And the next exhibit was already presented by our Soviet history.

Человек, как проводник  памяти Рода и истории нашей Родины».

18 марта 2017г. с 10ч. до 15ч. в Музее Боевой Славы имени Н.Ф.Ватутина «Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто» Подразделения «Давыдково» ГБПОУ КГТиТ № 41  проходили экскурсии по теме « Человек, как проводник памяти Рода и истории нашей Родины». В рамках IV этапа Городского фестиваля «Духовные скрепы Отечества», в этом году осуществлялся проект" «Museum Saturday- 2017» - это «Музейная суббота-2017», в которой часть экскурсий в музее были представлены на английском языке. Данный проект расчитан на посетителей, которые,возможно,владеют иностранными языками и иностранцев. Подготовлены экскурсии, знакомящие с историей 11 уникальных экспонатов музея (артефактов),сохранивших время,память и историю нашей Родины,сквозь мировые войны и смены государств. Основная тема- « Человек, как проводник памяти Рода и истории нашей Родины».

 Это: 1) немецкая трофейная штабная карта европейской части СССР (с дислокациями войск), захваченная в боях с немецко-фашистскими захватчиками под Москвой(1941); 2) фронтовая карта Европы и СССР, изданная Генеральным штабом Красной Армии в 1940г.; 3-4) два пропуска немецко-фашистской администрации по оккупированной территории Украины(1942); 5) математическая (счётная) книга-таблица для учащихся и взрослых(1898); 6-7)фотография 11-месячного Рыжова Виктора Петровича (1912- 1989) в кружевном воротнике,который тоже находится на хранении в музее( изготовлен в 1912г.); 8-9) похвальный лист Литвишкова Ивана Андреева и его свидетельство об окончании I Томаровского училища Белгородского уезда (1915г.); 10) Фотопортреты учащихся и преподавателей Первой Киевской гимназии 1903года; 11) типографский напечатанный экземпляр первой Конституции РСФСР(Российской Социалистической Федеративной Советской Республике)(1918г.).

   В музее насчитывается 516 экспонатов, из них 360-подлинные. Из всего многообразия, были выбраны 11  артефактов, о которых и пошёл подробный рассказ на этой «Музейной субботе-2017». Пришли познакомится около 30 человек. В основном жители района Фили-Давыдково, наши ветераны, учащиеся (активисты музея) (11 класс). А среди гостей, побывавших в музее были участники Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945гг.: Богомазов Валентин Андреевич(р.1926), Дрёмов Владимир Михайлович(р.1923); труженики тыла: Ковалёва Светлана Алексеевна , Копылова Светлана Алексеевна,Трушанова Надежда Тихоновна, Копылов Иван Николаевич. Рассказ вёл руководитель музея В.А.Мощалков и активисты музея-Климов Никита и Фомченков Кирилл.

В Подразделении «Давыдково» ГБПОУ КГТиТ № 41 обучение учащихся иностранным языкам не предусмотрено учебным планом. Поэтому, руководитель музея  В.А.Мощалков сам подготовил (перевёл) часть текста экскурсий на английский язык.  А учащиеся - активисты, экскурсоводы музея провели экскурсии на русском языке, т.к. не владели  иностранными  языками. Однако, использовать английский перевод экскурсий не пришлось. Не было таких посетителей, владеющих иностранными языками.


"Man, as a conductor of memory type and the history of our country"

(History of the 10 unique exhibits of the Museum (artifacts),preserving time,memory and history of our country through world war II and the change of States).

Among the original items of the great Patriotic war was chosen four unique exhibit:

1) captured German staff map of the European part of the USSR (with the dispositions of troops), captured in the battles against the Nazi invaders at Moscow(1941). The document was discovered in the town of Narofominsk in the course of an ethnographic expedition organized by the Museum in 2000. It is only known that the card was from a German officer captured in the battle of Moscow. So said the owners of the artifact


Mоshchalkov  Alexeevich

 Boris, who was in the expedition

2) the front map of Europe and the USSR, issued by the General staff of the red Army in 1940. It is a family heirloom, and belonged to the father of Beloglazova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, head of the school library. With this card, her father, a career


military, went through the war;



3) pass Bolkunova Maria Ignatova, burghers Chernihiv region for transit through the territory of Ukraine (occupied territory of the USSR) issued 21.07.1942 G. Nazi administration. The text is printed on mechanical typewriter.

4) note headman Ichnya district Council of the occupation authorities of the mayor of municipality No. 5 dated 15 September 1942. on economic issues. The handwritten note written in the Ukrainian language. The artifacts were discovered in the region, Pochayiv (Ukraine) during an ethnographic expedition in the summer of 2002. The documents were found abandoned in one of the village houses.

How life coexists with death, and the world coexists with war. People never want to fight, they want to live peacefully, to love, to raise children and enjoy life.

Therefore, in our Museum there is an exposition dedicated to the culture and national life of our ancestors from the end of XIX century to the beginning of the 1990s For a story on "Museum Saturday -2016" was selected seven unique exhibit:

1) mathematical (counting) book-table for students and adults(1898), a gift of a teacher of mathematics Denisova Vera Sergeyevna. The uniqueness of this table, characterized by the fact that there are basic elements of the account that was used in ancient Russia.

Later,this table has never been reprinted.


2) photo 11-month Ryzhov, Viktor Petrovich (1912 - 1989)

3)  this lace collar, which is also stored in the Museum( made in 1912);



These exhibits also gave the Museum the mathematics teacher, V. S., Denisov, who is the great-niece of V. P. Ryzhov. Present with great enthusiasm saw how cherished predshestvuyuschih generation to objects and things created with your own hands. There is much to learn from our younger generation.

And only in our Museum you can see:

4) certificate of merit Litvishkov Ivan Andreev for good behaviour ,excellent progress in his training in the I Tomarovka primary school, Belgorod uezd, KURSK governorate (27.04.2015)


5) certificate Litvishkov Ivan Andreev about the end I Komarovskogo school district Belgorod ( 01.09.1915).


Litvishkov Ivan Andreev (b.October 17, 1904) is a farmer SL.(village) the City ,the first agricultural society of the same parish, Belgorod district, Kursk province., religion Orthodox.

Both documents, in addition to the Chairman and members of the Belgorod district school Board , signed by the Inspector of public schools in the province of Kursk, Belgorod district of the Yak.Ural(as in the text). The story of these artifacts, it was stressed that in its external design ,they are a huge information reservoir, rasshirili horizons of the younger generation and in forming their worldview in the spirit of patriotism and traditional values of the family. So, on the evidence of portraits of 4 generations of the ruling Royal



surnames: Alexander II ,his grandson Nicholas II, and great grandson-Heir of Cesarevitch Alexey Nikolaevicha.

Beneath the text is placed portraits of people who have contributed to education: K. D. Ushinskiy and Baron N..Korf .And here the picture of simple peasant children, for which they tried in their activities. The decoration is very commendable of the sheet passes the then-teenagers and knowledge of the modern political history of his country and the world, and also shows the highlights of the international situation( and then started and it was the First World war). All this gave birth to the children of the time some sense of ownership to world history since the portraits of such famous people was next to his name. And this merit it to much obliges: to be better and to love their country and people. Here, under the portraits of the Emperor Nicholas II and his son Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich ,at the bottom after the text depicts the heads of five European countries, who fought in the First world war on the side of Russia, as well as the generals of the Entente - General Joffre, field Marshal D. French, the Commander in chief of Russia led.kN. Nicholas and two famous Russian General. And all this against the background of the frame in several works on military subjects battles of the war: "the battle under Sarykamyshsky", "the battle of the Marne", "battle in the August woods", " sea battle "SV.Evstafiya" with "Hebenon"" "Prayer at the forefront".



Of great interest to students and is another artifact to our Museum.


6) Portraits of students and teachers of the First Kiev gymnasium 1903года. This document describes the pre-revolutionary system of education, which provided for separate education for boys and girls. In this photo 1903года - male gymnasium in Kiev. All students on a single form of the gymnasium.

Among the teachers, the priests who taught the Law of God and other Christian religious items, because at that time the Church was not separated from the state.



And the next exhibit was already presented by our Soviet history.

This: 7) typographic (printed in 1918.) a copy of the first Constitution of the RSFSR (Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic).






called our first national single state, which was the successor to the Russian Empire. This item was donated to the Museum by the teacher of geography Kalinovo Valentina Grigorievna, whose grandfather was a Bolshevik of the first years of Soviet power. Visitors of "Moscow on Saturday" well-remembered of the Soviet Union,was surprised to learn that only after 1924,with the formation in 1922. The USSR and founded the Russian Soviet Federative socialist Republic(unlike the United Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic(1918-1924гг.). Here, most of them were born.

All the guests and our students really learned a lot by visiting this Museum day, in the friendly, informal atmosphere.








The school Museum is open not only for students of our school, and is a center of Patriotic education for the students of the Fili-Davydkovo district. For each student in the Museum always find the right words . The children cultivated the kindness, patience and clarity of mind, and Smoking and other bad habits has long been considered not fashionable and not needed.

And the memory of the war always assists in education of new generations. Because the memory gives the opportunity to understand and acquire from the eternal infinity of the power of the spirit, dedication, honesty, mercy and kindness that are so rich in the military and the older generation.

That's why children are drawn to this source of knowledge. The lessons of courage children are always listening – how to be a real man, and then it is practically implemented. Organize the Timur movement for two lonely veterans, who students help with power delivery and in the design of social issues. There is a constant exchange of experience between museums of military glory of other schools. Tours , as well as activists of the Museum, writing articles for Newspapers about the Museum of military glory"Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"the name of N. F.Vatutin for the General reader.



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