Part III. The Use of English (16 points-max)

Контрольная работа к УМК В.П. Кузовлева «English», 9 класс

Unit 5 «School —what's next?»


Part I. Listening (16 points-max)




Task 1. Listen to the tape about Sam's future profession and answer if these statements given below are true or false.

When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession, your future life has become. It's not easy to make the right choice of a job. I have known for long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.

What do I want to be when I leave school? It's very important question for me. A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about what science or field of industry to specialize in. It's difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better suited. A coupe of years ago I wanted to become a doctor, you know I wanted to help people who had problems with health. Then I wanted to become a policeman, then a spaceman, I even wanted to become a professional football player. But all of them now are in the past; they were like children's dreams and nothing more. Now I have already decided what to do. I'd like to be an aviator. I know that it's very difficult. I should know perfectly everything about the planes, airports, weather and other things. You know that the weather is very important thing for the flights too. I must be well educated and well informed. So that's why at first I am going to go to the Aviation University in Moscow, then when I finish studding I'll go to my country to try to get a job in the air companies. You know may be something will be not OK, because I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I know that I'll do everything to realize my plan and my dreams.

I also want to say that the profession should be chosen according to the character and hobbies of the person. That's why parents mustn't make their children choose the thing they like (parents like). Children must do it themselves. Because they must love the thing they do, believe that people need them and their job will bring them more pleasure.

Sam Norton


1. Sam thinks that it's easy to make the right choice of job.

2. Sam wants to be a fireman.

3. Sam would like to be an aviator.

4. Sam is going to go to the Aviation University in Moscow

5. Sam doesn't think that his dreams will come true.

6. Sam thinks that the profession should be chosen according to the character and hobbies of the person.

7. Sam thinks that job must bring people more pleasure.


Task 2.What information was not mentioned in the text?


1. The information about Sam's future profession.

2. The information about the advantages of being a spaceman.

3. The information about Sam's dreams.

4. The information about Sam's love to planes.



Part II. Reading (16 points-max)


Task 3. Read the text «The Best Job in the World» and answer if the statement «The Australian Tourism Office employs a new caretaker twice a year» true, false or not stated.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


The Best Job in the World


Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? It is the world's largest coral reef system along the eastern coast of Australia. In February 2009 an extraordinary position was advertised by the Australian Tourism Office. The advertisement ran that the Great Barrier Reef needed a caretaker for half a year. It was for a special person who would look after the Reef.

The job offered a large salary, free accommodation in a luxury villa, and transportation there and around the islands. All expenses would be paid: the winner wouldn't need to spend any extra money on anything.

The job's duties were pretty simple. You could only dream of such requirements. First, the person had to speak English and swim well. Second, on the island his responsibility included writing a weekly Internet blog. That's right, weekly, not even daily! The job description also required the successful applicant to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical climate and lifestyle. A real dream!

Within the first 2 days of the contest, the tourism office received more than seven thousand online applications. All told, 34,000 people of all different nationalities applied. Each made and presented a 60-second video resume. They had to be creative and they were. In the end 16 people were chosen, who flew to Australia for the final selection. The candidates were interviewed and the winner was Ben Southall from the UK.

Ben greatly enjoyed the dream job he had got. He realised that people knew very little about planet earth and its treasures. Living in big cities, they forgot how important the flora and fauna of this world were. Every time Ben went outdoors, he could discover something new. “Every time I dived or went underwater, I forgot about all the troubles above water and concentrated on living in the moment. It was a good way to clean the mind and build respect for the natural world,” Ben said.

Ben's life on the island was not just fun. It was very busy, busier than most people imagined, and certainly busier than Ben himself had imagined. He worked seven days a week and up to 19 hours a day. The Best Job included travelling to over 60 islands of the Reef almost every day. It was not just looking after the Reef, Ben had a lot of meetings, press conferences and interviews. He was getting a lot of attention all the time and he couldn't get away from it. That was probably the hardest part of the job.

Moreover, any adventure has a certain degree of risk. Swimming and diving on the Great Barrier Reef was not different. Ben had to deal with whales, sharksand other huge sea creatures. Surprisingly, the most dangerous thing was a small jellyfish about the size of a little finger. It's considered to be extremely poisonous and Ben was stung by it. He had to spend a couple of days in hospital but luckily recovered after a course of antibiotics.

Ben often says that the project has taught him a few valuable lessons. Working with the Internet is one of those jobs you can do 24 hours a day. Ben realised it was hard to separate life and work, but this he had to do. He also said: “I've learned that we get one life on earth so we have to use it. There'll always be other countries to visit, other people to meet and other adventures to meet. This is what I wish to do. I'm planning to go to Asia in a few years time”.


Task 4.Match seven texts A— G with the appropriate titles. One of the titles is extra.


1. My accommodation in Rome

2. New friends

3. Getting the job

4. The working day

5. Plans for next summer

6. Language experience

7. The top tourist attraction

8. General impressions of the country


A. I've just returned from Italy, and it was the most beautiful working holiday anyone could dream of. Yes, I saw the Colosseum with my own eyes! It was built in the first century AD — the amphitheatre could house as many as 50,000 people. It's difficult to imagine the gladiators fighting there and the public watching the cruel show. There were also fights with lions. Fortunately, there are no lions in the Colosseum now — only cats. And there are a lot of them!


B. The Colosseum was the first thing I wanted to see in Rome, but not the only one that impressed me. I used my camera a lot — Italy is a country with a great cultural

heritage. Apart from the views, Italy is a country of delicious food — I've never eaten such gorgeous pizzas! I'd have certainly put on some weight if I hadn't had to walk such a lot — we were saving on transport because Italy is an expensive country.


C. It took us thirty-five minutes every morning to get from the hostel where we were staying to the pizzeria we were working. Our room was very small, it had a poor view, just the house opposite, but that wasn't a problem — we didn't spend much time there anyway. We had only the basics in our room — two beds, hangers for clothes, a little table and one chair. There was a laundry downstairs and a shared kitchen to prepare meals.


D. As for the kitchen, we didn't use it much — we ate at work! Our working day started at 9 am and lasted till 9 pm. We had a long siesta (a break between two and five in the afternoon) which we used for sightseeing in spite of the heat. And in the evening there were usually lots of customers and we had to be quick and attentive so as not to confuse their orders. We felt absolutely exhausted when we came home.


E. Anyway we felt privileged to have got the job. It was Anna, my best friend, who suggested working holidays in Italy. She found the vacancies and sent our CVs to the manager. At first I didn't know what to say as I wasn't sure I wanted to work in summer. But on the other hand, the idea of earning my own money and seeing Italy was very attractive.


F. I'm glad I agreed to Anna's suggestion — we enjoyed living in a new country and meeting new people. Italians are very sociable and easy-going. Our fellow workers showed us lots of interesting places and it was fun to explore the country together. Anna and I really hope that they'll come to Britain one day and we'll be able to show them our country too. We are going to keep in touch.


G. We didn't know Italian when we went there. Some people in the pizzeria spoke English and they helped us a lot. Two weeks later we were able to understand what the customers were asking us about and we spoke basic Italian to them. Italian is beautiful — I like how it sounds and it's not at all difficult. We plan to go on learning it in case we want to work in the pizzeria again.


Part III. The Use of English (16 points-max)


Task 5. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


I unexpectedly met my old friend Natalie at a metro station in Paris. I recognised her at once though we hadn’t seen each other for ten years. Now she works as a __________________(REPORT) for Le Figaro newspaper. Our __________________(FRIEND) began when we were at school. After school, Natalie left Britain. French was her __________________(FAVOUR) subject and she went to university in Paris. Now she is a very __________________(SUCCESS) journalist. Her life is busy and exciting. I was __________________(LUCK) she managed to find some time for me. Natalie made my visit to Paris __________________(FORGETTABLE). She took me to the most interesting places in the city. In the evening we watched a performance at The Grand Opera House.


Task 6.Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.


1) to fill in a) заполнить

2) to find out b) выдумывать

3) to make up с) подавать документ

4) to put in d) упоминать

5) to think over e) работодатель

6) to go into f) работник

7) to get on g) преуспевать

8) an employer h) продумывать

9) an employee i) выяснить

10) application j) заявление



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