Exercise 1. Answer the questions

Практическое занятие № 19-20.

Тема : Repair of electrical equipment. Types and characteristics of electrical wires

Цель: закрепить изученную лексику (профессиональные термины) по данной теме; совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения; употребления проф. терминов в устной и письменной речи.

Время проведения работы 1 ч 20 мин

Оборудование: словарь, компьютер, словарь тех. терминов.

Ход работы:

Изучите новые слова

Переведите текст на русский язык (устно).

Выполните упражнения после текста (письменно)


bare wire                                            голый провод

circuit breaker panel                          панель прерывателей цепи

conduit                                              труба для электропроводки

cord                                                   шнур

flame-resistant                                   огнестойкий

gauge                                                 калибр, сортамент

ground wire                                       заземляющий провод

hardwired                                          соединенный проводами

heat resistance                                   теплостойкость

hot wire                                             провод под напряжением

main feed                                          магистральная линия (питания)

junction box                                      распределительная коробка

service drop                                       ответвление к потребителю

sheathing                                           оболочка

single strand wire                              одножильный провод

smoke detector                                  датчик дыма

solid wire                                           одножильный провод

stranded wire                                    многожильный провод

wiring                                                прокладка электрических проводов; электропроводка



The terms wire and cable are often

used to describe the same thing, but they are actually quite different. Wire is a single electrical conductor, whereas a cable is a group of wires swathed in sheathing.

Size of wires

Each application requires a certain wire size for installation, and the right size for a specific application is determined by the wire gauge. Com- mon wire sizes are 10, 12 and 14 – a higher number means a smaller wire size, and affects the amount of power it can carry. For example, a low- voltage lamp cord with 10 Amps will require 18-gauge wire, while service panels or subpanels with 100 Amps will require 2-gauge wire.

Wire lettering

The letters THHN, THWN, THW and XHHN represent the main in- sulation types of individual wires. These letters depict the following NEC (National Electric Code) requirements:

· T – Thermoplastic insulation

· H – Heat resistance

· HH – High heat resistance (up to 194°F)

· W – Suitable for wet locations

· N – Nylon coating, resistant to damage by oil or gas

· X – Synthetic polymer that is flame-resistant

Types of wires

There are mainly 5 types of wire:

· Triplex wires: Triplex wires are usually used in single-phase service drop conductors, between the power pole and weatherheads. They are composed of two insulated aluminum wires wrapped with a third bare wire which is used as a common neutral. The neutral is usually of a smaller

gauge and grounded at both the electric meter and the transformer.

· Main feeder wires: Main power feeder wires are the wires that connect the service weatherhead to the house. They’re made with stranded or solid THHN wire and the cable installed is 25% more than the load required.

· Panel feed wires: Panel feed cables are gener-

ally black insulated THHN wire. These are used to power the main junc- tion box and the circuit breaker panels. Just like main power feeder wires, the cables should be rated for 25% more than the actual load.

· Non-metallic sheathed wires: Non-metallic sheath wire, or Romex, is used in most homes and has 2-3 conductors, each with plastic insula- tion, and a bare ground wire. The in- dividual wires are covered with an- other layer of non-metallic sheathing. Since it’s relatively cheaper and avail- able in ratings for 15, 20 and 20 amps, this type is preferred for in-house wir- ing.

· Single strand wires: Single strand wire also uses THHN wire, though there are other variants. Each wire is separate and multiple wires can be drawn together through a pipe easily. Single strand wires are the most popular choice for layouts that use pipes to contain wires.

Color codes

Different color wires serve different purposes, like:

· Black: Hot wire, for switches or outlets.

· Red: Hot wire, for switch legs and for connecting wire between two hardwired smoke detectors.

· Blue and Yellow: Hot wires, pulled in conduit. Blue for 3-4 way switch application, and yellow for switch legs to control fan, lights etc.

· White: Always neutral.

· Green and Bare Copper: Only for grounding.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions

1. What is the difference between wire and cable?

2. What is the wire gauge?

3. What does wire lettering represent?

4. What wire type is used in service drop conductors?

5. Why are non-metallic sheath wires preferred for in-house wiring?

6. What insulation is used in non-metallic sheath wires?

What color is the ground wire?

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