Listen to the text and try to sum it up


. The aim of the lesson is to teach you to express some ideas about the problems people may have to face in the future.


1. Listen to some ideas expressed by futurologists. Show your card if the idea is optimistic, and your blue card if it is pessimistic:

a) We will all live in skyscrapers. b) There won’t be any cars in the streets. c) We shall use helicopters instead of cars. d) We won’t have to walk much. e) There will be too many people in the cities. f) People won’t live in small villages. g) We will be able to control the weather. h) People will learn to synthesize food. i) No one will die from hunger. j) There won’t be any ethnic conflicts. k) People will colonize the Moon and other planets. l) We will run short of natural fuel. m) There will be new sources of energy. n) We shall cut down all forests. o) Many people will have to live in space for years. p) There will be plants and factories on other planets. q) People will live much longer. r) Many dangerous diseases will disappear. s) Computers will teach children and solve many problems for us.


2. Mute exercises.

3. Pronunciation drill:

a) If you run after two hares, you’ll catch none.

     If you deal with wolves you’ll soon start howling.

     If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.

     If two witches watch two matches, which witch will watch which match?

 b) Don’t trouble trouble                c) Until trouble troubles you. It only doubles trouble And troubles others, too. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper Where’s the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

4. Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column:

1. to build one’s castle upon the sand Выступать перед аудиторией
2. to build castles in the air Указать кому-то на дверь
3. room at the top Припереть к стенке
4. to do something under the table Создавать что-то непрочное
5. to be in the chair Ковёр-самолёт
6. to take the floor Захлопнуть дверь перед носом
7. a window on the world Председательствовать
8. to camp on somebody’s doorsteps Верхняя ступенька социальной лестницы
9. to shut the door in somebody’s face Ломиться в отрытую дверь
10. to show somebody the door Строить воздушные замки
11. to force an open door Окно в мир
12. to call somebody on the carpet У стен есть уши
13. a magic carpet Дать кому-либо нагоняй
14. walls have ears Делать что-либо секретно
15. to drive somebody to the wall Обивать пороги


5. Look through the statements from ass.1 and join them by means ofand, besides, but, because, etc.”. Reproduce them.

E.g.: “People will live much longer because many dangerous diseases will disappear and, besides, no one will die from hunger.”

6. Reproduce the dialogue:

  - Will you be at the club next Saturday?

  - Yes, if I am in town, I’ll go to the club.

  - If you are at the club on Saturday, you’ll see Mike.

  - If I am there, I may see him.

  - Well, if you `do see him, tell him I’ll come on Tuesday.

  - Right, I’ll tell him that if I see him.

  - Say that I’ll come if it’s fine.

  - I see. If I’m in town and if I’m at the club, and if I see Mike, I’m to tell him that you’ll come on Tuesday if it’s fine.

  - Yes, that’s what you are to say.

  - Well, I’ll do that if I remember.

7. Make up a monologue based on the previous dialogue. Ask your imaginary listener to give an oral message to your friend. The message that you send should also contain certain conditions.

e.g.: “If you meet Ann, please, remember to tell her that I’ll wait for her at the University at seven sharp. Tell her if she doesn’t come, she won’t get back her dictionary because I won’t be able to meet her later.”


8. Reproduce the following adding more questions of your own:

People are interested in the past and future because they want to get away from the present. Of course, we know many things about the past. But what will it be like in the 21st century? Will there be any fresh air to breathe? Will there be enough food for everybody? Will historians be surprised that our transport was so slow and our life so busy?…

9. Enumerate the real dangers that people will have to face in the centuries to come (and above all in the 21st century). Begin with the most obvious ones. If you think that something unpleasant is not likely to happen, use “may” instead of “will”.

e.g.: “There will be too many people in the cities. We may have to cut down all our forests.” etc.


10. Read the following text. It is not complete. Add a few sentences of your own to bring the text to one of the conclusions below reflecting your point of view. The guide words given in the brackets may help you to do it. You may also use the previous assignments.

People talk much on ecological problems. They say it will soon be difficult to breathe without a gas-mask on. Many people are afraid that soon there will be no more fish in the rivers. Scientists warn us about the greenhouse effect. It means that the temperature will keep rising and the polar ice will start melting….

(to close down plants and factories, changes in nature, show/quick, get another continent, the Antarctic, turn industrial waste into something useful).

a) It will be impossible to live on the Earth.

b) We have enough knowledge to foresee the future.

c) Industrial progress is more important than ecology.


11. It’s difficult to foresee the future. We may only suppose that something may happen. There are too many “if-s!” So try to give several hypotheses about the things that will or may happen if:

a) dangerous illnesses disappear; b) the polar ice melts; c) we run short of natural fuel; d) we leave all our problems to computers.

e.g.: “If dangerous illnesses disappear, people will live much longer. Then there will be too many people and there will not be enough food. We shall have to eat synthesized food or colonize other planets…”


12. Discuss one of the problems with your partner:

a) Why are people never satisfied with the present?

b) Do you believe in fortune telling?

c) What kind of advice will you give the future generation?

d) Will the people of tomorrow envy us or pity us?

13. Say what interests you more: past, present or future. Explain why._______________

Home Assignment:

1) Lapidus (yellow), Read the story on pp176-177 and do ex. XLIV on p. 179; p. 341 ex. II (points “a” and “e”) (in writing);

2) Lapidus (blue), p. 259 “Mr. Priestley’s House” (read);

Psychology Questionnaire

Do you get embarrassed…

1. If you see your zip is down and people have noticed.

2. If someone uses words you think are dirty in public.

3. If your parents, spouse or girlfriend start shouting at you in public.

4. When you’ve forgotten to go somewhere you were invited and they phone afterwards to ask where you were.

5.  If you are caught lying.

6. If people pay a lot of attention to you or fuss over you.

7. If you‘ve been watching a nice-looking woman in public and she speaks to you.

8. If someone asks you a very personal question.

9. If you’ve been trying to chat someone up and they are rude about it.

10. If you have to make a speech in front of a large group.

11. If you want to make a statement or ask a question after a lecture or speech.

12. when you want to complain about something in a restaurant or shop or at work.

13. When you are criticized.

14. If you suddenly realize you are making a fool of yourself or have said the wrong thing.

15. If you know or think people are talking about you.

16. If people come to visit unexpectedly and your house is a mess.

17. If you are going somewhere with a group of unfamiliar people

18. If you break something in a shop.

19. If you arrive very late at something very important.

20. If you arrive at a party or dinner or meeting wearing the wrong type of clothes.

Tears. In the following circumstances, would you cry?

1. You hurt yourself.

2. You are frightened.

3. You feel very nervous and tense.

4.  You’ve been laughing too hard.

5. Someone is angry at you and shouts

6. Someone criticizes you harshly.

7. You’re caught doing something you know is wrong.

8. Someone is trying to make you feel bad.

9. You feel very ill.

10. You feel totally frustrated.

11. You see someone you haven’t seen for a long time.

12. At the end of a love relationship which you have ended

13.  In a sad film.

14. In a very moving film – even if it ends happily.

15. At the news of a terrible tragedy.

16. On your birthday

17. Your children leave home.

18. Your pet dies.

19. You peel onions.

20. Someone you love is going away for a long time.

Laughter. Do you laugh…

1. When you get embarrassed

2. When you don’t know what to say

3. When you don’t think it’s funny but someone wants you to laugh

4. If someone slips on something or is clumsy.

5. At a joke about other nationalities.

6. When someone makes a fool of himself

7. When someone tries to do something they aren’t good at.

8. When a child cries over something you think is unimportant.

9. When someone makes fun of a third person.

10. At jokes about people with physical or mental handicaps.

11. at a person dressed up or made up strangely.

12. At sarcastic remarks.

13. At things you disagree with or don’t understand.

14. When someone is clowning.

15. At really stupid jokes.

16. If you are reading something funny in a bus

17. When someone makes fun of you

18. When someone plays a practical joke on you.

19. At your own jokes.

20. Because other people are laughing.

Listen to the text and try to sum it up

My name is Mary. I am a very shy person. I easily get embarrassed. For example, if I arrive very late at something very important. In fact, I don’t like it when people pay a lot of attention to me or fuss over me. If I‘ve been watching a nice-looking man in public and he speaks to me I feel nervous. I may cry if I feel very nervous and tense. I get embarrassed if someone asks me a very personal question or when I have to make a speech in front of a large group. I feel ill at ease when somebody is shouting at me in public. And I feel very bad when I am criticized. I don’t like people talking about me. Besides, I feel awful if I break something in a shop. So, I am a shy fish. More than that, I am a very romantic person. I cry if I see someone you haven’t seen for a long time. I also cry in a sad film, at the news of a terrible tragedy and on my birthday. In a word, I am shy and a little bit old-fashioned.

10. Speak about yourself as a personality. When do you feel embarrassed, confused, when would you laugh and cry.

I’m…I’m from…. I am … person. I … get embarrassed. For example, if I … In fact, I (don’t) like it when…. If I… I ( never) feel nervous. I may cry if I feel …. I get embarrassed if …. I feel ill at ease when…. And I feel very bad when I ….. Besides, I feel …. So, I ... More than that, I ….

Дата добавления: 2022-12-03; просмотров: 23; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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