Примеры основных типов тестовых заданий для промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине

Задачи дисциплин курса иностранного языка состоят в овладении студентами совокупностью компетенций, составляющих коммуникативную компетенцию, включая перечисленные в таблице компетенции. Коммуникативный эффект достигается за счет интеграции всех указанных компетенций, поэтому оценочные средства, в основном, предусматривают контроль совокупности нескольких умений и навыков, что будет отражено в описании видов контроля.

В учебном процессе используются различные типы заданий, которые формируют и развивают soft skills для реальной коммуникации.

Тесты направлены на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков употребления языковых средств, развитие языковой догадки, выработку коммуникативных стратегий и т.д.

Примерные тестовые задания

1. Закрытые тесты с одним правильным ответом - необходимо выбрать из предложенных вариантов только один правильный ответ.

2. Закрытые тесты на нахождение соответствия - в каждом варианте ответа необходимо проставить идентификатор соответствующего ему понятия или описания.

3. Закрытые тесты на нахождение последовательности – предложенные варианты понятий, категорий, действий требуется разместить в оговоренной в условии теста последовательности.

Примерный тест

Make a choice


1. I recommend ______ your home work.

a) to finish

b) finishing

2. He can’t stand ________ slowly.

a) to drive

b) driving

3. They mentioned _______ her last night.

a) to see

b) seeing

4. They struggle _____ on time.

a) to wake up

b) waking up

5. My sister chose _______ to University in England.

a) to go

b) going

6. I try to resist ____________ candies.

a) to eat

b) eating

7. She deserves ______ the award.

a) to win

b) winning

8. Luke pretended _______ a monkey.

a) to be

b) being

9. He offered ______ me a ride.

a) to give

b) giving

10. I don't mind _________ television.

a) To watch

b) )Watching

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Тема: Межкультурные связи


Managers in today’s multicultural global business community frequently encounter cultural differences, which can interfere with the successful completion of projects. This paper describes the most well-known and accepted theories of cultural differences and illustrates them with examples from international project management. Two leading studies of cross-cultural management have been conducted by Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars .Both approaches propose a set of cultural dimensions along which dominant value systems can be ordered. These value systems affect human thinking, feeling, and acting, and the behavior of organizations and institutions in predictable ways. The two sets of dimensions reflect basic problems that any society has to cope with but for which solutions differ. They are similar in some respects and different in others. The dimensions can be grouped into several categories:

1) Relations between people. Two main cultural differences have been identified. Hofstede distinguishes between individualism and collectivism. Trompenaars breaks down this distinction into two dimensions: universalism versus particularism and individualism versus communitarianism.

2) Motivational orientation. Societies choose ways to cope with the inherent uncertainty of living. In this category Hofstede identifies three dimensions: masculinity versus femininity, amount of uncertainty avoidance, and power distance.

3) Attitudes toward time. Hofstede distinguishes between a long-term versus a short-term orientation. Trompenaars identifies two dimensions: sequential versus synchronic and inner versus outer time.

Two additional categories called socio-cultural dimensions were proposed by Aycan. In a paternalistic relationship, the role of the superior is to provide guidance, protection, nurturing and care to the subordinate, and the role of the subordinate, in return, is to be loyal and deferential to the superior. Fatalism is the belief that it is not possible to fully control the outcomes of one’s actions and, therefore, trying too hard to achieve something and making long-term plans are not worthwhile exercises.

In what follows we provide a brief description of the most relevant dimensions and consider some cultural problems that might arise when managing an international project.

Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The basic problem involved is the degree of human inequality that underlies the functioning of each particular society. In Hofstede’s research, power distance is measured in a Power Distance Index (PDI). The values and attitudes found at the national level contrast “low-PDI countries” with “high-PDI countries”, with some countries placed in between. High PDI countries include Malaysia and Mexico. Low PDI countries include Austria and Denmark.

Uncertainty avoidancerefers to the extent to which a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising, and different from usual. The basic problem involved is the degree to which a society tries to control the uncontrollable. The countries from Hofstede’s study were each given a score on Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI). UAI was derived from country mean scores on questions dealing with rule orientation, employment stability, and stress. Hofstede’s research has found UAI values for 50 countries and three regions. The countries rank from Greece, Portugal, and Guatemala (highest UAI) to Singapore, Jamaica, and Denmark (lowest UAI).

Individualism, versus its opposite, collectivism,is the degree to which individuals are supposed to look after themselves or remain integrated into groups, usually around the family. Positioning itself between these poles is a very basic problem all societies face. A concise definition is: “Individualism stands for a society in which the ties between individuals are loose: Everyone is expected to look after him/herself and her/his immediate family only. Collectivism stands for a society in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty” . National differences in Individualism are calculated in an Individualism Index (IDV). The highest IDV scores were found in the United States, Australia, and Great Britain. The lowest IDV scores were found in Guatemala, Ecuador, and Panama.

Long-term versus short-term orientationrefers to the extent to which a culture programs its members to accept delayed gratification of their material, social, and emotional needs. Hofstede’s research shows country scores on a Long-term Orientation Index (LTO) for 23 countries. East Asian countries (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea) scored highest. Western countries were on the low side, and some developing countries (Zimbabwe, Philippines, Nigeria, and Pakistan) scored lowest. So this dimension does not oppose East and West; it divides the world along new lines. Business people in long-term oriented cultures are accustomed to working toward building strong positions in their markets and do not expect immediate results. Managers (often family members) are allowed time and resources to make their own contributions. In short-term oriented cultures the “bottom line” (the results of the past month, quarter, or year) is a major concern; control systems are focused on it and managers are constantly judged by it. This state of affairs is supported by arguments that are assumed to be rational, but the cultural distinction reminds us of the fact that this entire rationality rests on cultural – that is, pre-rational – choices.

Примерные вопросы для проведения дискуссии


1. Immigration causes cultural differences problems. Do you agree?

2. Would you prefer to live in a monocultural or a multi-racial society? Why?

3. English is becoming a global language. It is better to teach English as the first language in most countries. Is it so?

4. Different cultural background causes divorces. Do you think the same?

5. Does "British Culture" differ from "American Culture"? How do these cultures differ from the culture of your own country?

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 252; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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