Complete the sentences using one of the words given below.

deprived enhanced paperless bankrupted complexity

1. Liabilities that were not reported on the balance sheets of the … companies were termed “off-balance sheet liabilities”.

2. New rules only slightly … the quality of financial statements.

3. Internet banking … the accountant of the data entry function.

4. Increasing … of accounting rules and tax laws will increase demand for public accountant’s help.

5. In future accountants will work in … offices.


7. Work in small groups. Discuss the following points:

Decide how the today accountant’s office can be improved.

Design a working place for the accountant of future. What specifications will it have?

Be ready to make a presentation of your design.

8. Some people think that one day all people in the world will speak the same language. They even try to make a dictionary of international words. One of them (created by Jack Beauchamp) contains a list of Economics and Business international words, which includes 50 words borrowed from English. Look through these words. Are they truly international? Are there any accounting terms? Do you know all of these words? If not, consult a dictionary.


ambition (ambitious), bankruptcy, broker, buying (buyer), capital (-ism, -ist), circulation, client, collection, commercial, complaint, consignment, consumer, cost, cycle, deal, debit, defect, demand (-ing, -er, -ed), discount (-ing, -er, -ed), economy, efficiency, employee, employer, employment, exploit (-ing, -er, -ed), finance (-ing, financier, -ed), fatigue (fatiguing, -r, -d), gross, guarantee (guaranteeing, -r, d), hire (hiring, -r, -d), olding (holder), incorporated, investment, loan (-ing, -er, -ed), margin, monopoly, oligarchy, pension, philanthropy (philanthropic), selling (seller), share (sharing, -r, -d), slavery, social (-ism, -ist), speculation, stock, wholesale, withdrawal


What is your attitude towards the international language? Be ready to tell about this.


Verb + ing or to-infinitive

Fill in the right form of the verb given. Use -ing or to + infinitive


1. You don't find Charted accountants... (search) for a work in this firm.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 21; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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