Практический курс перевода

Практические задания к уроку «Установление значения слов. Лексические соответствия»

1. Найдите соответствие выделенным словам в словосочета­ниях.


Flying - flying saucers, flying weather, flying apparatus, flying Dutchman

Bad - a bad wound, a bad debt, bad language, a bad mistake, bad cold, bad light, a bad name

Hard - hard currency, hard life, a hard line, hard drugs, hard sell, a hard drinker

Regular - a regular visitor, a regular pulse, regular features, a regular pro­cedure, regular army

Strong - a strong wind, strong language, strong walls, a strong supporter, strong faith, strong drink, strong evidence, strong measures


to deliver - to deliver a speech, to deliver a verdict, to deliver a blow, to de­liver a parcel

to draw - to draw the curtains, to draw breath, to draw a conclusion, to draw inspiration, to draw a line

to make - to make sense, to make a film, to make an impression, to make notes, to make a list, to make a scene, to make one's living

to keep - to keep promise, to keep an appointment, to keep rules, to keep a family, to keep a diary, to keep one's distance

to launch - to launch a rocket/missile, to launch a ship, to launch an offen­sive, to launch a new company, to launch a new book, to launch a spear


Тонкий - тонкий лист, тонкий ум, тонкий слух, тонкий вкус, тонкое бе­лье, тонкая фигура, тонкие пальцы, тонкий запах

Легкий - легкая простуда, легкий вопрос, легкая музыка, легкая атле­тика, легкая промышленность

Тихий - тихая погода, тихая ночь, тихий прав, тихий голос, тихий ход, тихий смех

Простой - простой человек, простая работа, простые манеры, простое любопытство, простая пища

Проводить - проводить время, проводить кого-либо на станцию, проводить собрание, проводить реформы, проводить границу

Делать - делать выводы, делать предложение, делать комплименты, делать усилия, делать честь, делать вид

Вести - вести автомобиль, вести переговоры, вести дневник, вести пе­реписку, вести хозяйство, вести правильный образ жизни

Кусок - кусок веревки, кусок сахара, кусок хлеба, кусок мыла

Место - слабое место, место происшествия, место в первом ряду, дос­таточно места для всех, рабочее место

Ящик - почтовый ящик, мусорный ящик, ящик стола, ящик для упа­ковки

2. Внимательно изучите способы перевода английских мно­гозначных глаголов и имен существительных. Переведи­те предложения, содержащие данные лексические единицы, на русский язык.

A. power п

1. (capability) способность; силы; mental ~s — умственные способности; his ~ s are failing — его силы убывают; I'll do everything in my ~ — я сделаю все, что в моих силах; that's beyond his ~ - это ему не по силам.

2. (strength, force) сила; (might) мощь; the ~ of a blow/of love — сила удара/любви; the military ~ of the country — военная мощь страны; the ~ of the country — могущество страны; the ~ of an explosion — мощность взрыва.

3. Mech., Phys., etc. — энергия, сила; (rating) мощность; nuclear, electric ~ — атомная энергия, электроэнергия; horse ~ — лошадиная сила; the engine is working at half двигатель работает вполсилы; the ~ of an engine — мощность мотора; the ship was moving under her own судно двигалось своим ходом; the ~ has been cut off — электричество отключили.

4. (authority) власть, полномочия; to come to ~ — прийти к власти; to seize захватить власть; the ~s of parliament/of the president — полномочия парламента/президента; emergency ~s — чрезвычайные полномочия; the ~ of veto — право вето; Law I gave him ~ of attorney — я назначил его своим поверенным.

5. (nation) the great ~ s — великие державы.

6. fig — силы, власть; the ~ behind the throne — власть, стоя­щая за троном; he's а ~ in the land — он пользуется влиянием в стране.

1. Trade unions have less bargaining power than they used to have. 2. The real attraction of elite education is that it provides ac­cess to wealth and power for those who have acquired it. 3. Mr. Chavez is strategic and shrewd and knows he cannot remain in power indefinitely if he has critics in the media. 4. Anyone seeking a gun must get a certificate from the police. Few people seem troubled that cops have the power to make those decisions. 5. The separation of powers means that President and Congress are elected separately. 6. The beginning of the century saw the country at the height of its power. 7. Some functions are automated. Sensors turn off the display to conserve power when a user lifts the phone to his ear. 8. Nuclear power has not been able to compete effectively with other power sources in the United States. 9. Power and authority are often contrasted. The police have power whereas the Queen Mother has authority (she inspires love and warmth — at least among some). But power and authority are not easy to separate.

B. accommodate vt

1. (put up: for large party) размещать(-стить); (for individuals) помещать(-стить); устраивать(-оить); the delegates were ~d in hotels — делегатов разместили по гостини­цам; to ~ a guest in a spare room — поместить гостя в отдельной комнате; I was ~ d in a hotel — меня устроили в гостинице; I can ~ him for a night in my flat — я могу приютить его на одну ночь у себя.

2. (hold) вмещать(-стить); the hall ~ s 500 people — зал вмещает пятьсот человек.

3. (supply): the bank ~ d me with a loan of £100 — банк пре­доставил мне ссуду в сто фунтов.

4. (adapt): I'll ~ my plans to yours/to fit in with yours — я со­гласую свои планы с вашими; you'll have to ~ yourself to these conditions — тебе придется приспособиться к этим условиям.

5. (oblige): we always try to ~ our clients — мы стараемся все­гда услужить своим клиентам.

1. I'd like to find a part-time job that will accommodate my teaching schedule. 2. According to the local reports, Shanghai has completed the construction of a super underground bunker that can accommodate 200,000 people in emergency to evade blasts, poison­ous gas emission and nuclear radiation. 3. The lawyer tried hard to accommodate his statements to the facts. 4. When cultures clash on the job companies struggle to accommodate workers of different re­ligious faiths without alienating others. 5. Should universities change teaching to accommodate a generation raised on mobile technology? 6. A family of four is looking for a hotel in Dublin that will accommodate them and their lovely year-old yellow labrador. 7. It's one thing to offer the migrant workers jobs. They have to be accommodated too. 8. Most working women say the corporate world isn't making great strides in accommodating working mothers.

C. commit vt

1. (perform) совершать(-ить); to ~ a crime/ a murder/error — совершить преступление/убийство, сделать ошибку (usu pfs); to ~ suicide — покончить с собой (pf).

2. (entrust) поручать(-ить); they ~ ted the child to the care of her aunt — они поручили ребенка заботам тетки; to ~ smb to prison/to a mental hospital — посадить кого-л. в тюрьму помес­тить кого-л. в психиатрическую больницу (usu pfs); I ~ ted my papers to his safe-keeping — я передал мои бумаги ему на хра­нение; fig to ~ smth to memory/to paper or to writing — запоми-нать(-нить) что-л., записывать(-сать) что-л.

3. (bind): I've ~ ted myself to returning on Friday — я обещал вернуться в пятницу; I'm ~ ted to helping them — я обязался им помочь; without ~ ting myself — без всяких обязательств с моей стороны; he is deeply ~ ted to this policy — он целиком за про­ведение этой линии.

1. The government must commit itself to improving healthcare. 2. I think I can come but I won't commit myself till I know for sure. 3. The government claimed that it is committed to withdrawing its troops by the end of the year. 4. Counterterrorism sources claimed that British suicide bombers were within days of blowing up 12 pas­senger jets above five US cities in an unprecedented terrorist attack designed to commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale". 5. NATO member states have refused to commit more troops to Af­ghanistan despite appeals from the organization's leaders for 2500 extra troops to fight Taliban insurgents. 6. A group of mobile manu­facturers, network operators, suppliers, recyclers, consumer and envi­ronmental organizations, led by Nokia, has committed to improve the environmental performance of mobile phones and to do more to raise consumer awareness and participation in recycling. 7. George has committed to quit smoking. 8. Like so many men he has prob­lems committing himself to a relationship. 9. Sometimes, conductors have to commit complete scores to memory. 10. They were taught to pray every time they committed even a minor sin.

3. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие многозначные слова:

  1. The company's directing agency is located in Detroit.
  2. This can hardly be treated as a free article. You'll have to include the funds for the customs clearing.
  3. Competitive capacity of enterprises is number one issue.
  4. The rent and utilities coverage in the country is gradually growing and will reach as much as 80% by this July.
  5. Price gap has become the main reason for many domestic goods being brought out of the country.
  6. They have been speculating on margin for a couple of years now.
  7. The new chief executive officer was appointed in May.
  8. The immediate task is to temper the impact of inflation.

4. Найдите соответствие выделенным словам и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. As the population ages and cardiovascular hazards like diabetes continue to rise, women are more at risk than ever. 2. The resump­tion of dialogue marks a political breakthrough as it opens the door to frequent consultations between the governments that have re­fused to recognize each other for decades. 3. As Christopher Cock­ered, inventor of the hovercraft, famously remarked, "But for the silly chaps we would still be living in the Stone Age." 4. English coexists with Welsh as it does in the four northern islands with Gaelic. 5. While there is no doubt that online tools have widened youth interest in politics, they can also have a constricting effect on candidates. Nowadays, politicians know that any move, word or ex­pression can be recorded, packaged and linked around the world in minutes. 6. While I respect this position, for myself I find it unnec­essary rigid. 7. It will be hard to meet the target while holding down energy prices. 8. Where the original spelling of the word is vital to the story, I have kept it. 9. People who commit crimes are often described as being "wicked" or lacking morals, which ignores the fact that most of them commit crime when they are young and that most give up later. 10. Alan Bond was found guilty of improperly using his posi­tion to allow his private company to buy Edouard Manet's picture from Bond Corporation for $2,5 when its value was at least $12. 11. Reconciling these data points is difficult, if not impossible. 12. This dinner service cost 300 pounds if it cost a penny.

5. Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на выде­ленные слова.

We must recognize that it is more cost-effective to anticipate and prevent international problems than to try to solve them once they occur. Often the UN comes under pressure to act only when the root causes of a crisis have had time to fester and wreak their havoc. It is often not until conflicts have escalated enough to dominate the evening news that countries are seriously ready to provide funds, people, peacekeepers and humanitarian assistance. We need to devote more time and resources to preventive action. We need multilateral efforts that can contain conflict, anticipate problems and alleviate humanitarian crises in time. If we don't, we may face outbreaks of hostility, and the disintegration of states, with the consequent migration of millions of people. The international bill for restoring peace and providing humanitarian aid will escalate as crises worsen

Дата добавления: 2015-12-20; просмотров: 179; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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