Вестфальский университет имени Вильгельма


1. Carl Friedrich Gauß School - Faculty for Mathematics, Computer Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Social Sciences

· Mathematics

· Computer science

· Business Administration and Economics

· Social sciences

2. Life Sciences

· Biology

· Biotechnology

· Chemistry

· Food Chemistry

· Pharmacy

· Psychology

3. Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Sciences

· Architecture

· Civil Engineering

· Civil Engineering and Business Administration

· Environmental Engineering

· Geoecology

4. Mechanical Engineering

· Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical, Automotive, Industrial, Energy & Process)

· Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration

· Biological engineering

5. Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Physics

· Electrical Engineering

· Information Technology

· Physics

6. Humanities and Educational Sciences



Вестфальский университет имени Вильгельма

http://www.uni-muenster.de/de/ http://www.uni-muenster.de/en/

Вестфальский университет имени Вильгельма (нем. Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität, сокр. WWU) — один из крупнейших университетовГермании. Расположен в Мюнстере. Основан 16 апреля 1780 года. Мюнстерский университет носит имя кайзера Германии Вильгельма II. Обучение студентов проводится на 15 факультетах по 130 различным специальностям.

Под крылом университета работают 4 музея: археологический, геолого-палеонтологический, минералогический и музей Библии, а также Ботанический сад.



Предшественником университета была иезуитская школа, основанная в 1588 году. В год основания в университете открылось четыре факультета: юридический, медицинский, философский и теологический. В 1805 году университет получил название «Прусский университет Вестфалии».

В конце 1950-х годов в университете училась Ульрика Майнхоф — будущий лидер и теоретик леворадикальной организации Западной Германии «Фракция Красной Армии» (РАФ).

В июле-сентябре 1999 года в университетской клинике Мюнстера проходила лечение от лейкемии, а затем скончалась Р. М. Горбачёва.



Tilburg University (Dutch: Universiteit van Tilburg) or TiU


Tilburg University (Dutch: Universiteit van Tilburg) or TiU is a public research university, specializing in the social and behavioral sciences,economics, law, business sciences, theology and humanities, located in Tilburg in the southern part of the Netherlands.

Tilburg University has a student population of about 14,000 students, about 8 percent of whom are international students.[1] This percentage has steadily increased over the past years.[2] TiU offers both Dutch-and English-taught programs. Tilburg University awards approximately 60 PhD degrees per year.

The institution has gained a reputation in both research and education. In the field of economics, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ranked #1 in Europe for the second consecutive time in 2007 according to the Journal of the European Economic Association with regard to publications in top journals.[3] In 2007 the Executive MBA program at the university's TiasNimbas Business School ranked #11 in the world according to the Financial Times.[4] In the field of law, Tilburg University was ranked #1 in the Netherlands for the last three years according to Elsevier Magazine.[5] Furthermore, the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences offers a unique two-year master program in Medical Psychology (in Dutch), in which students are trained as scientist practitioners in the medical setting.



Tilburg University was founded in 1927, as the Roomsch Katholieke Handelshoogeschool (Roman Catholic University of Commerce), being located in the southern, Catholic part of The Netherlands, visible in its second change of name in 1938: Katholieke Economische Hogeschool (Catholic Economic University). In 1963 the university was once again renamed, as Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg (Catholic University Tilburg), followed by a name change to Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (Catholic University Brabant). Although in its present name Tilburg University, the word Catholic was dropped, the university is still regarded as a Catholic university.


On April 28, 1969, students barricaded the campus buildings, demanding educational and organizational changes. Months before students had unofficially renamed the university Karl Marx University, painting this title across campus to accentuate the importance of Marxist ideas in the then primarily economics-oriented curriculum. These protests led to a widespread change in higher education across the Netherlands, made official by the 1971 bill of Educational Reform, granting more joint decision making to students of Dutch universities.


The Tilburg School of Economics and Management (founded in 1927) is the oldest and largest faculty of the university. The other four faculties—Law (1963), Social and Behavioural Sciences (1963), Philosophy and Theology (1967), Arts (1981)—were founded more recently. In addition to these faculties, Tilburg University has a number of research centers and graduate schools (see below).

Undergraduate programs[edit]

Tilburg University offers a wide range of undergraduate studies, some of which are English-taught.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-16; просмотров: 23; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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