At the Gastroenterological Department

At the Gastroenterological Department there are patients who have problems with digestion.

There are many diseases that affect the organs of the digestive system and upset the body's ability to process food.

Indigestion is a term used to describe a variety of symptoms such as stomachache, nausea, vomiting, or mild pain in the abdomen. Symptoms of indigestion can be caused by eating too fast, emotional stress, or food poisoning.

Digestive juices produced in the stomach are called gastric juices. Gastric juices are acid in nature. Alcohol use, cigarette smoking, stress, or poor diet can cause an overproduction of acid. Ulcers are often a result of this excess acidic condition. Ulcers are open sores in the lining of the stomach and small intestine. They may bleed or penetrate the stomach tissue. Ulcers may be treated with medications and diet, but surgery is sometimes necessary.

The appendix is a small sac (міхур) attached to the end of the small intestine. It has no known function. Appendicitis is an infection and inflammation of the appendix. When this occurs, the appendix should be surgically removed to prevent it from rupturing. If the appendix ruptures, infected material may enter the abdominal cavity and cause a serious infection called peritonitis. A ruptured appendix can result in death.

Constipation is a condition that results when wastes move through the colon too slowly. Too much water is absorbed into body tissues, causing the faeces to be hard and dry. This type of bowel movement becomes difficult and is often painful.

Constipation can be caused by a lack of foods containing fiber (що містить клітковину), such as whole wheat, fruits, and leafy vegetables. Other causes are lack of exercise, lack of water in the diet, and postponing a bowel movement.

Diarrhea is a condition that occurs when intestinal wastes move through the colon too quickly. The feces remain watery and bowel movements are very frequent. Diarrhea can be caused by emotional stress or by microorganisms in food or drink. If diarrhea is not treated, it can cause dehydration.

Hemorrhoids (геморой) are enlarged veins within the rectum, the lower part of the large intestine. The veins may bulge outside the anus or inside the rectum. Hemorrhoids can burst and bleed. They may be caused by sitting for long periods of time, by straining during bowel movements, or by straining during childbirth. Medications are available, but sometimes surgery is needed to correct extreme cases.


3. Post-Text Assignments

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

affect the organs of the digestive system; digestive juices; an overproduction of acid; open sores in the lining of the stomach;

may be treated with medications and diet; cause a serious infection; a lack of foods containing fiber; can cause dehydration; enlarged veins.


3.2 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

розлад травлення, диспепсія; шлунковий сік; недостатнє фізичне навантаження; необхідне хірургічне втручання; полегшити закреп; втрата води; може спричинити смерть; потрапити в черевну порожнини.


3.3 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is indigestion? 2. What are gastric juices in nature? 3. What can cause an overproduction of acid? 4. Ulcers are open sores in the lining of the stomach and small intestine, aren’t they? 5. How do wastes move through the colon when the person has constipation? 6. What is diarrhea caused by? 7. What may hemorrhoids be caused by?


3.4 Say if it true or false:

1. Symptoms of indigestion can be caused by eating too fast, emotional stress, or food poisoning.

2. Ulcers are open sores in the walls of the stomach and small intestine.

3. The appendix is a small sac attached to the end of the large intestine.

4. A ruptured appendix can result in death.

5. Constipation is a condition that results when wastes move through the colon too slowly.

7. Diarrhea is a condition that occurs when intestinal wastes move through the colon too slowly.

8. Hemorrhoids can burst and bleed.


3.5 Explain the importance of the following healthful behaviours for a healthy digestive system to the client:

Eat a balanced diet.

Chew food thoroughly and slowly.

Exercise regularly.

Drink water with each meal.

Have regular bowel movements.


3.6 Name the symptoms of indigestion.

3.7 Tell the client about bad habits that cause overproduction of acid.

3.8 Define the terms "ulcer", "appendicitis", "hemorrhoids".


4. Read and translate the text:


Gastroscopy is an examination of the inside of the gullet, stomach and duodenum. It is performed by using a thin, flexible fibre-optic instrument that is passed through the mouth and allows the doctor to see whether there is any damage to the lining of the oesophagus (gullet) or stomach, and whether there are any ulcers in the stomach or duodenum. Gastroscopy is effective, and has now replaced the use of X-rays in many cases. It helps the doctor see any abnormalities in the gullet, the stomach and the duodenum. It is precise and safe.

Through the gastroscope, the doctor can take samples or photographs of the mucous membrane. The most modern gastroscopes can also show the areas in the stomach on a TV screen, so that the mucous membrane can be studied thoroughly. This can be recorded on a videotape, and used for later comparison.


4. 1 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is gastroscopy? 2. How is it performed? 3. What does gastroscopy help the doctor see? 4. What can the doctor take through the gastroscope? 5. Gastroscopy is precise and safe, isn’t it?

4.2Fill in:

1. Gastroscopy allows the doctor to see whether there is any … to the lining of the oesophagus (gullet) or stomach. 2. Gastroscopy has now replaced the use of … in many cases. 3. Through the…, the doctor can take samples or photographs of the mucous membrane. 4. The most modern gastroscopes can show the areas in the stomach on a ….


Future Perfect


Future Perfect   He (she) We will shall have finished it by 5 o’clock.


Exercise 1 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Future Perfect.


1.I (to translate) the text by this time tomorrow.

2.She (to do) her lessons by the evening.

3.He (to clean) his room by five o’clock.

4.We (to speak) to him before the meeting.

5.Mother (to cook) dinner by seven o’clock tomorrow.


Exercise 2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. She will have made a dress before party.

2. They will have done the work by three o’clock tomorrow.

3. She will have written the exercise before the bell.

4. The students will have done a test by twelve o’clock.


Exercise 3 Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у Future Indefinite або Future Perfect.

1. They (to write) the control work next Friday. 2. These students (to write) the control work by this time tomorrow. 3. I (to see) that film by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 4. I (to be) in London by the end of the next year. 5. I (to do) my homework tomorrow. 6. We (to do) our task by Monday.

Lesson 8

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 29; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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