, in Norway-Norwegian Lloyd's and American Bureu in the USA. Register of Shipping supervises for the implementation of international conventions, takes part in the work of international organization.

Register works out and issues classification rules, for sea going vessels, construction rules and also rules for ship's measurement and definition of their load line. Register defines the degree of wear, conducts survey and produces the following skips documents: Load Line Certificate, Certificate for Seaworthiness, Passenger Certificate, Certificate for Minimum Freeboard and Certificate for the use of Shipboard radiostation.

Vessels, which are built according to these rules, are given adequate certificate of class in the Register. This certificate is acknowledgment of vessel's reliability and fitness for the navigation.

Class of the merchant vessel defines solidity thus gives tile right on definite Load Line and region of navigation. Insurance societies establish the amount of the insurance sum on the technical class basis and take correspondent dues from Shipowners and Shippers for the cargo carried on board. We know that dues and charges for the services rendered to the ship are always calculated from gross Register Tonnage. It is the work of shipping register to ascertain BRT, GRT and NRT of any vessel. Vessel's class is lowered in case of the loss of original Solidity, after accidents, even partially.

Lowering of the class is unprofitable for the shipowner because this may lead to increase of the insurance does and also to increase of the minimum Freeboard that is to reduction of freight-carrying capacity.



juridical body                            -юридический документ

implementation                           -выполнение

to supervise                                 -вести контроль

to issue                                          - выпускать

survey                                          -осмотр, инспекция

Load Line Certificate                -Свидетельство о грузовой марке



Certificate for seaworthiness -Свидетельство о Мореходности

Certificate for Minimum Freeboard-Свидетельство по Минимальной Линии Загрузки

Acknowledgment                   -зд. Документ, признающий

Merchant vessel                        - торговое судно

Insurance                                   - страховое общество

to establish                                 - учреждать

dues and charges                      - пошлины и налоги

BRT                                            - брутто регистрированный тоннаж

CRT                                           - брутто регистрированный тоннаж

NRT                                           - нетто регистрированный тоннаж

Exercise I. Repeat after the teacher paying attention to the pronunciation:

Register of Shipping, juridical body, objective, France, French, Sweden, Swedish, Norway, Norwegian, American Bureau, to supervise, implementation, certificate, adequate, acknowledgment, merchant, insurance, profitable, freight, seaworthiness, reliability, to ascertain, tonnage, correspondent.

Exercise П. Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

юридический документ; регистр судоходства; выполнение; норвежский; шведский; вести контроль; свидетельство; соответствующий; груз; торговое судно; страховое общество; учреждать пошлины и налоги; страховая сумма.

Exercise Ш. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the following phrases to express your opinion: Agreement: I completely agree with you; yes, you are quite right; I have no objections; Disagreement: sorry, but I can't agree with you; I am afraid you are wrong/mistaken, it seems to me the idea is different:

1. Register of Shipping is a juridical body.

2. Its main objective is to help passengers book tickets.

3.Register works out and issues classification and construction rules as well as
rules for ship's measurement and definition of their load line."

4.Built according to these rules vessels are given adequate certificates.

5.This certificate testifies to vessel's reliability.

6.Class of a merchant vessel defines its buoyancy.

7.Insurance societies establish the amount of insurance sum on the technical class

8. Dues and charges rendered to the ship are calculated from Minimum Free board

9.Vessel's class is lowered in case of the shipowner's bankruptcy. .


Exercise IV.  Translate into English:

1. Главная цель Регистра Судоходства это увеличение безопасности

2. Регистр Судоходства следит за выполнением международной конвенции.

3. Регистр определяет степень изношенности судна и его мореходность.

4. Хорошие суда получают соответствующие свидетельства, которые
являются признанием их надежности и качества.

5. Известно что пошлины и налоги исчисляются из общего тоннажа.

6. Понижение класса судна ведет к понижению его грузоподъемности.

Exercise V. Answer the questions:

1. What is Register of Shipping?

2. What is its main objective?

3. Does Register of Snipping exist only in the USA?

4.What does Register of Shipping supervises for?

5. What does Register of Shipping work out?

6.What documents does it issue?

7.What does the ship built according to the rules receive?

8.What do insurance societies establish?

9.Why can the ship's class be lowered?

10. Is it profitable for the shipowner? Why?

Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 235; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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