To ban welfare annoy healthy body habits consequence

Exercise 2. U se the following questions to start an English conversation on the given topic.

· Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy life style?

  • What do you prefer, to eat everything you like, drink a lot, smoke, have no physical exercise and die at the age of 60 or lead a healthy life and live until 100?



Exercise 3. Listen to the introduction to a radio programme called “What’s your problem?” [4, 11.8, 11.9]. Fill in the test.

  True False
  Ellen finished university and get a job in London.    
  Experts aren’t blaming our modern lifestyle.    
  When Josh was a child he lived with his parents in Newcastle.    
  Once Fiona left home, walked down the bus stop and forgot to wear her shoes.    
5. Many people in the busy twenty first century are finding it more difficult to remember everything    

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 19; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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