Complete the text with the given words (two words are extra):

1. It was a very _____________ moment in the film. We all cried. 2. Sally baked a cake in the ___________ of a heart. 3. The two __________ of the river are connected with a bridge. 4. The __________ of the questions were too difficult, so I couldn’t answer them. 5. To __________ means to get money for doing work. 6. Cinderella had a ______________ stepmother and two stepsisters. 7. Can you tell me the ___________ time and place of the meeting? 8. I can’t tell you the ____________, just believe me: going there is a very stupid idea!

touched, wickedly, reason, shape, touching, banks, rest, exact, reign, wicked


III. Culture and Geography of the UK

Choose the right answer:

1. Who was the husband of Queen Victoria?

a) Henry XIII             b) Prince Philipp           c) Prince Albert         d) Prince William

2. Who was the daughter of Henry XIII?

a) Elizabeth I           b) Elizabeth II           c) Victoria              d) Ann Hathaway

3. What was the name of Shakespeare’s theatre?

a) Stratford Theatre  b) London Theatre  c) Hamlet Theatre  d) Globe Theatre

4. What was Shakespeare buried?

a) In Trinity Church in Stratford b) in Westminster Abbey c) in the Tower d) in the Globe Theatre

5. Where is the famous Stonehenge situated?

a) In the North of England   b) in the Midlands      c) in the Southwest d) in the Southeast

6. Where is Hadrian’s Wall situated?

a) In the North of England   b) in the Midlands      c) in the Southwest d) in the Southeast

7. What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Belfast            b) Cardiff             c) Manchester            d) Edinburgh


Extra task

Translate into English:

Шекспир родился в 1564 году в Стратфорде на Эйвоне. Его отец был перчаточником, а мать была дочерью фермера. Шекспир ходил в грамматическую школу. Когда ему было 18, Он женился на Анне Хеттуэй (Ann Hathaway). Шекспир – известный поэт и драматург. Он писал пьесы и сонеты. Я хочу, чтобы ты прочитал какие-нибудь пьесы Шекспира. Как волнующи его пьесы!



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