Grouping Trees in Landscape Design

Four ideas for properly grouping trees (1322)


Trees are essential for a beautiful landscape. However, many homeowners hold the misconception that one tree planted in a central location will do the trick. The designers at Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture believe just the opposite - the more trees the better. When properly grouped, trees can make a powerful statement in your yard or garden. Check out these wonderful examples of how grouping trees can frame views, create interest and add drama.

Frame a View

An alley of trees (in Tilden Nature Area, USA) visually frames a large stone fountain. Notice how the mulching around the trees matches the fountain and ties the whole scene together. Consider highlighting a beautiful view, or garden feature such as a sculpture or fountain.

Create a Walkway

Mature olive trees frame this walkway, ushering visitors from the home into the surrounding landscape. Make sure the trees are planted far enough apart to allow people to walk comfortable through without feeling crowded.

Play with Reflection

Here, a grove of young trees, along with a mature olive tree as well as the pine trees on the surrounding hills, are reflected in a simple pond. Trees with interesting foliage and strong seasonal color work well for this purpose.

Highlight a Pair

A dramatic focal point can be created with two trees of the same species. Here, the pair is highlighted with up-lights, causing them to pop out against the light colored wall. Trees with unique branch structures look the best when light from below.


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Patio Design Ideas (852)


Rather than upgrading to a larger home, many people are looking to expand their living space outdoors. As a result, patios are becoming larger, more luxurious, and more sheltered. Outdoor patios have become hubs of activity geared towards entertaining and relaxing. A well-designed patio will not only add additional living space to your home, but also increase its resale value.

Since your patio will provide the foundation for your outdoor living space, it will need to be durable, well-constructed and attractive. There are a variety of patio designs and paving materials to choose from. A landscape designer will be able to help you determine what size, shape and style of patio that best suits your needs.

It's time to stop thinking of your patio as simply a place to spend time outdoors. It can serve as the hub for a variety of functions including dining, cooking, socializing, relaxing and recreation. The style of your patio will change depending on the activities you want it to accommodate.


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Adding Beauty in a Landscape(1395)

Accent Trees


An accent tree can contribute a lot to a garden's design. Trees with attractive flowers and berries can become a focal point during their blooming season. Sometimes trees are selected to accent the garden design just because of their attractive leaves or bark. Although some accent trees are small in size, they can be striking when clumped or grouped together.


Small Landscaping Trees


A single small tree in a tiny garden can become both a focal point and a problem solver. If lighted carefully it becomes a jewel in the nocturnal view from windows and doors. The problem is finding naturally small trees that don't produce aggressive root systems. Because planting areas are so limited, a well behaved root system is vital to protecting masonry and utilities.

There is little difference between a large shrub and a small tree. It's all based on how the plant was raised and pruned. Prune a lilac to a single trunk and it becomes a perfectly sized flowering tree for a small garden. If you're lucky enough to have an existing shrub that could be pruned into a single trunk tree rather than replacing it, by all means give it a try.

Monrovia Nursery, USA has made its reputation on growing patio trees, which are shrubs grown with a single trunk topped with a beautiful ball of foliage. These are sold in 5 gallon nursery containers for use in ground or in containers. Monrovia offers many types of shrubs in patio tree forms such as large gardenias, hibiscus, citrus and fruitless olive. These are exceptional in pairs flanking an entry or fountain. Over time the patio tree will grow as large as you let it, or keep it small with gentle shaping.


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Butterfly Bushes (1348)


Butterfly bushes tend to gather the interest of humans, butterflies, and birds. The birds and insects come in search of the sweet nectar and we humans are attracted to the bright flower colors of blues, reds, purples, and other color combinations. Buddleias emit a fragrance that attracts butterflies like moths to a flame. The butterfly bush plants offered are of the Genus Buddleia davidii. Butterfly bushes can reach 5 to 15 feet tall, depending on the cultivar. The butterfly bush is medium to large sized shrub that can be used in a perennial bed or as a hedge. They usually bloom from mid-July through frost. The abundant flower spikes exude a fragrance much like lilacs. Butterfly bushes are fast growing and can reach 4 to 5 feet in the second year after planting. In northern climates they may die back to the ground during the winter and then sprout new growth in the spring.

Butterfly bushes are easy to care for and easy to grow. They do not require quality soils and can perform very well in marginal soils. Buddleia davidii tolerates urban pollution and alkaline soils. Butterfly bushes can be pruned to the ground in the late fall and the blooms tend to be more prolific and larger on the plants new growth. Some butterfly bushes bloom on old wood so if you desire blooms, prune after they flower. Allow at least 6 feet of space between bushes because of the tendency for the branches to arch away from the center. Dead flowers need hand-picked off of the stems because they will not fall off on their own. For continued boom, the old flowers should be removed to encourage new growth and more flowers.


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Birch (Betula selections) (535)


One of the most elegant garden trees, birches make a graceful statement with open, airy branches and roughly textured trunks. They're especially dramatic when planted as an alley (in rows on either side of a path), in a grove, or near water where their impact is doubled in reflection. River birch is a U.S. native that's among the easiest to grow.

Light: Sun,Part Sun

Zones: 2–7

Plant Type: Tree

Plant Height: 30–70 feet tall

Plant Width: 15–25 feet wide

Landscape Uses:Containers, Beds and Borders,Slopes

Special Features:Attractive Foliage,Fall Color,Winter Interest,Attracts Birds, Tolerates

Wet Soil



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Bird Cherry (1086)


Prunuspadus, known as Bird Cherry or Hackberry, is a species of cherry, native to northern Europe and northern Asia. It is a deciduous small tree or large shrub, 8–16 m tall, which grows south of the Arctic Circle in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and Ukraine. There are also some trees in Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and in the Balkans.

The English name “hackberry” refers to the fruit, which is astringent due to their tannin


Bird Cherry is a small tree or large shrub that makes a good country hedging plant for very poor dry soils, as long as there is plenty of sun.

Bird Cherry will reach 10 metres if it grows freely as a tree.

The flowers are hermaphroditic and pollinated by bees and flies. The fruit is readily eaten by birds, which do not taste astringency as unpleasant.

Bird-cherry moth uses bird-cherry as its host plant, and the larvae can eat single trees leafless.

The fruit of this tree is seldom used in Western Europe, but is commonly eaten farther east.

It was used medicinally during the Middle Ages.

The bark of the tree, placed at the door, was supposed to ward off plague.

It is also sold as an ornamental in North America as a May Day tree.

A taboo on the use of the wood was reported by natives of Advie, in northeast Scotland, being regarded as a "witch’s tree".


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Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 223; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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