Vovchenko Viktoriya Borisivna. Archives heritage of cooperator, state and public man M.V. Levitskiy (1859-1936): history, reconstruction, content. Manuscript.

The Dissertation for competition of historical science candidate’s degree has been done according to speciality 07.00.10.- Documentation and archives management. National library of Ukraine named by V.I.Vernadskiy – Kyiv, 2007.

Reconstruction of archives heritage of famous Ukrainian man M.V.Levitzkiy has been done, his archives heritage destiny has been investigated,the main biographic information about M.V.Levitskiy was established, his life and forming of his moral principles were also observed.

The structure of his archives heritage was analyzed, some principles of archives classification and systematization of documents were offered with a view to improve the application. It is reflected in the structure of archives complex of documents: scientific heritage, cooperative and state activity, literature and cultural creative work, social activity, photodocuments.

Some principles of complex criterion of analysis and systematization of archives documents were used: nominal, document genre, its destination and meaning of sources. Substantial role of documentation heritage of L.V. Levitskiy was determined in connection with study of cooperative and cultural-educational movement in Ukraine, the second part of 19th – the beginning of 20thcentury.

Key words: M.V.Levitskiy, cooperative movement, agricultural cooperation, private archives of the figure, archives business in Ukraine, cultural- education movement in Ukraine, literature in the second part of 19th – the beginning of 20thcentury.


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Ум. друк арк. 1, 0. Тираж 100 пр. Зам. 10.

Друкарня Національної бібліотеку України імені В.І. Вернадського.

03039, Київ-39, просп. 40-річчя Жовтня, 3.



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