You may use these expressions in your speech

Ask questions

Is    live  
  he  have in ...
Was     work for...
  she     act  
Did    born  



to tell about your opinion:


I agree (disagree) with...;

I have a different opinion;

It seems to me that...;

In my opinion...;

As I see it...;

I believe that....

To my mind...

From my point of view...




qualities - качества 

skills - навыки

abilities - способности

self-Assessment - самооценка

self-control - самообладание

independence - независимость

self-esteem - самоуважение

confidence - уверенность

emotion control - управление эмоциями

puposefulness - целеустремленность

time control - умение управлять временем

belief in ... - вера в…

resilence to stresses- - стрессоустойчивость

a sharp mind - острый ум                  

ambition - амбиция                              

creativity - творческий потенциал

numeracy and literacy - умение обращаться с цифрами и грамотность   

artistic ability - артистическая способность           

administrative skills - навыки администратора         

individuality - индивидуальность                   

initiative -   инициатива                                           

ability to work to tight deadlines - способность работать , приспосабливаясь к напряженным крайним срокам

Physical strength - физическая сила

teamwork skills - навыки взаимодействия

leadership - лидерство

ability to work under pressure - способность работать напряженно

flexibility - гибкость

good looking - привлекательность  

Intelligent - интеллектуальный             

Popular - популярный                                                 

Athletic - спортивный                        

Appreciated - оцененный             

Talented - талантливый                      

Happy - счастливый                                                   

Relaxed - раскрепощенный                       

Caring - заботливый            

Strong - сильный                                                                          

Enthusiastic - энтузиаст                

Energetic - энергичный                                              

Dependable  - зависимый               

Boring   - скучный                                          

Confident - уверенный     

Unhappy - несчастный     

Creative - творческий               

A leader - лидер              

Friendly - дружелюбный      

Helpful -  полезный 

Responsible - ответственный       

Funny - забавный                 

Angry - сердитый                   

Honest - честный               

Successful - успешный  

A loner  - одиночка        

shy    - застенчивый          

Generous - щедрый        

Goal - цель

Short-term - краткосрочный

long-range - дальнего действия



Speak in groups about successful people

1.Make the word map and then use the example to say:

A successful person should be…

2. Match the words and their translations and then say:

A successful person should have…

3. Read sentences and then say:

A successful person is a person

· who lives separately (отдельно) from his family

· who is independent in his relations with other people

· who doesn't have friends and doesn't rely on other people

· who shares everything he / she has with other people

· who works hard every day to become better and cleverer

· who succeeds by his / her own efforts alone

· who thinks of himself more than about other people

· who is sure that he/she has a close friend

· who took part in competitions and won them

· who has teamwork skills

· who loves to study and can do it

Read through the list of characteristics, below. Decide how well each characteristic fits YOU. Be honest. If you are unsure about an item, ask yourself how others see you.

  Most of the time              Average    Almost never
Good looking      

Answer these questions about your study habits. Read each question and mark the  answer that best describes you at this time. Then say about yourself if you want.                                                      

1. Do you know and use your best learning style?                                                

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never                       

2. Do you study the difficult subjects first?                                                         

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never                          

3. Do you take short, frequent breaks during study sessions?                            

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never

4. Do you set goals for your study time?

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never

5. Do you have a special study area?                                                   

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never            

6. Do you read and study effectively?                                                

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never            

7. Do you study regularly?                                                             

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never            

8. If you were a "paid" student, would you earn your wages?                  

Always / Sometimes / Seldom / Never  

Home task:

Take a look at your goals.

Take a few minutes to write down some of your goals. Check whether each goal is short-term or long-range, and write in the date by which you plan to accomplish it.

What are goals? 

• an end,

• home base,

• the final destination,

• what you are aiming for.

Goals can center on

• having something — clothes, a car, money

• achieving — improving your grades,

• finishing school,

• going to college,

• having a career,

• becoming famous,

• gaining knowledge and honors.


Short-term goals

• making phone calls,

• finishing your homework,

• cleaning your room,

• making plans for the weekend.

Long-range goals

• planning a trip for next summer,

• deciding to go to a trade school,

• a community college,

• or a university;

• saving money to buy something special;

• making plans for your future career.


Goals are written in special ways.

They are:

• Positive (They contain no negative words.)

• Personal (They're about us, not others.)

• Written as though they are happening now or have already happened. (Never write them as though they are "going to'' happen.)

Tips for Setting Goals


1. Goals must be clear and describe exactly what you want or will do.

2. Goals must be personal. They must be about you, not someone else.

3. Goals must be measurable. You need to know when you have achieved your goal.

4. Goals must have realistic time limits.

5. Goals must be manageable. Divide big goals into several smaller, attainable goals or tasks. This will enable you to experience results in a shorter period to time.

6. Goals must be stated in positive rather than negative terms: (I will do something rather than I won't do some­thing.)

7. Goals must be written down. People are more likely to achieve goals that are in writing. Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power, like a contract with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget.   

You may use these expressions in your speech

I think about... when I hear the word success.

I associate the word success with    

We believe that a successful person should be ...

A successful person is a person...

I should develop... to become a successful person.

I would like to get rid of...

I should be more independent.

I should be less shy

I know and use my best learning style..,                                                

I study the difficult subjects first...                                                         

I take short, frequent breaks during study sessions...                            

I set goals for my study time...

I have a special study area...                                                  

I read and study effectively...                                                

I study regularly...                                                            

If I were a "paid" student, I would earn my wages...                  

Дата добавления: 2022-12-03; просмотров: 19; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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