Ex.9. Write down the main idea of each paragraph of the text. Discuss them with your group.

Ex.10. Which of the secrets of successful entrepreneurs do you consider to be the most important? Make a list of 5 most important secrets. Compare your list with your partner’s. Discuss your choice with your partner.

Ex.11. Would you like to become an entrepreneur? Why? What are the benefits of being an entrepreneur? What problems can one face with? Share your ideas with the group.

Ex.12. Watch Video 3. Try to write down 10 myths of entrepreneurship shown there. Compare your results with your partner’s. Watch the video another time. Make the list of the myths complete. Expand on the ideas of the video. Discuss them with your group.

Ex.13. Role-play.

A university graduate is going to start a business. His parents are trying to talk him out of it because they know how extremely difficult it is going to be. His friends are sure he is going to succeed. They give their own arguments. Have a talk and decide which way to take. Work in groups of three.

U N I T 2


A company is a type of business. The definition of the term varies by country. In general, a company is same as a corporation. It is a business organization which makes goods in an organized manner and sells them to the public for profit. A company hires many people to be the staff of the company.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 13; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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