V. Перепишите текст и переведите его на русский язык (письменно). HISTORY OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY



From the earliest time people have been trying to develop better tools for tilling, more efficient meth­ods of using the land.

Man required some 10, 000 years to learn to make bread. And, until the 19th century, man's tools for tilling the soil remained mainly unchanged—the sharpened stick, the simple hoe, the crude plow.

In the middle of the 18th century farmers tried a device to ease their lives. That was the moldboard plow which was designed to eliminate weeds, by turning over a thick layer of earth. It remained unchanged for the next century, although the steel plow was introduced in 1837.

But progress in the design of other farming implements and tools advanced steadily. In 1831 the reaper appeared. In 1839 came disk plows. The year 1869 saw the appearance of the mechanical corn planter.

The first combine was built in 1836 and commercial pro­duction of combines started in the 1880's.

Of greatest significance, however, was the development of mechanical power for farm work. The most far-reaching inven­tion for agriculture was the gasoline engine mounted on a farm tractor. This combination appeared as the 20th century opened.               Today, the farmer has a wide range of tractor makes — gasoline and diesel, with engines varying from 20 h. p. to 400 h. p. With this efficient power, the farmer is able to plow and disk, to harrow, to plant, to fertilize, and finally to harvest faster, easier and more profitably.





1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для технических вузов. Серия «Учебники

 и учебные пособия». -  Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2000. – 352с.

2. Антипова А.Ю., Снигирева Е.А., Сокерина Н.С. English Topics.- Киров:

 ФГБОУ ВПО Вятская ГСХА, 2013.- 85с.

3. Новоселова З.И. Учебник английского языка для сельскохозяйственных

 и лесотехнических вузов. - М.:ВШ, 1994. - 343с.

4. Шляхова А.В. Английский язык для студентов  автомобилестроительных

специальностей средних профессиональных учебных заведений:                          Учеб. пособие. - М.: Высшая школа, 2008.- 120с.

 5. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/

                            6. http://lingvo.abbyyonline.com/en

 7. http://www.multitran.ru/

 8. http://www.deere.com/

 9. http:/ / www. euroncap. com/

 10. http://www. БСЭ — Яндекс.Словари.html/





                                                Приложение А  

                              ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ СПРАВОЧНИК  

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