VI. Заполните пропуски в предложениях данными словами. 

Предложения запишите на правой стороне тетради и переведите

Consumption, sources, gases, fuel and energy, extraction, energy)

1. …of fossil fuels is very easy.

2. The irrational … of fossil fuels has led to several problems.

3. Fossil fuels are still the major … of the world.

4. Most of our … and … demands are met by the fossil fuels.

5. There’s an agreement in the European Union to produce 20% of energy   

      from renewable … .

6. When fossil fuels burn they release … into the atmosphere.


VII. Выберите правильный вариант согласно содержанию текста


1. Fossil fuels are


             a. the remains of plants and animals

             b. pesticides buried in the ground

             c. plastic components


2. Fossil fuels release


             a. no energy at all.

             b. a large amount of energy

             c. a little amount of energy                                 


3. Harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide are 

responsible for


              a. the depletion of reservoirs

              b. acid rain

              c. leakage of some fossil fuels


4. Extraction of fossil fuels has endangered


              a. the transportation of these fuels

              b. alternative sources of energy

              c. the environmental balance



5. The reservoirs of fossil fuels are


             a. difficult to locate

             b. easy to locate

             c. easy to extract


VIII. Письменно переведите 3-ий абзац





Вариант 2

Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить задание № 4, необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

1. Условные предложения трех типов.

2. Сложные формы инфинитива и причастия.

3. Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям.


После изучения указанного материала, приступайте к выполнению задания. Все задания в упражнениях обязательно выполняются письменно


I. Подчеркните в каждом предложении сказуемое и укажите его форму.  

Переведите предложения на русский язык


1. The sea-floor is divided into four regions according to the depth of the water.

2. The term “mineral” will be discussed in the next chapter.

3. These liquid elements cool very slowly.

4. Gases escaped from the cooling mass.

5. All igneous rocks have probably been derived from magma.

6. Coal is being replaced as a fuel by more efficient oil and gas.

II. Подчеркните в предложениях герундий. Переведите предложения на  

Русский язык


1. Water has the unique property of increasing in volume when it freezes.

2. One snowfall after another results in packing granules tighter and tighter together.

3. We know of his taking part in the project.

4. Many different factors are taken into account in choosing a prospecting method.

5. Heat is the most important agent in causing recrystallization.

6. The problem of extracting geothermal energy is under consideration now.


III. Соедините придаточные и главные предложения, обращая внимание    

На типы условных предложений. Предложения запишите на правой  

Стороне тетради


1.  If conditions permit …

2. If the earth was made of the same material …

3. If they had caught the early train …

a. … they would have been here by now.

b. … the geologists will apply aerial prospecting.

c. … its density would vary with pressure.


IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова


1. As the pressure increases the ice melts.

2. Unlike massive igneous rocks, most sedimentary rocks are laid down in a series of individual beds.

3. A single layer is known as a bed.

4. Some people use it to refer to anything that is neither animal nor vegetable.

5. Either of these rocks are very important.


V. Выберите инфинитив из данных форм глагола. Предложения     

Запишите на правой стороне тетради

1. Many centuries ago the earth was believed … the centre of the Universe.

a. to be

b. is

c. be

2. Pegmatites are said … by magmas unusually high in fluids.

a. deposited

b. deposits

c. to have been deposited

3. Many people seem … in earthquakes.

a. interests

b. interested

c. to be interested

4. Specialists consider open-сast mining …

a. to be promising

b. promise

c. promised

5. Near-surface greenstone belts are known … in the area.

a. occur

b. occurs

c. to occur


VI. Выберите правильную неличную форму глагола. Предложения

Запишите на правой стороне тетради


1. Some of the earthquakes are too small … any serious effect.

a. to have

b. having

2. Rocks composed of large crystals are … coarse-grained.

a. called

b. to call

3. A geologist must … minerals.

a. classifying

b. classify

4. Mercury and the moon appear … no core of this type.

a. having

b. to have

5. … valuable minerals it was necessary to know their various physical properties.

a. To recognize

b. Recognized

6. It is difficult … the nature of fuels without studying their origin.

a. understanding

b. to understand

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