You are studying at a college to get a professional education. Why did you choose this profession ?

Білет 5

Talk about your college and teachers that have taught you. Use the ideas given below:

· say something about your college rules and traditions

· inform about your favourite college subjects

· your favourite teachers

1. I study at the Dniepropetrovsk Transport economic college.

2. The college consists of three training buildings which have numbers: one, two and three.

3. There are two sports grounds behind the training buildings.

4. My training or educational building is a four-storey construction (number 1) with a gym inside it.  / My training or educational building is a four-storey construction (number 2) with a gym inside the training building number 3 .

5. On the ground floor there is a library where three librarians work and help students find books they need.

6. There is also a local museum of the history of our college.

7. When you enter the college and turn left you can find a large and light canteen where students have lunch. / On the second floor you can find a buffet which is always busy and noisy.

8. To the right of the entrance you can see a buffet which is always busy and noisy.

9. The gymnasium is also on the ground floor.

10. Our physical training lessons are held there.

11. There is a lot of sports equipment in the gym.

12. And the students like to attend the gym not only in classes but also after the classes.

13. There are many classrooms and special laboratories which are situated on all the floors.

14. But he workshops with all kinds of tools and machines are mainly situated on the ground floor and in the training building number 3.

15. Each educational building has its own Assembly Hall where students watch concerts and have meetings.

16. There are many holidays held in the Assembly Halls.

17. There is also a youth hostel in our college where not local students live.

18. I am a second-year student. And I go to college 5 days a week.

19. Our classes start at half past eight and last till three p.m.

20. So we have three or four periods a day.

21. We study many different subjects: Ukrainian, English, Mathematics, History, Computer Science, Law, (Geography of tourism and …

22. My favourite subjects are … / My favourite subject is …

23. There are many teachers who teach us. But my favourite is … I like him / her because he / she …

24. The academic year is divided into three parts called terms.

25. During the first two terms we study and during the third term we have a practical job.

26. The academic year begins on the 1st of September known as the Day of Knowledge and finishes in June.

27. After graduating from the college I am going to work at …


Білет 10

You are going to participate in the conference devoted to the mass media. Express your point of view on the following questions:

· what is the role of mass media in modern society ?

· what is your reaction to the information you read or listen to ?

· what are your favourite TV programs ?


1. Mass media are one of the most characteristics features of modern society.

2. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media.

3. We can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using such means of mass media as television, newspapers, magazines, Internet and radio.

4. Newspapers were the first earliest kind of mass media.

5. They started in Rome in 59 B.C. and were handwritten newssheets called ‘Acta Diurna’.

6. Magazines appeared in 1700’s and developed from newspapers and booksellers’ catalogs.

7. Radio and television appeared only in the 20th century.

8. The most exciting and entertaining kind of mass media is television and Internet.

9. They demonstrate moving pictures and sounds directly to people’s homes.

10. So you can watch events in faraway places just being at home.

11. As for Internet you can be aware of all the news even if you are out.

12. Radio is also widespread for its portability.

13. It means that people can listen to the radio on the beach or picnic, while driving a car or just walking down the street.

14. The main kind of radio entertainment is music.

15. Newspapers can cover much more events and news.

16. Magazines do not focus on daily and very rapidly changing events.

17. They provide more profound analysis of events of proceeding week.

18. Magazines are designed to be kept for a longer time so they have cover and binding and are printed on better paper.

19. If I want to find out some fresh news or more detailed information about the events first of all I will overview the Internet and then, of course, I will watch TV.

20. Television is the most widespread and important means of communication.

21. It broadcasts entertainment programs, documentary films and science fiction information. 

22.  Television also presents talk shows with the hosts who interview politicians, sportsmen, TV and movie stars.

23. The most popular Ukrainian channels on TV are ‘1+1’, ‘Inter’ and ‘STB’. Which keep people informing about current news and the latest achievements in science and culture.

24. As for me I always try to watch ‘TSN-News’ and  action-shows like ‘Cube’ or quiz-shows (вікторини) on STB.

25. I like watching action films and hate soap operas which attract many viewers at prime-time.

26. I also don’t like advertising. Although I know that advertising is an important part of commercial TV.

27. Commercials appear between and during most programs.

28. They urge viewers to buy different kinds of products – from food for pet animals to drugs in drug stores and from cars to insurance policies.

29. Television is divided into commercial and public.

30. Commercial television broadcasts entertainment programs and public television focuses on education and culture. 



Білет 11

You are studying at a college to get a professional education. Why did you choose this profession ?

Дата добавления: 2022-12-03; просмотров: 21; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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