Сопоставьте выделенные слова в тексте с их значениями ниже.

1 relaxed 2 arguing 3 disappeared 4 trick 5 run away 6 clearly 7 walked in a stiff, angry way

5. Прочитайте теоретический блок

Read the theory box

Reviews are short descriptions of TV programmes, plays, CDs, books, etc. They are normally found in newspapers, magazines, on the Internet or as part of a letter or email. They are written to inform readers and give an opinion about what is being reviewed. The style (formal, semi-formal or informal) depends on where the review is published and who will read it. Reviews include: an introduction, in which we give some background details about the type of film and the setting; a main body where we give details about the plot, main characters and comment on various features (e.g....)


Прочитайте и переведите текст. Используйте слова в скобках (1-10) в правильной форме, чтобы вставить в пропуски. Сравните со своим партнером .


Where in the world can you bump into Princess Diana, meet David and Victoria Beckham or gaze into... Madame Tussauds, the London landmark that's been 1... crowds since 1835. Getting up close and personal with... of the 2 ........(fame) is a teature of many family holidays to...having a model of yourself in the museum 3 ........(have)... success for those who seek celebrity. The story began in 1777 when Madame Tussaud learned... modelling from Dr Philippe Curtius while 4 ........(work) as... Living in Paris, Tussaud's early models, which included Voltaire, Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin, were a great success,... England in 1802 she was 5 ........(able) to return because of... war. Eventually, the exhibition settled in London and it's been a major tourist 6... In 1958, Madame Tussauds 7 ........(add) to its attractions... which continues to take audiences on a voyage among the... Tussauds offers a state-of-the-art experience with 8 ........... designed to give 9 ........(visit) the feeling that they can be... world-famous footballers. Those who want to test their... Chamber of Horrors while the more 10 ........(adventure) can take... Pirates of the Caribbean. Madame Tussauds has a...


bump into: meet unexpectedly (встретиться случайно)

gaze into: look steadily into sth (смотреть пристально на что-то)

life-sized: the same size as in reality (такого же размера, как в действительности)

seek: look for (искать)

included: part of a certain group (часть определенной группы)

settled: started to live somewhere (начал жить где-то)

voyage: journey (usually by sea) (путешествие, обычно по морю)

state-of-the-art: the very latest (самые последние)

courage: bravery (храбрость)

explore: travel around a place and find out things about it (путешествовать по определенному месту и выяснить что-то о нем)


Ответьте на вопросы .

Answer the questions.

• Where's Madame Tussauds?

• What can you see there?

• When/How it started?

7. Закончите предложения словами : famous или popular.

Complete the sentences with famous or popular.

1 Chocolate is very........with children.

2 David Beckham is a........English footballer.

3 Leonardo Da Vinci, the........artist, was...

4 Igor is very........with his classmates.

Домашнее задание:

В группах сделайте подобную статью о достопримечательности в Вашей стране. Напишите: название, местоположение, чем она знаменита, что там можно увидеть/сделать, как все началось. Закончите свою статью рекомендацией.

Практическое занятие №27

Тема: Искусство. Балет. Музыка. Экология. Бумага.

Прочитайте текст и решите, верны или нет следующие утверждения(1-6), или же в тексте не говорится об этом.

Think of the last tune you kept humming for a whole day. Chances are that it was one of the big hits. Now think about the music....


The use of electronic instruments has had a great effect on the development of 20th century music. Electronic instruments make use of a series of new techniques to produce sounds that are artificially r-i...


* I I I С * Я L Mb j changing the original sounds by sending lots of signals to parts of an j. 1 1. % t Л -1. t 4 electronic system, usually used...


of changing the original sounds by adding one or more repeats) and effects (the process of adding different effects . What is really impressive, though, is that with the development of music technology, you...


The latest revolution in music is happening at home. Elizabeth Sharp from Brooklyn, for example, makes music in her apartment. She calls her studio 'The Rock Closet' and she records and mixes songs for her band with the help of an Apple Macintosh computer. Modern music making is largely based on the use of computer software programs, such as Reason by Propellerhead Software. Like Elizabeth, thousands of musicians around the world are taking advantage of this cheap, powerful technology. The technology is empowering people who aren't...


chances ( вероятно ): likelihood of sth happening (вероятность, что что-то случится)

effect ( эффект ): influence on sth (влияние на что-то)

series ( серия ): a number of similar or related things one after the other (группа аналогичных или связанных вещей, которые идут одна за другой)

artificially ( искуственно ) generated: not naturally produced (сделанный не естественным способом)

revolution ( революция ): a relatively sudden and absolutely drastic change (относительно внезапное или абсолютно резкое изменение)

band ( группа ): a group of musicians (группа музыкантов)

based ( основанный ): depended on specific facts or ideas (зависящий от отдельных фактов и идей)

powerful ( мощный ): having a lot of strength power, etc (имеющий большую силу власти)

empowering (дает возможность): making one more confident and stronger (сделать кого-то более уверенным и сильным)

compose ( сочинять ): to create music (сделать музыку)

distribute ( распространять ): to supply sth to people (поставлять что-то людям)

armed ( вооруженный ): provided himself with a weapon (обеспеченный оружием)

creativity ( творческие способности ): the ability to produce original or unusual ideas (способность генерировать оригинальные и необычные идеи)

Decide if the following sentences are true or false or whether the text doesn't say....

1 Electronic instruments were invented in the 20th century.

2 Electronic instruments make great music.

3 A lot of people make music on their computers.

4 Many people have studios at home.

5 Only musicians can use music-making software.

Дата добавления: 2022-07-16; просмотров: 32; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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