Choose the right verb.

1. If I will hear/hear the thief I catch/will catch him.

2. I will call/call her if I will find out/find out her number.

3. She feel/will feel ill if she eats/will eat so much.

4. You get/will get wet if you don’t take/won’t take an umbrella.

5. He causes/will cause an accident if he drives/will drive too dangerously.

6. If she explains/will explain him the situation he will understand/understands it.

7. If you steal/will steal the purse they arrest/will arrest you.

8. If I invite/will invite Linda I will have/have to invite Bob.



Exercise 7. Write correct words.

The ndcaetiou system in Germany consist of primary, ncsedaryo and gerhhi education. At all levels of the rucstertu is represented by both public and private educational issontituint. Eemtnlerya school is to 6 from10 years (or up to 12 years in Berlin and Brandenburg). Children learn too read, count, write, study ltunaar science.

Secondary education is from 10 to 19 years. There are several types of secondary lsoshoc. Which school is perfect for a student solved in accordance with the oiconmdmreaent of the school, the desire of parents, school level assessments, as well as the result of entrance isonanamiext.

Exercise 8. Write a note to your English teacher explaining why you will be absent from lesson. Example: Dear Mrs. Alieva, I am writing this message to inform you that I will be absent from English lesson on June 21st from 9:30am to 10:30pm. I am going to the doctor to have them look at the problem I am having with my leg. I hope this is acceptable. Almas Satov

1. Choose the right variant. Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb. If I don't pass the exam, I _____ it again in January.

a) will be done

b) did

c) do

d) will do

2. Choose the right variant. Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb. We _____umbrella, if it rains.

a) will take

b) took

c) taken

d) would take

3. Choose the right variant. Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb.

As soon as he _____, we can have dinner.

a) come

b) comes

c) came

d) will come

4. Choose the right variant. Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb.

Don't buy it unless you _____ sure you like it.

a) been

b) be

c) are

d) will be



responsibility [ri,spɔn(t)sə'biləti] ответственность жауапкершілік
compulsory ['kəmpæls(ə)ri] обязательный тындырымды
bachelor’s degree ['bætʃeləz di'gri:] степень бакалавра бакалавр дәрежесі
master‘s degree ['mastəz di'gri:] степень магистра магистр дәрежесі
provide [prə'vaid] предоставлять; обеспечивать беру
admit [əd'mit] признавать тану
bewildering[bi'wildəriŋ] изумляющий керемет
depend on[di'pənd ɔn] зависеть от бағыну
necessary ['nesəs(ə)ri] необходимый керекті



1. Find Kazakh or Russian equivalents and express your opinion on the proverbs:

Seek education from the cradle to the grave. Never let your education interfere with your intelligence.

Education is the best provision for old age. Seek education even if it takes you to China.

2. Lexica-Grammatical exercises 4A [2. P.34-36]

3. Explain the idioms: “Bookworm”, “to live and learn”, ”teacher's pet”,” cover a lot of ground”. Have your heard the expression? What does it mean? Is there similar expression in your language?


Office hours

1.Write an essay on given topic. Write at least 80 words. What do you know about educational system of Kazakhstan?”

2.Your best friend got a bachelor degree in Academy. Congratulate him on his graduation. See the model.

Congratulations on receiving your degree! I have heard that the physics program is one of the toughest at the University, and I am quite impressed with you for sticking with it. Your commitment to using your training to improve urban life is commendable. Don't lose the vision! Please let me know when you begin your job search. Although I can't offer you a job, I have connections with several others who may. Good luck in beginning your new career!

3. Read the text, translate and put 3 questions. [7]


From the 15lh century AD European travellers carried home tales of the mysterious and amazing remains of the civilization of Egypt. One of its most remarkable monuments, which still evokes this sense of awe and might, is the Great Sphinx of Gizeh, the oldest surviving sphinx, dating from c2550 ВС, carved from a rock with the crouching body of a lion and a human face (74, 4 m. long, 20, 1 m. high, and 4, 2 m. broad, at its widest point; the head is 8, 7 m. high from chin to crown). The human head was the means of individualizing the sculpture, so that the Great Sphinx probably bears the idealized features of Khephren whose pyramid is nearby. The concept of the king as a powerful lion goes back into prehistoric times, and several ceremonial objects have survived which depict him in this guise, overthrowing his enemies. The sphinx was, therefore, a natural development, personifying the divine power of the king as a force protecting his land and repelling the power of evil. The Great Sphinx is one of the most distinctive and dominant of all the images of ancient Egypt, which is perhaps the source of the misconception that sphinxes are of central importance in Egyptian culture. However, those that have survived are among the most impressive as well as intriguing examples of Egyptian sculpture.




1. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File. English Course: Intermediate Student`s Book + Cassette. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File. English Course: Intermediate Workbook with keys. + Cassette. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 34-36.



3. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнении. (6-е изд.). СПб.: КАРО, 2010, p. 57.

4. CD обучающие программы Cambridge University для IIIуровня

5. A.S. Hornby, Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Издательство: Oxford University Press; Издание 7-е, 2009.

6. Ю.В. Куриленко. 400 тем по английскому языку для абитуриентов, студентов и преподавателей./Сост.

- Москва: ЗАО БАО-ПРЕСС, ИД “РИПОЛ классик”, 2005, p. 180.

7. E. Н. Безручко, «Английский язык для архитекторов», Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2004





Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits: 2

Intermediate level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: My ideal house

Grammar: Second conditional

Teacher: assistant professor Moldabayeva M.K.


Do you remember any proverbs and sayings about home and give the Russian or Kazakh equivalents.

i.e My home is my castle

What do you think it means?

Exercise 1 Look at the pictures. Which of these things can you identify in the pictures?

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 21; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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