Коммуникативная ситуация 7. «Искусство»

Дорогие студенты. Готовимся к дифференцированному зачёту.

Вопросов – 3. 1. – грамматический тест (по вариантам). 2 – письменный перевод текста. 3 – устный ответ по одной из коммуникативных ситуаций (билет).

Мы проведем зачет в три этапа: на одной из пар выполним перевод, на другой – тест, на третьей – пересказ.


Список тем по коммуникативным ситуациям, пройденным за весь курс обучения в колледже.


Коммуникативная ситуация 1. «О себе, своей семье».

Расскажите о себе и своей семье, опираясь на вопросы:


1     What is your (surname, full name)?

2     When and where were you born? What’s the date and the place of your birth?

3     Do you have a large family?

4     Do you have many relatives? What relatives do you have?

5     Do your parents work or are they retired?

6     When did you finish school?

7     Did you finish a specialized or a secondary school?

8     What marks did you have in English?

9     At what department do you study?

10   What are your favorite subjects at the college?

11   Why is it difficult to combine work and study?

12   Are you married or single?

13 What’s your hobby (favourite pass-time)?



Коммуникативная ситуация 2. «Мой рабочий день»

Расскажите о своём обычном рабочем дне, опираясь на вопросы:


1)    When do you usually get up?

2)    What do you like to do while having breakfast?

3)    When do you leave home for the college?

4)    Do you live far from the college?

5)    How long does it take you to get to the college?

6)     Where do you usually have your lunch?

7)     How many classes a day do you have?

8)     When are your classes over?

9)     Do you stay at the college’s library after classes? What do you do there?

10) How long does it take you to do your homework?

11) What do you do in your spare time?

12) When do you go to bed?

13) Do you ever sit up late?


 Коммуникативная ситуация 3. «Оренбург – город, в котором я учусь».

        Расскажите о городе, в котором Вы учитесь, опираясь на вопросы


1     What city do you study in?

2     Orenburg is an old city, isn’t it?

3     How many times was it founded?

4     Was it founded as a fortress?

5     Who founded Orenburg?

6     What famous people lived and worked in Orenburg?

7     What are the most interesting sights of Orenburg?

8     What was the importance of Orenburg for our country during the Great Patriotic War?

9     What kind of a city is Orenburg nowadays?

10   What kind of educational institutions are there in Orenburg?

11   What is Orenburg Flying school famous for?

12   Do you like your native city?


Коммуникативная ситуация 4. «Россия. Москва»

Расскажите о своей стране, опираясь на вопросы:


1) What can you say about the geographical position of Russia?

2) What part of the earth’s surface does the Russian Federation occupy?

3) What is the total area of the country?

4) What seas and oceans is the country washed by?

5) What countries does Russia border on?

6) What kind of climate does Russia have?

7) What is the population of Russia?

8) What are the most famous rivers, lakes and mountains of Russia?

9) What mountain chain separates Europe from Asia?

10) Is Russia rich in mineral resources?

11) What are three branches of the power in Russia?

12) What are the main symbols of our country?

13) What is the capital of Russia?

14) Who founded Moscow?

15) What is it famous for?

16) Do you believe that Russia has promising future?


Коммуникативная ситуация 5. «Великобритания. Лондон»

Расскажите о стране изучаемого языка, опираясь на вопросы:


1) What hat can you say about the geographical position of Great Britain?

2) What kind of climate do the British Isles have?

3) What countries make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

4) What are the main branches of industry there? Name their centers.

5) What can you say about Oxford and Cambridge?

6) How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

7) What political parties are there in Britain?

8) What can you say about the geographical position of London?

9) How many parts is London divided into?

10) What places of interest in London do you know?


Коммуникативная ситуация 6. «США. Вашингтон».

Расскажите о стране изучаемого языка, опираясь на вопросы:


1) Where does the USA lie?

2) What is the total area of the USA?

3) What countries are larger than the USA?

4) How does the climate of the USA vary?

5) How many states are there in the USA?

6) What is the population of the USA?

7) What is the capital of the country?

8) When was Washington founded?

9) How many branches is the USA federal government divided into?

10) What are these branches?

11) Where is the seat of the American Congress?

12) What are the main parties in the USA?

13) What is the official national symbol of the USA?


Коммуникативная ситуация 7. «Искусство»

Расскажите об основных жанрах искусства, опираясь на вопросы:


1) What kinds of arts are there in the world?

2) What are the most popular arts?

3) Where does the word “music” originate from?

4) What is music?

5) Where does the word “theatre” originate from?

6) What is theatre?

7) Has theatre been the most popular spectator art for centuries?

8) What kind of an art is painting?

9) How do painters express their ideas?

10) What is the youngest of the arts?

11) When did cinema appear?


Дата добавления: 2022-11-11; просмотров: 13; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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