Instrument potential transformer


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для бакалавров всех специальностей и направлений подготовки радиотехнического факультета. В нем представлены материалы для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.

Основная цель пособия заключается в формировании и развитии языковой компетенции, подразумевающей знание словарных единиц и владение грамматическими правилами, посредством которых словарные единицы преобразуются в осмысленные высказывания, а также дискурсивной компетенции, суть которой сводится к способности понимать и воспроизводить связные иноязычные высказывания в данном случае по профессиональной тематике.

Пособие составлено с учетом федеральных государственных стандартов и в соответствии с требованиями рабочей программы. При подготовке издания учтены предусмотренные программой технологии, а именно: предметно- и компетентностно-ориентированные.

 Пособие состоит из 20 разделов, содержащих лексический и грамматический материал, упражнения на закрепления вводимой лексики, тексты, представляющие профессиональный интерес для студентов, а также задания по аудио и видео, призванные закрепить тематический материал, изучаемый в каждом разделе и активизировать навыки аудирования. Каждый раздел рассчитан на 2-6 часов, в зависимости от сложности и объема представленного материала. В конце пособия представлены справочные материалы и материалы для дополнительного изучения. В основу текстового материала положены как зарубежные, так и отечественные учебные пособия и интернет-ресурсы.

Занятие строится по следующей схеме: ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами, повторение грамматических основ, активизируемых в текстовом материале раздела, ознакомление с текстовым материалом, анализ его содержания, выполнение заданий по аудированию, суммирование освоенного в разделе материала в виде, как правило, монологического высказывания.



UNIT 1. 5

UNIT 2. 8

UNIT 3. 11

UNIT 4. 15

UNIT 5. 17

UNIT 6. 22

UNIT 7. 27

UNIT 8. 32

UNIT 9. 35

UNIT 10. 38

UNIT 11. 42

UNIT 12. 47

UNIT 13. 50

UNIT 14. 55

UNIT 15. 60

UNIT 16. 64

UNIT 17. 66

UNIT 18. 69

UNIT 19. 74

UNIT 20. 81





Task 1.Study new words and word combinations

1 application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃn] применение
2 science ['saɪəns] наука
3 phenomenon [fɪ'nɔmɪnən] явление
4 device [dɪ'vaɪs] устройство
5 flow of electrons [fləu ov ɪ'lektrɔnz] поток электронов
6 solid ['sɔlɪd] твердое тело
7 liquid ['lɪkwɪd] жидкость
8 semiconductor [ˌsemɪkən'dʌktə] полупроводник
9 property ['prɔpətɪ] свойство
10 law [lo:] закон
11 construction [kən'strʌkʃn] строительство
12 motion ['məuʃn] движение
13 electron tube [ɪ'lektrɔn tjuːb] электронная лампа
14 technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] технология
15 technician [tek'nɪʃn] техник
16 field [fiːld] поле
17 industry ['ɪndəstrɪ] промышленность
18 amplify ['æmplɪfaɪə] усиливать
19 branch [brɑːnʧ] область
20 design [dɪ'zaɪn] дизайн, проектирование
21 physical ['fɪzɪkl] физический
22 industrial [ɪn'dʌstrɪəl] промышленный
23 describe [dɪ'skraɪb] описывать
24 apply [ə'plaɪ] применять
25 emit [ɪ'mɪt] излучать
26 study ['stʌdɪ] изучать
27 include [ɪn'kluːd] включать в себя
28 increase ['ɪnkriːs], [ɪn'kriːs] увеличение, увеличивать
29 divide [dɪ'vaɪd] разделять
30 process ['prəuses], [prəu'ses] процесс, обрабатывать
31 deal with [diːl wɪð] иметь дело с
32 measure ['meʒə] измерять
33 develop [dɪ'veləp] разрабатывать
34 contain [kən'teɪn] содержать

TASK 2. Study the following suffixes and use them to form new words.

Verb + ment:measure, develop, replace.

Verb +s/ tion: construct, apply, move, divide, inform, emit, invent, connect.

Verb + er/or (person, device): process, construct, amplify, contain, research.

Noun + ist: science, physics.

TASK 3. Revise the rules how to form plural nouns and write the plurals of the nouns from the table above:

1) +s:applications

2) –s, -sh, -tch, -ch, -o, -x +es:processes

3) consonant + y →ies:studies


TASK 4. Study the present form of the verb “to be” and translate the sentences from Russian into English. Make them negative and interrogative.

I am                                 I am not                                                     Am I?

He is                                 He is not                                         Is he?

She is                               She is not                                        Is she?

It is                                   It is not                                  Is it?

We are                        We are not                                     Are we?

You are                      You are not                                    Are you?

They are                          They are not                                  Are they?

1. Электроника – это наука. 2. Это устройство новое. 3 Математика и физика – науки. 4. Эта жидкость опасна. 5. Этот закон хорошо известен. 6. Эти электронные лампы старые. 7. Этот полупроводник очень популярен. 8. Эта технология современная. 9. Этот дизайн очень интересный. 10. Это измерение точное. 11. Эта информация не точная. 12. Этот ученый очень известный.


TASK 5. Study the past form of the verb “to be” and translate the given above sentences from Russian into English. Make them negative and interrogative.

I was                                 I was not                                         Was I?

He was                             He was not                                     Was he?

She was                            She was not                               Was she?

It was                               It was not                                        Was it?

We were                          We were not                              Were we?

You were                         You were not                        Were you?

They were                       They were not                           Were they?

TASK 6. Study the following table of Present Simple and the rules of its use. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below. Make them negative and interrogative.

We use it when we speak about:

1) Habits (I play computer games every day.)

2) Permanent actions (I study Electronics.)

3) Laws and rules (Cathode emits electrons when heated.)

4) Sport commentaries (Sychev passes to Arshavin, Arshavin scores.)

5) Future: timetables (English starts at 8 a.m. tomorrow.)

Time references: always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, never, every day (week, …), once a week, from time to time, etc.

Present simple


+ -
  What When Where Why How How much How many How often Which   Do Does   I you we they he she it       play?   I We You  play They He She   plays It   I We You do not play They He She does not play It


1. Future radio-engineers … (to study) at the radio-engineering faculty. 2. Electronics … (to be) a young science. 3. Electronic devices … (to play) a great role in radio equipment. 4. A receiving station … (to receive) radio waves. 5. Transmitting stations … (to radiate) radio waves. 6. A transmitting station … (to have) a radio transmitter and antenna. 7. A radio transmitter … (to be) a device for radiating electromagnetic waves. 8. The main parts of a transmitter … (to be) а high-frequency oscillator, a ground, and an antenna. 9. The necessary components of radio communication … (to be) a transmitter and a receiver. 10. A wide application of radio devices … (to lead) to the further development of science.

TASK 7. Read the first part of the text.


Electronics is the science of electronic phenomena, devices and systems. It describes and applies the flow of electrons emitted from solids or liquids passing through vacuum, gases or semiconductors. Electronics as a science studies the properties of electrons, the laws of their motion, and the laws of the transformation of various kinds of energy through the media of electrons. The basic elements in electronics are the electron tube and the transistor.

Although electronics is properly regarded as only a section of electrical technology, electronic techniques are applied in many fields, including industry, communication, defense and entertaining. Due to its versatility it becomes increasingly difficult to draw clear dividing lines between electronics and other branches of electronic technology.

While physical electronics is the science of electronic processes, industrial electronics deals with the technology of design, construction and application of electronic devices. The industrial applications of electronics include control gauging, counting and measuring, speed regulations, and many others.


TASK 8. Answer the following questions and retell the text and make up 5 more questions of your own.

1. What is electronics? 2. What does it study? 3. What are the basic elements in electronics? 4. Where are the electronic techniques applied? 5. What does industrial electronics deal with?


TASK 9. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

Electronics is a new 1)… of physics, and one that plays an increasingly 2)… part in our lives. It is concerned with the use of 3)… to produce 4)… that carry information and control 5)… such as computers. These devices 6)… electric circuits through which electric current 7)…. The controlling parts in a circuit are called 8)…, and these 9)… diodes and transistors. Components can 10)… currents, switch them on and off or change their direction.



Task 1.Study new words and word combinations

1 invention [ɪn'venʃ(ə)n] изобретение
2 important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] важный
3 development [dɪ'veləpmənt] развитие
4 engineering [ˌenʤɪ'nɪərɪŋ] инженерное дело
5 enlarge [ɪn'lɑːʤ ], [en'lɑːʤ] увеличивать
6 purpose ['pɜːpəs] назначение, цель
7 vacuum ['vækjuːm] вакуум
8 broadcasting ['brɔːdkɑːstɪŋ] вещание
9 telecasting ['telɪˌkɑːstɪŋ] телевещание
10 research [rɪ'sɜːʧ] исследование
11 radar ['reɪdɑː] радар
12 replace [rɪ'pleɪs] заменять
13 reduce [rɪ'djuːs] сокращать
14 size [saɪz] размер
15 advance [əd'vɑːn(t)s] развитие, прогресс
16 consider [kən'sɪdə] рассматривать, полагать
17 connect [kə'nekt] соединять
18 appearance [ə'pɪər(ə)n(t)s] появление
19 use [juːz] использовать
20 introduction [ˌɪntrə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] введение, представление
21 range [reɪnʤ] диапазон
22 suppose [sə'pəuz] полагать
24 microelectronics [ˌmaikrəiˌlek'troniks] микроэлектроника
25 lead [li:d] приводить
26 large-scale integrated circuit [lɑːʤ skeil integreitid 'sɜːkɪt] большая интегральная схема
27 square [skwɛə] квадратный
28 inch [ɪnʧ] дюйм
29 tape recorder ['teɪprɪˌkɔːdə] магнитофон
30 tool [tul] инструмент

TASK 2. Study the following suffixes and use them to form new words.

NOUNS: Verb +-ence, -ance: appear →appearance: apply, resist, capacitor.

ADVERBS: Adjective + -ly: usual → usually: increasing, like, recent, common, considerable.

VERBS: En/ em + adjective: large → enlarge: power, able, circle.


Verb + -able: compute → computable: adjust, vary, change, note.

Noun + -ant (-ent): import → important;

Verb, noun + - ive: effect → effective: conduct, resist, prevent, protect.

Noun + -ic: electron → electronic: science.

TASK 3. Study the following prepositions and fill in the gaps in the text with the prepositions. Listen to the recording and check the answers.

of: the flow of electrons from: I am from Russia. through: to pass through in: I live in Russia. to: I go to school between: to draw a line between two things with: deal with for: a present for you on: the computer is on the table into: convert into


The English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton was one 1) ... the greatest scientists 2) ... all time. His theories revolutionized scientific thinking and laid the foundations 3) ... modern physics. His book Principia Mathematica is one 4) ... the most important works 5) ... the history 6) ... modern science. Newton discovered the law 7) ... gravity and developed the three laws 8) ... motion that are still 9) ... use today. He was the first person to split white light 10) ... the colours 11) ... spectrum, and his research 12) ... light led him to design a reflecting telescope. Newton was also one 13) ... the pioneers 14) ... a new branch 15) ... mathematics called calculus.


TASK 4. Study the following infinitive structure, read the sentences below and translate them from English into Russian.

S + to be Ved/3 + to + V

The invention of electronic devices is known to have a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering.

Известно, что изобретение электронных устройств ознаменовало новый этап в развитии эл. инженерии.

1. Scientists are reported to be already working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers is likely to understand human languages. 2. Now plenty of materials are known to become superconductors at low temperature. 3. Recently some ceramic materials have been found to be superconductors. 4. The International Space Station was expected to be a permanent off-planet extension of human civilization. 5. Machine code is known to contain the 1s and 0s – binary code – that are processed by the CPU.


TASK 5. Transform the sentences according to the model: It is known that transistors perform functions similar to valves. → Transistors are known to perform function to valves.

1. It is known that sound travels faster in solids than in liquids. 2. It has been proved that electronic equipment saves millions of man and machine hours. 3. It is believed that electronics is the most progressing technology of the present industrial age. 4. It is evident that electronics has made a great contribution to automation. 5. It is known that the invention of electronic device has become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering.


TASK 6. Read the second part of the text.


The invention of electronic device is known to have become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering. It considerably enlarges the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. The invention of the vacuum tube made radio broadcasting possible and later on — telecasting. The researches in the field of electronics gave us radar devices, computers, tape recorders, betatron and a lot of medical tools. Semiconductor devices which have replaced electron tubes reduce the size of instruments.

A great advance in electronics is considered to be connected with the appearance of the transistor. The use of the transistor is likely to be the first step in miniaturization of electronic devices and has increased the range of their application. The introduction of the transistor in 1948 is supposed to be the beginning of the evolution of microelectronics which led in the late 1970s to the development of large-scale in­tegrated (LSI) circuits. Now hundreds of circuits can be packed on to one square inch and there seems to be no limit to it. The technology of so-called molecular epitaxy is the best proof of this suggestion.

Electronics is evident to have made a great contribution to automation. It has extended the range of automatic control in large-scale industrial operations and made the processing of information rapid. Electronic computers have provided the basis for the construction of automatic lines, automated units, shops and whole plants, tools with programmed control, robots and manipulators.

Electronics has penetrated into all the spheres of human activity from household appliances to arti­ficial intelligence and search of outer space civilizations. Such advantages of electronic devices as microscopic size, high speed, low cost and reliability are likely to have no competitor. No wonder electronic technology is the most dynamic technology of the present industrial age. Electronics is sure to make still greater progress in the nearest future and help humanity gain new victories in science and engineering.

TASK 7. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What made radio broadcasting and telecasting possible? 2. What can reduce the size of instrument? 3. What is the great advance in electronics connected with? 4. What are the basic elements in electronics? 5. What advantages of electronic devices are there? 6. When was the first transistor invented? 7. When did the development of LSI circuits begin? 8. What contribution has electronics made into automation?


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 substance ['sʌbstəns] вещество
2 to be composed of [kəm'pəuzd] состоять из
3 orbit ['ɔːbɪt] вращаться
4 depend on [dɪ'pend] зависеть от
5 charge [ʧɑːʤ] заряд, заряжать
6 move [muːv] двигаться
7 constitute ['kɔnstɪtjuːt] составлять
8 electric current ['kʌrənt ]; ['kɜːrənt] электрический ток
9 conductor [kən'dʌktə] проводник
10 allow [ə'lau] позволять
11 wire ['waɪə] провод
12 to be coated with   быть покрытым чем-либо
13 insulating material ['ɪnsjəleɪtɪŋ mə'tɪərɪəl] изолирующий материал
14 conductivity [ˌkɔndʌk'tɪvətɪ] проводимость
15 impurity [ɪm'pjuərətɪ] примесь
16 resist   сопротивляться
17 direct current (DC)   постоянный ток
18 alternating current (AC) ['ɔːltəneɪtɪŋ] переменный ток
19 change [ʧeɪnʤ] менять
20 switch on/off   включать/ выключать
21 frequency ['friːkwənsɪ] частота
22 voltage ['vəultɪʤ ], ['vɔltɪʤ] напряжение
23 volts (V)   вольты
24 amperes (A) ['æmpɛə] амперы
25 coulomb (C) ['kuːlɔm] кулоны
26 power   мощность
27 watts (W) [wɔt] ватты
28 to be equal to ['iːkwəl] равняться, быть эквивалентным
29 consume [kən'sjuːm] потреблять

Task 2. Read the text about substances and elements they consist of.

All substances, solids, liquids or gases, are composed of one or more of the chemical elements. Each element is composed of identical atoms. Each atom is composed of a small central nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons around which orbit shells of electrons. These electrons are very much smaller than protons and neutrons. The electrons in the outermost shell are called valence electrons and the electrical properties of the substance depend on the number of these electrons. Neutrons have no electric charge, but protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge. In some substances, usually metals, the valence electrons are free to move from one atom to another and this is what constitutes an electric current.

TASK 3. Read the text again and complete the sentences with the missing information.

1. Elements make up …. 2. Identical atoms …. 3. Atoms consist of …, … and …. 4. Inside there are … and …, while outside …. 5. Shells …. 6. Valence electrons …. 7. Neutrons do not have …. 8. Electricity is generated when ….


TASK 4. Listen and complete the text with the missing information.

Electricity consists of a 1) … of free electrons along a conductor. To produce this current flow,a generator is placed at the end of the conductor in order to move the 2) ….


Electricity needs a material which allows a current to pass through easily, which offers little 3) … to the flow and is full of free electrons. This material is called a conductor and can be in the form of a bar, tube or sheet. The most commonly used 4) … are wires, available in many sizes and thicknesses. They are coated with insulating materials such as plastic.


Semiconductors such as silicon and germanium are used in transistors and their conductivity is halfwayin between a conductor and an 5) …. Small quantities of other substances, called impurities,are introduced in the material to 6) … the conductivity.


A material which contains very 7) … electrons is called an insulator. Glass, rubber, dry wood and 8) … resist the flow of electric charge, and as such they are good insulating materials.

TASK 5. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F), then correct the false ones.

1. A flow of electrons moving inside a conductor creates an electric current.

2. A generator is used to move the charges.

3. Electrons can easily pass through any material.

4. Any material is a good conductor.

5. Conductors are coated with insulators.

6. The presence of free electrons affects the conductivity of materials.

7. Impurities are introduced to increase conductivity.

8. Insulating materials resist the flow of electrons.


TASK 6. Read the text and complete the table with the missing information.

There are two types of current: Direct current (DC) and Alternating current (AC). Direct current is a continuous flow of electrons in one direction and it never changes its direction until the power is stopped or switched off.

Alternating current constantly changes its direction because of the way it is generated. The term 'frequency' is used to indicate how many times the current changes its direction in one second.

Alternating current has a great advantage over direct current because it can be transmitted over very long distances through small wires, by making energy high voltage and low current.

There are several quantities that are important when we are talking about electric current. Volts (V) – so named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta – measure the difference of electric potential between two points on a conducting wire. Amperes (A) measure the amount of current flowing through a conductor, that is to say the number of electrons passing a point in a conductor in one second.

Coulomb (C) measure the quantity of charge transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere. Power is the rate at which work is performed and it is measured in watts (W). A Kilowatt (kW), which is equal to one thousand watts, is used to measure the amount of used or available energy. The amount of electrical energy consumed in one hour at the constant rate of one kilowatt is called kilowatt-hour.

Unit of measurement What does it measure?
(1) the number of electrons passing a given point in a conductor in one second
(2) the quantity of electricity transferred by a steady current of one ampere
(3) the amount of electric energy used
(4) the difference of potential between two points of a conductor
(5) rate at which work is done

TASK 7. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

The position of Vanessa Thompson is 1)…. The lecture is read on 2)… and 3)….The students learn about 4)… in her class. The first thing the students study is how 5)…. This is important for in-depth study of 6)…. The three things which students learn about after that are 7)…, 8)… and 9)…. Students also learn how substance 10)…. In the end, they are explained how to 11)… electricity. The units of measurement which they study are amperes, 12)…, 13)…, and 14)…. Finally students do a 15)… which is an electrical 16) ….


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations

1 network ['netwɜːk] сеть
2 pathway ['pɑːθweɪ] путь, дорожка, соединение
3 circuit ['sɜːkɪt] цепь, схема
4 power source [sɔːs] источник питания
5 attach to [ə'tæʧ] присоединять
6 terminal ['tɜːmɪnəl] клемма, контакт, зажим
7 load [ləud] нагрузка
8 switch [swɪʧ] переключатель
9 turn into [tɜːn] превращать, преобразовывать
10 speaker   динамик
11 provide [prə'vaɪd] обеспечивать
12 sound   звук
13 storage ['stɔːrɪʤ] хранение
14 deliver   доставлять
15 short circuit   короткое замыкание
16 resistance [rɪ'zɪstənts] сопротивление
17 prevent smth from smth   предотвращать, предохранять
18 fuse [fjuːz] предохранитель
19 melt   плавиться
20 appliance [ə'plaɪəns] прибор
21 series circuit ['sɪəriːz] последовательное соединение
22 parallel circuit   параллельное соединение
23 socket   розетка
24 overheating   перегрев
25 overloading   перегрузка
26 fault [fɔːlt] сбой, неисправность

TASK 2. Read the text and translate it from English into Russian.

An electric circuit or network is a pathway through which the electric current can flow. A simple circuit consists of a power source, two conducting wires, each one attached to a terminal of the source and a device through which electricity can flow. This device is called a load and it's attached to the wires. If all the parts are properly connected, the current flows and the lamp lights up. This kind of circuit is called 'closed'. On the contrary, if the wires are disconnected the circuit is called 'open' or 'broken'. The circuit can be opened and closed by a device called a switch. Loads can turn electrical energy into a more useful form. Some examples are: light bulbs, which change electrical energy into light energy; electric motors, which change electrical energy into mechanical energy; speakers, which change energy into sound.

The source provides the electrical energy used by the load. It can be a storage battery or a generator. The switch interrupts the current delivered to the load by the source and allows us to control the flow. When an abnormally high amount of current passes through a network, you get a short circuit. This may occur when there is a drop in the resistance or a broken insulation. In order to prevent short circuits, it is best to use fuses, which melt when too much current flows through them, interrupting in this way the circuit.

TASK 3.Match the words with their definitions.

1. load 2. switch 3. source 4. fuse 5. closed circuit 6. broken circuit a) a device which interrupts the circuit b) a circuit in which wires are disconnected c) a device which provides power d) a complete circuit with no breaks at all e) a device which consumes electric power f) a protective device


TASK 4. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What does a simple circuit consist of? 2. What happens to the lamp in a closed circuit? 3. Can you name some examples of loads? 4. What is a generator? 5. What is the function of a switch? 6. When does a short circuit occur? 7. What can we use to prevent short circuits? 8. How does a fuse work?

TASK 5.Complete the text with the words from the box. Then listen and check.

current, turn on, branch, amount, positive, appliances, continue, burns out, path

The 1) of a circuit can be wired in two different ways: series or parallel. If components are arranged one after another to form a single 2) … between the terminals and the components, the circuit is known as a series circuit. In this type of circuit, the 3) … flows from the negative terminal to the 4) … terminal, passing through all the components of the circuit. This means that the 5) … of energy passing through all the components in the series is the same. The main disadvantage of a series circuit is that when a single component in the path 6) …, the entire circuit stops operating (e.g. Christmas tree lights).

A parallel circuit consists of several paths connecting the different components. Each separate path is called a 7) … of the circuit. Current from the source divides and flows through the different branches. Unlike series circuits, if one of the components in the parallel circuit burns out, the other paths 8) … to operate. Parallel circuits are commonly used to connect 9) … at home, so that each socket can function independently. For example, you don't have to 10) … the light in your room for the TV socket to work.


TASK 6. Read the text and find synonyms for the following words: excessive, loading up, reacting to high temperatures, adjusted, to melt, clients.

A fuse can be added to an electric circuit to protect it from the effects of undue power. This safety device, which is made of a heat-sensitive alloy, is connected in series with the circuit it has to protect. If an excessive amount of current flows through the circuit, the alloy will liquefy and open the circuit. A circuit breaker is fundamental in a house to protect circuits against overloading, overheating and short circuits. The advantage of a circuit breaker is that it can be reset after the overloading by replacing the fuse. A professional electrician should always provide his customers with a map of the electric circuit in the house so that it will be easier to work on it in case of faults.


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 introduction [ˌɪntrə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] введение, вступление
2 compare [kəm'pɛə] сравнивать
3 compression [kəm'preʃ(ə)n] сжатие
4 come into use   начать использоваться
5 achieve [ə'ʧiːv] достигать
6 diode ['daɪəud] диод
7 capacitor [kə'pæsɪtə] конденсатор
8 resistor [rɪ'zɪstə] резистор
9 separate ['sep(ə)rət] отдельный
10 require [rɪ'kwaɪə] требовать
11 carbon ['kɑːb(ə)n] углерод
12 ceramics [sə'ræmɪks] керамика
13 dielectric [ˌdaɪɪ'lektrɪk] диэлектрик
14 tungsten ['tʌŋstən] вольфрам
15 create [krɪ'eɪt] создавать
16 specify ['spesɪfaɪ] точно определять; детально излагать
17 transmitter [trænz'mɪtə], [træns'mɪtə] передатчик
18 receiver [rɪ'siːvə] приемник
19 complex ['kɔmpleks] сложный
20 interconnection [ˌɪntəkə'nekʃ(ə)n] взаимная связь
21 simplify ['sɪmplɪfaɪ] упрощать
22 logical ['lɔʤɪk(ə)l] логический
23 assemble [ə'sembl] собирать
24 board [bɔːd] плата, подложка
25 plug [plʌg] включать в розетку, подсоединять
26 decrease [dɪ'kriːs] уменьшать
27 approach [ə'prəuʧ] подход
28 result in/ from [rɪ'zʌlt] приводить к чему-либо/ возникать в результате
29 embody   включать
30 density   плотность
31 comprise   включать в себя
32 per square inch [skwɛə] на квадратный дюйм


TASK 2. Study the following pronunciation rules of Participle II endings and divide all the regular verbs from UNITS 1-5 into three columns according to the way their endings are pronounced.


[id]                                     [t]                                            [d]

[t, d]                         voiceless consonants                         voiced consonants and vowels

wanted                             pushed                             played, called

TASK 3. Study the following table of Past Simple and the rules of its use.

We use it when we speak about:

Past actions that are finished now (I played computer games yesterday.)

Past habit (I always went to school on foot.)

A series of actions in the past (I took my things, left home and went to university.)

Time references: a moment ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, two days ago, last week…



Past simple


+ -
What When Where Why How How much How many Which   did   I you we they he she it     play? I We You played They went He She It I We You Theydid not play/ go He She It

TASK 4. Fill in the gaps in the text below and translate from English into Russian.

A.S. Popov (1859-1906) … (be) in 1895 a lecturer in physics. He … (set up) a receiver in 1895, and … (read) a paper about it at the Meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society on April 25 (May 7, New Style) 1895. He … (demonstrate) the world's first radio receiver, which he … (call) “an apparatus for the detection and registration of electric oscillations”. By means of this equipment, Popov … (can) register electrical disturbances, including atmospheric ones. In March 1896 he … (give) a further demonstration before the same society. At that meeting the words “Heinrich Hertz” … (transmit) by wireless telegraphy in Morse code and similarly received before a distinguished scientific audience, Popov … (become) the inventor of the radio, May,7 being celebrated each year as "Radio Day" in Russia.

Marconi … (invent) a system of highly successful wireless telegraphy, and … (inspire) and … (supervise) its application. Such is the story of the many inventors of wireless telegraphy, working with each other's equipment, adding new ideas and new improvements to them. It … (be) a patient, persistent inquiry into natural laws and it was animated by the love of knowledge.

TASK 5. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the past. Listen to the recording and check your answers.


The American inventor Thomas Edison … (live) and … (work) in the United States all his life. He … (be) the most productive inventor ever. During his lifetime, he … (patent) 1093 different inventions, including the incandescent electric lamp (similar to the ordinary light bulb we know today), the motion-picture projector, and the phonograph. He also … (set up) the first industrial research laboratory. Edison … (have) a slow start in life. He … (be) expelled from school because people … (not realize) that he … (be) deaf, thinking instead that he … (be) unable to learn. His mother … (teach) him at home, where he had built his our laboratory by the time he … (be) 10 years old.

TASK 6. Read the text below and translate it.


The most advancing technology of the present industrial age is that of electronics. The introduction of the transistor in its day seemed a marvel of compactness compared with the glass vacuum tube. Now the size of electronic devices has been reduced by 10 every five years which has led to a great compression. When the term microelectronics first came into use, a chip of silicon a tenth of a square inch might hold 10 to 20 transistors, together with a few diodes, capacitors and resistors. Now such chips can contain thousands of separate electronic components.

Until the appearance of the transistor each type of component in an electronic circuit was made from one or more materials with the required electrical characteristics. For example, carbon was used for resistors, ceramics and a dielectric for capacitors, tungsten for the emitters in vacuum tubes and so on. These components were then used like building blocks in creating a circuit with specified characteristics and responses. Circuits were combined into systems, such as a radio transmitter, a radio receiver, a radar set or a computer.

From the earliest days electronics has been a technology of complex interconnections. A small radar set can easily have as many interconnections as an oil refinery. To simplify a system design and reduce the number of interconnections engineers developed a series of standard circuit modules. Each module performed a specific function and was used as a logical building block for creating the systems. The tran­sistor could readily be assembled with resistors and capacitors of about the same size on a small plastic board. These modular circuit boards of the size of a playing card could then be plugged together as needed.

As transistor technology developed it was important to decrease the size of components and the length of interconnections. This limitation and the complexity of system design made the search for a new technology imperative. The technology that resulted was microelectronics embodied in the integrated circuit. It made possible to produce (as a part of a single chip of silicon) transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors joining them into a complete circuit. The technology that produces such high-density electronic circuits is called large-scale integration, or LSI. Although the term has no precise definition, it is usually reserved for integrated circuits that comprise 100 or more "gates", or individual circuit functions, with a density "of 50,000 to 100,000 components per square inch. If the upper value could be achieved throughout a cubic inch of material, the density of, electronic components would be about a fourth of the density of nerve cells in the human brain. It now seems inevitable that microelectronic circuits, including LSI, will soon find their way into a variety of new applications which will have great impact on industry and everyday life.

TASK 7. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. How is the technology producing high-density electronic called? 2. What caused the miniaturization problem? 3. What does the term “gate” mean? 4. What seemed to be a marvel of compactness? 5. What materials were used for different components in a circuit? 6. What were those circuits used for? 7. What was done to simplify a system design? 8. Why was it important to reduce the size of components?

TASK 8. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: of, to, in, by, with.

Without understanding the inquiries … pure science, we cannot follow the story … radio. It begins perhaps … Joseph Henry, an American physicist, who discovered … 1842 that electrical discharges were oscillating. A gigantic step forward was taken … James Maxwell, a Scottish physicist and one … the great mathematical geniuses … the 19-th century. By purely mathematical reasoning, Maxwell showed that all electrical and magnetic phenomena could be reduced … stresses and motions … a medium, which he called the ether. Today we know that this “electrical medium” does not exist … reality. Yet the concept … an ether helped greatly, and allowed Maxwell to put forward his theory that the velocity … electric waves … air should be equal to that … the velocity … light waves, both being the same kind … waves, merely differing … wave length.

TASK 9. Use suffixes and prefixes to change the form of the words in brackets.

In 1878, David Hughes; an American … (physics), made another important … (discover) in the pre-history of radio and its essential components. He found that a loose contact in a circuit containing a battery and telephone … (receive) (invented by Bell in 1876) would give rise to sounds in the receiver which corresponded to those that had impinged upon the diaphragm of the mouthpiece.

In 1883, George Fitzgerald, an Irish … (physics), suggested a method by which … (electromagnet) waves might be produced by the discharge of a condenser. Next we must turn to Heinrich Hertz, the famous German … (physics), who was the first to create, detect and measure those waves, and thereby … (experimental) confirmed Maxwell's theory of “ether” waves. In his experiments he showed that these waves were capable of … (reflect), … (refract), … (polarize), … (diffract) and … (interfere).

During the first years of its … (develop), radio … (communicate) was called “… (wire) telegraphy and telephone”. This name was too long for convenience and was later changed to “radio” which comes from the well-known Latin word “radius” — a straight line drawn from the centre of a circle to a point on its circumference. Wireless … (transmit) was named radio … (transmit), or simply “radio”.

The term “radio” now means the … (radiate) of waves by transmitting stations, their … (propagate) through space, and reception by receiving stations. The radio technique has become … (close) associated with many other branches of science and … (engineer) and it is now difficult to limit the word “radio” to any simple definition.



Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 vacuum valve ['vækjuːm] вакуумная лампа
2 perform a function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n] выполнять функцию
3 indispensable [ˌɪndɪ'spen(t)səbl] важный, необходимый
4 radar ['reɪdɑː] радар
5 equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] оборудование
6 drawback ['drɔːbæk] недостаток
7 waste [weɪst] тратить впустую
8 heat [hiːt] нагрев, нагревать
9 require [rɪ'kwaɪə] требовать
10 amplification [ˌæmplɪfɪ'keɪʃn] усиление
11 dimension [daɪ'menʃn] размер
12 radiant ['reɪdɪənt] излучающий
13 sensitive to ['sensɪtɪv] чувствительный к
14 admixture [əd'mɪksʧə] примесь
15 particle ['pɑːtɪkl] частица
16 pressure ['preʃə] давление
17 junction ['ʤʌŋkʃən] соединение, переход
18 emitter [i'mitər] эмиттер, излучатель
19 power amplifier   усилитель мощности
20 dopant ['dəupənt] легирующая примесь
21 obtain [əb'teɪn] получать, приобретать


TASK 2. Read the text below and translate it.


Before the invention of transistors electronic (vacuum) valves were used to perform these functions. Electronic valves are wonderful devices. Besides their indispensable use in radio and television sets, they do many other jobs. They are used in radar and motion-picture equipment. They are basic elements in “electronic brains”. But electronic valves have several drawbacks. They waste a good deal of electricity. One of the elements in a vacuum valve must be heated so that it will give off electrons. This heating requires electricity and produces unwanted heat that needs special cooling equipment to get rid of this heat.

The transistor is a semiconductor device for the amplification of electric signals. The application of transistors instead of electronic valves made it possible to design compact, small-dimension electronic devices, which consume very little power. The transistors are successfully used for direct transformation of heat energy into electrical energy by means of thermal elements. They are widely used to transform radiant energy into electricity with the help of photocells, or so-called solar batteries. Light sources and lasers are also built on the basis of transistors.

Transistors are extremely sensitive to external influences. Even thousandths of one per cent of admixtures change their electrical conductive properties by hundreds of thousands of times. They are very sensitive to the action of light, nuclear particles, pressure, etc.

Transistors are made of small germanium crystals. Germanium is an element crystalline in form. Germanium crystal used in a typical transistor may be much less than 1/8 inch square and less than 1/32 inch thick. There are different types of transistors in use, and still more are being developed. A very fine technology has been developed for obtaining transistors with pre-set physical properties by introducing into them admixtures of gold, copper, nickel, zinc. The transistor of great importance at present is the junction-type triode. This transistor contains three distinct regions of semiconductor, each having ohmic lead. One of the junctions is called the emitter, the other one — the collector. This transistor is a power amplifier.

Transistors nowadays are made of silicon too. Silicon is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator – that's why it, and other solids such as germanium, are known as semiconductors. As a semiconductor, silicon is very sensitive to impurities — these are called dopants. If you add as little as 0.0001% of a dopant to silicon, you can increase conductivity by 1000 times.  The transistor consists of two types of silicon. One type has been doped with boron which gives it a positive charge – this is termed p-type silicon. The other type has been doped with phosphorus which gives it a negative charge -this is known as n-type silicon. By doping a silicon crystal with p and n type dopants a p-n junction is formed.

Transistors revolutionized radio engineering and electronics. Because of their small size, the absence of incandescence and other properties, transistors make it possible to produce devices which cannot be made with vacuum tubes.

TASK 3. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What is the most common element on this planet? 2. Why is it important to use silicon? 3. Why is polythene used for insulation? 4. Is silicon an insulator or a conductor? 5. How are impurities called? 6. What can you do by doping impurities to a semiconductor? 7. What types of semiconductors can be formed by doping impurities? 8. What is a p-n junction?

TASK 4. Choose the correct answer according to the text.

1) According to the text, what is the best element for transistor production?

a) oxygen

b) silicon

c) copper

2) According to the text, polythene is resistant to electricity and it is used for

a) insulating.

b) making electric cable.

c) regulating the current flow.

3) Which of these materials is not the material of very low resistance?

a) germanium

b) copper

c) iron

4) Which of these characteristics is not common for silicon?

a) It is solid.

b) If has the ability to conduct electricity.

c) If is often used as an insulator.

5) “dopants” are

a) elements, which are resistant to electricity.

b) impurities, to which silicon is very sensitive.

c)    the most common elements on the Earth.

TASK 5. Find the words opposite in meaning.

Solid, bottom, right, liquid, insulator, top, increase, positive, drop, high, left, little, conductor, negative, much, low.


TASK 6. Translate the words, pay attention to the suffixes.

1. resist, resistance, resistant

2. insulate, insulation, insulator, insulated, insulating

3. conduct, conductor, conductivity, conductance, conduction, conductive

4. electricity, electric, electrician, electrify, electrical

TASK 7. Change the sentences from active into passive. 

1. Nowadays people use silicon to produce transistors. Nowadays silicon…

2. Usually we insulate copper wire with polythene. Usually copper wire…

3. We use iron and copper for making electric cable. Electric cable…

4. You can increase conductivity of silicon by adding a dopant to it. Conductivity of silicon…

5. You can form a p-n junction by doping a silicon crystal with p and n type dopants. P-n junction…

6. Professor applied a voltage to one of the contacts to show us the work of the p-n junction. A voltage…


TASK 8. Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions: to, with, of, on, in, through, at, into

1. A semiconductor chip is a tiny board made … silicon and germanium. 2. All elements can be divided … three groups; the first group includes the elements resistant ... electricity; the second one includes the elements … low resistance; and the last one includes semiconductors. 3. He said that it would be better to insulate this piece of copper wire … polythene. 4. If we look … the scheme of a p-n-p junction we can see that … the right there is an emitter, … the left there is a collector and … the middle you can see a base. 5. Compass is a device which is very sensitive … the magnetic field of the earth. 6. Each layer of semiconducting material is doped … a small amount of impurity. 7. You should connect each of the two parts of the system … separate sources of power. 8. This method can be applied … the production of new electronic devices. 9. Let’s look at the Mendeleyev Periodic Table of elements. Such elements as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are placed … the top of table and such elements as lead, gold, mercury are … the bottom of it. 10. They say that current flows … a vacuum in only one direction.

TASK 9. Match the words with their meanings.

a) junction b) electricity c) transistor d) silicon e) oxygen f) conduct g) raw material h) voltage i) insulate j) resist 1. electronic device, much smaller than a radio valve, used in radio sets, usually made of silicon. 2. one of the most common elements, semiconductor, used in different electronic devices. 3. chemical element, gas without color, taste or smell, present in air, necessary to the existence of all forms of life. 4. in the natural state, not manufactured for use. 5. be unaffected by something. 6. cover or separate something with non-conducting materials to prevent passage of electricity. 7. property of conduction, developed in and around substances by rubbing to produce light. 8. transmit, allow to pass along or through. 9. electrical force measured in volts. 10. joining or being joined.

TASK 10. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.


Many 1) … can exist in more than one state – as a 2)…, 3) …, or gas. Which state they are in 4) … their temperature and 5) …. At certain temperatures, under normal atmospheric pressure, some substances 6) … state. Liquids, for example, may become solids or 7) …, and gases may condense into liquids. Elements change state, under normal pressure, at specific temperatures, known as 8) … (or freezing) and 9) … (or condensation) points.

TASK 11. Watch the video about the working principle of MOSFET transistor and answer the questions.

1. What does MOSFET stand for? 2. What kind of a substrate is shown in the video? 3. What are white and green colors used to show? 4. What is red color used to show? 5. What is used to produce an insulating layer? 6. What is applied above the insulating layer? 7. What elements does the MOSFET shown in the video consist of? 8. Which two elements share the same source of current? 9. How can we increase the current between source and drain? 10. Where are MOSFETS used?



Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] оборудование
2 CPU/processor   процессор
3 memory/storage  ['stɔːrɪʤ] память, запоминающее устройство, хранение
4 peripherals [pə'rɪfərəl] периферийные устройства
5 input device   устройство ввода
6 output device   устройство вывода
7 supply [sə'plaɪ] поставлять
8 display [dɪs'pleɪ] показывать, демонстрировать
9 permanent ['pɜːmənənt] долговременный
10 keyboard ['kiːbɔːd] клавиатура
11 hardware ['hɑːdwɛə] аппаратное обеспечение
12 software ['sɔftwɛə] программное обеспечение
13 accurate ['ækjərət] точный
14 decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] решение
15 multiplication [mʌltɪplɪ'keɪʃən] умножение
16 division [dɪ'vɪʒən] деление
17 subtraction [səb'trækʃən] вычитание
18 addition [ə'dɪʃən] сложение
19 perform [pə'fɔːm] выполнять
20 user ['juːzə] пользователь
21 communicate [kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt] общаться
22 procedure [prə'siːʤə] процедура, операция
23 process ['prəuses] обрабатывать
24 store [stɔː] хранить
25 digital ['dɪʤɪtəl] цифровой
26 program   программа (компьютерная)


TASK 2. Give English equivalents of the words in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Computers can … (выполнять) a variety of tasks. 2. He’s written a piece of … (программное обеспечение). 3. The … (устройства ввода. for the CD-ROM are at the back of the computer. 4. An input device … (поставляет) information into the computer. 5. The text can be … (продемонстрирован) and edited on screen. 6. We can now … (общаться) instantly with people on the other side of the world. 7. A … (клавиатура) is an obligatory part of any computer. 8. The CPU is another name of the … (процессора). 9. A mouse is a special … (устройство ввода). 10. Input and output devices are … (периферийные устройства). 11. Input units are means of communication between the computer and the … (пользователем). 12. The result of … (сложения) is known as a sum. 13. We must perform … (умножение) before addition. 14. CD-ROM disks are for the … (долговременного) storage of information.

TASK 3. Translate the following word combinations from English into Russian and make up some sentences with them:electronic machines, arithmetic operations, logical problems, pieces of equipment, computer system, the most important item, electronic unit, Central Processing Unit, permanent storage of information.

TASK 4. Match the synonyms. 1) to supply 2) accurate 3) to perform 4) to communicate 5) equipment 6) to display 7) permanent       1) device 2) to carry out 3) to provide 4) to show 5) exact 6) prolonged, constant 7) to contact

TASK 5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the Participles.

1. The students testing the device study at our department. 2. The man switching off the computer works at our laboratory. 3. I thought about the question discussed at the seminar. 4. The journal taken from the library by my friend is very helpful. 5. The experiment done by the students helped them to understand this problem better. 6. This operating computer was made in the USA. 7. Translating the article I did not consult the dictionary. 8. Preparing a computer program we translate ordinary business data into machine languages. 9. While studying computer systems it is necessary to distinguish between computers and calculators. 10. While solving this problem I paid much attention to the correct computation. 11. Cybernetics is applied in various branches of industry and research. 12. The computer is testing its basic units now. 13. The students were discussing the advantages of high level languages when the teacher came. 14. The lecture was followed by a discussion.


TASK 6. Define the part of speech and the function of the words with -ed ending in the following sentences.

1. He described the method used by this engineer. 2. The engineer used the method described in this journal. 3. The programming languages discussed attracted attention of many users. 4. New methods used in programming were discussed at the seminar.

TASK 7. Mind the use of the Participle in the pairs of the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

Model: 1. Great plants equipped with modern machinery produce computers. – Огромные заводы, оборудованные современной техникой, производят компьютеры. 2. Great plants producing computers are equipped with modern machinery. – Огромные заводы, производящие компьютеры, оборудованы современной техникой.

1. Machines called computers make complicated calculations. Machines making complicated calculations are called computers. 2. The book written by our scientists describes new inventions. The book describing new inventions was written by our scientists. 3. Our laboratory equipped with modern devices works on new projects. Our laboratory working on new projects is equipped with modern devices. 4. Microcomputers invented in the 1970s help much in research work. Microcomputers helping much in research work were invented in the 1970s.

TASK 8.  Find the participles in the text “Computers today” and translate the sentences.

TASK 9. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What are computers? 2. What operations do computers perform? 3. A computer doesn’t think, does it? 4. Is a computer a simple electronic machine? Why/why not? 5. Modern computers operate quickly and accurately, don’t they? 6. What is software? 7. What is hardware? 8. Is the processor or a monitor the most important item of a computer? 9. In what way do terms data and information differ? 10. What does a processor do? 11. What does the main memory store? 12. What peripherals do you know? 13. Does an input device supply information into the computer? 14. What kind of devices are monitors, printers and scanners? 



Computers are electronic machines. They communicate with the user, perform different kinds of arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, solve a series of logical problems and make thousands of logical decisions. Modern computers operate quickly and accurately. However, they don‘t think.

Every computer system consists of software, hardware, procedures and data/information. Information in the form of programs and data is called software, but the pieces of equipment that make up the computer system are known as hardware. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn‘t know what to do. The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computer is used to convert data into information. It is also used to store information in the digital form.

The most important item of hardware is the CPU (Central Processing Unit). This is the electronic unit at the centre of the computer system. The brain of the computer is the processor. It does all the processing and controls all the devices in the computer system. The main memory stores all the programs and data used by the processor.

All the other devices in the computer system are known as peripherals. These include input devices, output devices and storage devices. An input device supplies information into the computer. The most commonly used input device is a keyboard. An output device such as a monitor or a printer displays the processed data. A storage device is used for the permanent storage of information on floppy discs or CD-ROM discs.

TASK 10. Cross out the odd word.

a) processor, main memory, software

b) input device, data, storage device

c) monitor, floppy disc, printer

d) hardware, program, data

TASK 11. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

1. Computer is made of electronic components so it is referred to as electronic device. 2. Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded. 3. There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, diskettes and data. 4. Without software instructions hardware doesn’t know what to do. 5. The software is the most important component because it is made by people. 6. The user inputs data into computer to get information as an output.

TASK 12. Fill in the gaps with the necessary information.

Computers are complex electronic machines. They perform arithmetic … such as …, …, …, … and make thousands of logical … . All modern computers … quickly and … . Computers consist of software and … . Software includes … and data. Hardware contains the Central … Unit and the peripherals. The processor is the … of the computer. It … all the processing. The … memory … all the programs and data used by the … . An input device … information into the … . An output device … the processed data. A … device is used for the … storage of information.

TASK 13. Retell the text in the written form.

Some scientists say that without the computer the 21st century would be impossible.

Computers today are running our factories, planning our cities, teaching our children and forecasting our future. The computer solves in seconds the problems a generation of mathematicians would need months or years to solve without its help.

The degree to which computers will take over human functions may frighten some people and astonish others. If we are to believe some forecasts, computers, like the telephone or electricity, may become a common thing of every day used by almost everybody.

They can even enter our home life. They can help make up a person‘s shopping list, remind someone of important appointments and anniversaries and answer the telephone.

We often hear that the increasing flood of information will be one of the problems of the 21st century. A computer may help solve it too. In a computerized library of the future requests for information will be answered instantly and as fully as the user wants.

It’s hard to enumerate all the uses the computer may be put to.

TASK 14. Choose the correct word.

1. A personal computer is a small relatively inexpensive device designed for an individual … a) person; b) producer; c) user. 2. Input in PC is usually performed by means of a …. a) mouse; b) scanner; c) keyboard. 3. A personal computer uses … disks as input and output media. a) hard; b) fixed; c) floppy; 4. Personal computers have a lot of scientific, engineering, educational …. a) multiplication; b) application; c) investigation. 5. Microelectronics greatly extended man‘s intellectual …. a) subsystems; b) dimensions; c) capabilities. 6. The first generation computers were … and often burned out. a) uncomfortable; b) unreliable; c) uncommunicative. 7. The development of third generation computers became possible due to the invention of …. a) integrated circuits; b) electronic tubes; c) transistors. 8. A computer can solve very complex numerical …. a) computations; b) communication; c) instructions. 9. Magnetic … were the main elements used for primary memory in digital computers for many years. a) cores; b) disks; c) tapes. 10. Input-output devices allow the computer to … with its external environment. a) compute; b) command; c) communicate.


TASK 15. Listen to the first part of the recording and fill in the gaps. Use no more than THREE WORDS.

According to the diagram, there are two parts in a computer system: 1) … and 2) …. Programs that let your computer to 3) … a specific task are called software. Software comprises the 4) … and application software. Electronic or 5) … parts are called hardware. There are three main hardware sections which include the 6) …, the 7) …, and the peripherals.

Listen to the second part of the recording and decide whether the sentences below are true or false. Make the false sentences true.

1. The main memory is a special chip which executes instructions and coordinates the work of all the components in a computer system. 2. Expansion cards for video, sound and networking make your computer work better. 3. All the instructions and data which are being processed now by the main memory are held in the CPU. 4. ROM and RAM chips are used to comprise main memory. 5. ROM is a volatile type of memory, i.e. all the information is lost when the computer is turned off. 6. The units which are attached to the computer are called peripheral devices. 7. Peripheral devices are storage devices, input and output devices. 8. We use input devices help us extract data from the computer. 9. Hard disks, DVDs and flash drives are examples of storage devices.


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 inductor [ɪn'dʌktə] индуктор
2 coil [kɔɪl] катушка
3 two-terminal   двухполюсной
4 separate   разделять
5 wind (wound) [waind] наматывать
6 through [θruː] через
7 time-varying ['vɛərɪη] изменяющийся во времени
8 induce [ɪn'djuːs] индуцировать
9 direction [dɪ'rekʃ(ə)n ] направление
10 EMF (electromotive force)   ЭДС
11 oppose   противостоять, быть противоположным
12 characterize ['kærəkt(ə)raɪz] характеризовать
13 inductance [ɪn'dʌkt(ə)n(t)s] индуктивность
14 ratio ['reɪʃɪəu] соотношение
15 rate   скорость
16 magnetic core   магнитный стержень
17 ferrite ['ferīt] феррит
18 linear ['lɪnɪə] линейный
19 make up   составлять
20 choke   дроссель
21 store   хранить
22 tune   настраивать

TASK 2. Read the following sentences, pay attention to the suffixes used.

1. Inductor induces inductance.

2. A productive producer produces post-production products.

3. An inventive inventor invents new inventions every day.

4. Physics studies physical phenomena.

5. A reflecting reflector reflects reflected signals.

TASK 3.Study the following table of Participle I and Participle II.

Present Participle – Participle I

Past Participle- Participle II







Active Passive





Changing 1)изменяющий (-ся) изменивший (-ся) 2)изменяя (-сь) Being changed 1)изменяемый, который изменяется 2) будучи изменяемым
P E R F E C T   Having changed Изменив (-шись)   Having been changed Будучи измененным

TASK 4. Form Participle I and Participle II using the following verbs:invent, transform, generate, induce, transmit, plan, wind, oppose, change, characterize, resist, consist, contain.

TASK 5. Translate from English into Russian:computer-assisted, plastic–coated, program-controlled, air-cooled, battery-driven, signal-generated, program-installed, man-made, hardware-maintained, error-protected.

TASK 6. Read the text. Translate it, pay attention to the words in bald. Make up 10 questions.


An inductor, also called a coil or reactor, is a passive two-terminal electrical component which resists changes in electric current passing through it. It consists of a conductor such as a wire, usually wound into a coil. Energy is stored in a magnetic field in the coil as long as current flows. When the current flowing through an inductor changes, the time-varying magnetic field induces a voltage in the conductor, according to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. According to Lenz's law the direction of induced EMF is always such that it opposes the change in current that created it. As a result, inductors always oppose a change in current.

An inductor is characterized by its inductance, the ratio of the voltage to the rate of change of current, which has units of Henries (H). Many inductors have a magnetic core made of iron or ferrite inside the coil, which serves to increase the magnetic field and thus the inductance. Along with capacitors and resistors, inductors are one of the three passive linear circuit elements that make up electric circuits. Inductors are widely used in alternating current (AC) electronic equipment, particularly in radio equipment. They are used to block AC while allowing DC to pass; inductors designed for this purpose are called chokes. They are also used in electronic filters to separate signals of different frequencies, and in combination with capacitors to make tuned circuits, used to tune radio and TV receivers.


TASK 7. Make up three sentences which would be true, false, or not given according to the information given in the text.

Model:There are only two passive linear elements in a circuit. (This sentence is false as there are three of them: capacitor, inductor and resistor) 

Inductance is measured in Henries. (This sentence is true)

The coil is usually made of copper. (This information is not give; nothing is said about the material used to produce coils)


TASK 8. Listen to the recording and decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Electricity which moves from batteries is called direct current.

2. Direct current flows from the positive electrode to the negative one.

3. Alternating current changes its polarity while it flows from positive to negative.

4. Hertz is the unit of measurement used to describe the speed of polarity change.

5. A transformer can be used to measure the current in the circuit.

6. Rectification is the process switching AC into DC with the help of diodes or transformers.

7. The ability to store electricity in an electric field is called capacitor.

8. The ability to store electricity in a magnetic field is called inductance.

9. Reactance is the way capacitors and inductors influence AC.

10. Inductance is a way to assess how easy it is for electricity to pass through an electrical device.



Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 adjustable resistor [ə'ʤʌstəbl] резистор переменного сопротивления
2 capacitance [kə'pæsɪtənts] емкость
3 cross-sectional area ['ɛərɪə] площадь поперечного сечения
4 divide   делить; разделять
5 essentially [ɪ'senʃəlɪ] по существу
6 establish   устанавливать; учреждать
7 fixed resistor   резистор постоянного сопротивления
8 insulator   ['ɪnsjəleɪtə] изолятор
9 inductance [ɪn'dʌktəns] индуктивность
10 length   длина
11 measure ['meʒə] измерять
12 oppose [ə'pəuz] сопротивляться, противодействовать
13 perform an experiment   проводить опыт
14 resistivity [ˌriːzɪ'stɪvətɪ] удельное сопротивление
15 series ['sɪəriːz] серия, ряд
16 source [sɔːs] источник
17 unit   единица
18 value ['væljuː] значение; величина
19 variable resistor ['vɛərɪəbl] переменный резистор
20 vary ['vɛərɪ] изменяться
21 weaken ['wiːkən] ослаблять

TASK 2. Read the text and translate it from English into Russian.


Now any circuit consists essentially of a combination of resistance, inductance and capacitance with one or more sources of electromotive force. Let us consider these main components of a circuit. At first let us speak about resistance and resistors.

The property of “opposing” or weakening the current is called electrical resistance. Georg Ohm in the early part of the 19th century performed a series of experiments which established the law connecting voltage and current. Symbolically, Ohm’s law is often written: R = V/I.

Resistance equals voltage divided by current. The unit of resistance is the Ohm. An ohmmeter is used to measure the value of resistance in a circuit. Different materials have different resistances. All substances may be divided into three groups according to their resistivities: conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics or insulators. A good conductor is a material of low resistivity. An insulator is a material of very high resistivity.

The resistance of a conductor depends on the length, the cross sectional area, the material of the conductor and its temperature. A resistor is a device employed to limit the value of current. Resistors may be fixed or variable. Fixed resistors have a constant value. The value of variable or adjustable resistors may be varied. A rheostat is another type of a variable resistor.

TASK 3. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What main components does a circuit consist of? 2. What’s electrical resistance? 3. What is the unit of resistance? 4. Is an ohmmeter used to measure the value of resistance? 5. Into what groups may all substances be divided according to their resistivities? 6. What substance is called a good conductor? 7. What does the resistance of a conductor depend on? 8. Have insulators a very low or high resistance? 9. What two types of resistors do you know?

TASK 4. Read the words and pay attention to the suffixes used.

to resist – resistance – resistor; to insulate – insulator; to conduct – conductor – conduction; to depend – dependence; to discover – discovery; to produce – production; to equal – equality; to consider – consideration; to measure – measurement; to improve – improvement; to invent – inventor – invention.

TASK 5. Match the words.

1. substance                    a) chief

2. main                            b) to change

3. to use                           c) to regulate

4. fixed                            d) to produce

5. to make                       e) stable

6. to adjust                      f) material

7. to vary                    g) to employ

TASK 6. Fill in the gaps and translate the sentences.

1. Current passes through . . . with great difficulty. a) conductors; b) insulators; c) metals. 2. Fixed resistors have a . . . value. a) varied; b) constant; c) changeable. 3. The value of a . . . is varied. a) variable resistor; b) fixed resistor; c) very stable resistor (высокостабильное сопротивление) 4. Current equals . . . divided bу resistance. a) resistivity; b) inductance; c) voltage. 5. A . . . which is a good insulator at low temperature may be a good conductor at high temperatures. a) property; b) substance; c) source. 6. An ohmmeter is used to . . . the value of resistance in a circuit. a) divide; b) measure; c) transmit. 7. An engineer must know physical and mechanical . . . of materials. a) components; b) achievements; c) properties. 8. Mendeleyev discovered the periodic. . . . a) application; b) unit; c) law.

TASK 7. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets, use the Active Voice.

1. A rheostat … (to be) a resistor whose resistance value may be varied. 2. Last week they … (to make) many experiments. 3. Any circuit … (to consist of) a combination of resistance, inductance and capacitance. 4. Next week he … (to demonstrate) this new device. 5. Popov … (to invent) the first radio-set. 6. A resistor … (to be) a device to limit the value of current. 7. An ohmmeter … (to measure) the value of resistance in a circuit. 8. Resistance … (to equal) voltage divided by current.

TASK 8. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets, use Participle II.

1. The work … (to do) by these scientists resulted in many new discoveries. 2. A new transmitting station … (to build) in our region is very powerful. 3. The phenomenon … (to study) by this engineer is of great importance for our work. 4. Radio waves … (to radiate) by the antenna travel in all directions. 5. The experiments … (to make) by him were very useful for our work. 6. New measuring instruments … (to develop) in this laboratory will be used in this experiment. 7. A device … (to employ) to limit the value of current is a resistor. 8. The antenna receives only a small part of energy … (to radiate) by the transmitter.

TASK 9. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

Apprentice Tech:Could you explain how to replace a 1) …?

Senior Tech:Sure. It's not that hard to do. The first thing is 2) … to find which resistor or resistors are bad.

Apprentice Tech:Okay. I already did that.

Senior Tech:So did you 3) … any bad resistors?

Apprentice Tech:Yes. I found one. But I haven’t 5) … it yet.

Senior Tech:Good. Are the 6) … still visible?

Apprentice Tech:Yes.

Senior Tech:Then, what you need to do is 7) … its value based on 8) … of the bands. After that you remove it.

Apprentice Tech:I cut the 9) … leads. Right?

Senior Tech:Yes, but the tricky part is that you don’t you need to touch any of the 10) …, so be sure to use diagonal cutters.

Apprentice Tech:I see.

Senior Tech:Then finish up by soldering in a new resistor with the same 11) … as the original.

Apprentice Tech:Thanks.


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 ability [ə'bɪlətɪ] способность
2 common ['kɔmən] общеизвестный; обычный
3 insulate ['ɪnsjəleɪt] изолировать
4 merely ['mɪəlɪ] только, просто
5 mica ['maɪkə], ['mīkə] слюда
6 plate [pleɪt] пластина; обкладка (конденсатора)
7 potential difference [pə'tenʃl] разность потенциалов
8 quantity ['kwɔntətɪ] количество; величина
9 side   сторона
10 shape   форма
11 space   пространство
12 capacitance [kə'pæsɪtns] емкость
13 capacitor [kə'pæsɪtə] конденсатор
14 condenser [kən'densə] конденсатор
15 fixed condenser [fɪkst] постоянный конденсатор
16 variable condenser ['vɛərɪəbl] переменный конденсатор
17 plate area ['ɛərɪə] площадь пластины

TASK 2. Read the text and translate it from English into Russian.


If two conductors are separated by an insulating space and a charge is given to the plates, the opposite sort on each side, then a potential difference exists between the plates. The two plates, together with the insulating space, have capacitance. Devices which have the ability to condense the charge are called condensers or capacitors. The simplest condenser consists of two plates separated by an insulator. Its capacitance depends on its shape, size and material. Every condenser does not consist merely of two plates, there may be very many, but they are connected together in such a way that one group is separated from the other by the dielectric. In practice the most common types of dielectrics are: air, mica, paper, plastics, etc. Two common types of condensers are in use nowadays: a fixed condenser and a variable one. There are three quantities which can be varied: the plate area, the distance between the plates and the dielectric. The basic unit of capacitance is the farad. The farad (F) is too large a unit for practical purposes and the practical units in use are the microfarad (mF) and the micromicrofarad (mmF), sometimes called the picofarad (pF).

TASK 3. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What devices are called condensers? 2. What does the simplest condenser consist of? 3. What does the capacitance of a condenser depend on? 4. In what way are the plates of a condenser connected together if a capacitor consists more than of two plates? 5. What are the most common types of dielectrics? 6. What types of condensers are in use nowadays? 7. What quantities can be varied in a condenser? 8. What is the basic unit of capacitance?

TASK 4. Translate the following words, pay attention to the prefix: reproduce, repay, recreate, remark, reform, retell, rebuild, reconstruct, readjust.

TASK 5. Match the words.

1. device                    а) ослаблять

2. size                        b) слюда

3. charge                    c) поток

4. potential difference d) заряд

5. exist                       e) электродвижущая сила ЭДС

6. mica                       f) существовать

7. electromotive force g) устройство, прибор

8. flux                         h) разность потенциалов

9. weaken                   i) величина, размер

TASK 6. Fill in the gaps and translate the sentences.

1. The unit of measurement of . . . is the Ohm. a) capacitance; b) resistance; c) conductor. 2. The . . . of capacitance is called the farad. a) device; b) po1е; c) unit. 3. The main parts of a . . . are metal plates and insulators. a) resistor; b) amplifier; c) capacitor. 4. The . . . of a variable capacitor move. a) insulators; b) plates; c) units. 5. Both electromotive force and . . . are measured in volts. a) resistance; b) potential difference;с) capacitance. 6. The plates of a . . . cannot be moved. a) variable capacitor; b) fixed capacitor; c) insulator. 7. Capacitance is the . . . of a circuit that opposes any change of voltage in a circuit. a) property; b) application; c) source. 8. A fixed capacitor has . . . produced of paper, mica and other materials. a) insulators; b) plates; c) oscillators.

TASK 7. Transform the sentences from Present Simple Passive into Past (Future) Simple Passive.

1. Fixed capacitors are used in telephone and radio devices. 2. Automatic devices are made in our laboratory. 3. The plates of a condenser are separated by an insulator. 4. Scientific reports are published in our magazine. 5. The two parts of a magnet that show the strongest magnetism are called the North Pole and the South Pole.

TASK 8. Fill in the gaps using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive Voice.

1. This phenomenon … (to study) by a group of scientists two months ago. 2. A device which has the ability to condense a charge of electricity … (to call) a capacitor. 3. A new transmitting station … (to build) in this region next year. 4. Copper … (to use) to produce wire conductors. 5. Yesterday a very interesting experiment … (to make) in our laboratory. 6. The properties of silver … (to discuss) next week.

TASK 9. Fill in the gaps using Present, Past, Future Simple Active or Passive Voice.

1. Every student knows that an insulator … (to call) a dielectric. 2. The engineer … (to find) practical application of these circuits, the results were good. 3. The simplest condenser … (to consist) of two plates separated by an insulator. 4. These three quantities … (to measure) in our experiment next week. 5. Radio … (to invent) in Russia. 6. When the current is small, a galvanometer … (to use). 7. They … (to measure) these quantities tomorrow. 8. This young engineer … (to make) a new device and we used it in our experiment.


TASK 10. Ask questions to the words in bald.

1. Devices which have the ability to condense the charge are called condensers. 2. An ohmmeter is used to measure the value of resistance in a circuit. 3. The proton was discovered by Rutherford. 4. Many technical problems will be solved by Russian scientists in the near future. 5. Electromagnetic waves are used in radio and television transmission. 6. A rheostat is used to change resistance of circuits, and in this way to vary the value of current. 7. The theory of radio-transmitting and radio receiving devices was improved by Russian scientists. 8. Amplifiers are used when we want to make signals bigger.

TASK 11. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with numbers and units.


AVC 1) … . Ceramic disc capacitor. 2) … per unit.

Non-polarized multilayer ceramic capacitor. Flame-retardant. Typically used for coupling, and bypass applications.

Capacitance: 3) …

Voltage rating: 4) …

Operating temperature range: 5) …

AVP 6) … . Plastic (mylar) capacitor. 6) … per unit.

Non-polarized polyester film (mylar) insulator and metal plates encased within a hard epoxy coating. Coating protects against moisture. Designed for use in general purpose DC applications.

Capacity: 7) …

Voltage rating: 8) …

Operating temperature range: 9) …

AVE 10) … . Electrolytic capacitor. 11) … per unit.

Aluminum capacitors designed for applications needing high capacitance, low cost, and very small size such as in personal computers and medical electronics.

Capacitance: 12) …

Voltage rating: 13) …

Operating temperature range: 14) …

All of our capacitors contain marks indicating, at minimum, their capacitance. Check out our tantalum capacitors and trimmer capacitors on the next page!


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

1 mutual induction ['mjuːʧuəl ], ['mjuːtjuəl] взаимоиндукция
2 turn   виток
3 step up   повышать
4 step down   понижать
5 transfer [træns'fɜː] передавать
6 primary winding ['praɪmərɪ] первичная обмотка
7 secondary winding ['sekəndərɪ] вторичная обмотка
8 supply [sə'plaɪ] поставлять, запас
9 operate ['ɔpəreɪt] работать, функционировать
10 magnetic field [mæg'netɪk fiːld] магнитное поле
11 induced voltage ['vəultɪʤ ], ['vɔltɪʤ] индуцируемое напряжение
12 power transmission   передача энергии
13 ferromagnetic core   ферромагнитный сердечник
14 power grids   энергетические сети
15 magnetic flux   магнитный поток

TASK 2. Read the text and translate it from English into Russian.


A transformer is a device which is used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another. Besides, a transformer is used to change the voltage and current in a circuit. A transformer is based on the fundamental principle of mutual induction. A simple transformer consists of two coils and a core. The coils are called the primary and the secondary. These coils are wound over a common core. Transformers can have either air or magnetic cores. It depends on the frequency at which they are to be operated. The primary winding is connected to the voltage source. It receives energy. The secondary winding is connected to the load resistance and supplies energy to the load. There are two types of transformers: a step-up transformer and a step-down transformer. In a step-down transformer the number of turns in the primary is greater than the number of turns in the secondary. This transformer steps down the voltage. In a step-up transformer the number of turns in the secondary is greater than in the primary. The important thing in transformer design is the insulation of windings. There are 3 main classifications of transformers: for power-frequency circuits, for audio-frequency and for radio frequency.

TASK 3. Complete the sentences.

1. A transformer is a device which is used to . . .

2. A transformer is based on . . .

3. The coils of the transformer are called . . .

4. The primary winding of the transformer is connected . . .

5. The important thing in transformer design is . . .

TASK 4. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What is a transformer used for? 2. What principle is a transformer based on? 3. What cores can transformers have? 4. What is the function of a primary winding? 5. What two types of transformers does the text discuss? 6. What is the important thing in transformer design? 7. What three main classifications of transformers do you know?

TASK 5. Make up the sentences using the following words and word combinations.

A transformer, a device, to transfer electrical energy, to change voltage and current in a circuit, mutual induction, two coils, a core, the primary winding, the secondary winding, to receive energy, to supply energy, a step-up transformer, a step-down transformer, the number of turns, the insulation of windings.

TASK 6. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the degrees of comparison.

The simplest condenser consists of two plates separated by an insulator. 2. In practice the most common types of dielectrics are: air, mica, paper. 3. We think that he is the best inventor of our plant. 4. I work worse than he does. 5. This new device works better that the old one. 6. Scientists try to get better knowledge of the mineral resources of this region. 7. The proton was found to be 1,840 times heavier than the electron. 8. Radio is one of the greatest achievements of modern engineering.


TASK 7. Read the text about transformers and complete it with the following words and phrases.

magnetic field, winding, mutual induction, conductors

A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled 1) … – the transformer’s coils. A varying current in the first or primary 2) … creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer’s core, and thus a varying 3) … through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or “voltage” in the secondary winding. This effect is called 4) … .

number of turns, primary voltage, ferromagnetic core, induced voltage

If a load is connected to the secondary, an electric current will flow in the secondary winding and electrical energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal transformer, the 5) … in the secondary winding(VS) is in proportion to the 6) … (VP), and is given by the ratio of the 7) … in the secondary (NS) to the number of turns in the primary (NP) as follows:

By appropriate selection of the ratio of turns, a transformer thus allows an alternating current (AC) voltage to be “stepped up” by making NS greater than NP, or “stepped down” by making NS less than NP.

In the vast majority of transformers, the windings are coils wound around a 8) … , air-core transformers being a notable exception.

power transmission, power grids, electronic circuits

Transformers range in size from a thumbnail-sized coupling transformer hidden inside a stage microphone to huge units weighing hundreds of tons used to interconnect portions of 9) … . All operate with the same basic principles, although the range of designs is wide. While new technologies have eliminated the need for transformers in some 10) … , transformers are still found in nearly all electronic devices designed for household (“mains”) voltage. Transformers are essential for high voltage 11) … , which makes long distance transmission economically practical.

TASK 8. a) Match the names with the descriptions.

Power transformers

Auto transformer

Instrument potential transformer

Distribution transformers

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 679; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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