Function of a Rhetorical Question

Writers employ rhetorical questions for rhetorical effects and we cannot easily quantify the impact rendered by a rhetorical question. The idea becomes all the more powerful, and our interest is aroused to continue to read and enjoy the technical and aesthetic beauty that a rhetorical question generates. Moreover, it is a requirement in persuasive speeches.


Euphenism. Periphrasis


This term denotes the use of a different, more gentle or favourable name for an object or phenomenon so as to avoid undesirable or unpleasant associations. Thus, the verb to die may be replaced by euphemisms like to expire, to be no more, to join the majority, to begone, to depart; a madhouse may be called a lunatic asylum or a mental hospital; euphemisms for toilet, lavatory are ladies'(men's) room; rest-room; bathroom. Euphemistic expressions may have the structure of a sentence: China is a country where you often get different accounts of the same thing (= where many lies are told) (from Lord Salisbury's Speech). There are euphemisms replacing taboo-words (taboos), i.e. words forbidden in use in a community: The Prince of darkness or The Evil One (=the Devil); the kingdom of darkness or the place of no return (= Hell).

Function of Euphemism

Euphemism helps writers to convey those ideas which have become a social taboo and are too embarrassing to mention directly. Writers skillfully choose appropriate words to refer to and discuss a subject indirectly which otherwise are not published due to strict social censorship e.g. religious fanaticism, political theories, sexuality, death etc. Thus, euphemism is a useful tool that allows writers to write figuratively about the libelous issues.

Periphrasis is a word-combination which is used instead of the word designating an object.

Every periphrasis indicates the feature of a notion which impressed the writer and conveys a purely individual perception of a given phenomenon.

As a result of frequent repetition periphrasis may become well established in the language as a synonymous expression for the word generally used to signify the object. Such word-combinations are called periphrastic synonyms.

In contrast to periphrastic synonyms genuine periphrasis is created in the process of writing and is an element of the individual style of a writer.

Periphrasis may be logical and figurative. Logical periphrases are based on logical notions. Figurative periphrasis may be based on metaphor and on metonymy.

Euphemistic periphrasis is a variety of periphrasis which substitutes a mild, delicate expression for one which seems to be rude or unpleasant. Euphemistic periphrasis has some features in common with euphemisms.

Periphrasis is used for various stylistic purposes, usually to achieve a humorous or satirical effect.

e.g. He bore under his arm the instruments of destruction.



Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 13; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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