Test № 5: Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are).

Занятие № 17 (от 05.02.2022)

(Раздел 6 Урок 2 )

(Учитель: Коваленко Ольга Павловна)

Тема :

Kinds of dwelling. Flats and houses.

Grammar. Use of Tenses: Present Continuous.


· Познакомиться с лексикой по теме: «Разновидности жилья», квартиры и дома.

· Познакомиться с грамматическим материалом: использование видо-времменных форм; настоящее продолжительное время.

· Отрабатывать навыки чтения и письма.

· Отрабатывать навыки аудирования и восприятия информации на слух при просмотре фильмов по теме урока;

1) Познакомьтесь с лексикой по теме урока:

a cave – пещера

a flood – наводнение

to seek – искать

a shelter -  укрытие, убежище

a hut -  хижина

cement – цемент

a tent – палатка

canvas – брезент

a carpenter – плотник

a mason – каменщик

a plumber – водопроводчик

an electrician – электрик

tile – черепица

a tinned roof – жестяная крыша

an iron rod – арматура

wood – дерево

a brick – кирпич

2) Посмотрите фильм о разновидностях жилья. https://youtu.be/4yRye0g2OHA (3.38)

3) Т est № 1: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) Why do people need houses?

2) Where did people use to live many years ago?

3) Why did they go to seek shelters on mountain tops?

4) What did people make their hut from?

5) Why did people begin to build their houses from stones and mud?

6) What material are tents made of?

7) Who helps us to build houses?

8) What material do modern people use to build their houses?


4) Познакомьтесь с лексикой, необходимой для работы с текстом «English homes».

are largely concentrated – в основном сосредоточены
block of flats – многоквартирный дом
modern apartments – современные квартиры
conservative – консервативный
to value – ценить
a marvelous view – чудесный вид
stone – камень
brick – кирпич
a row – ряд
terraced houses – дома рядовой застройки
semi-detached houses – двухквартирный дом с отдельным входом
a detached house – особняк
property – собственность
jointly – вместе
a mortgage – ипотечный заем
to call upon – призывать к помощи
wages – заработная плата

5) Прочтите и переведите текст:

English Homes

  About 51 million people live in England and most of them (84%) are largely concentrated in London. Like in any other capital city there are a lot of blocks of flats with modern flats and a lot of people prefer living there. But people who are more conservative and value the traditions of their country live in the countryside. 

  The houses in the countryside are usually more expensive than the flats in big cities. I think it is normal because when you live in the country, you pay not just for the house but for the marvelous views, fresh air and a possibility to spend your free time in a garden (gardening is one of the most favourite hobbies among the British).

   English houses often have two floors and an attic. There is a kitchen, a dining-room and a living on the ground floor. Almost in every house there is a fire-place in the living-room, which is the most favourite place for all the family in the evenings or on holidays. There are bedrooms and several bathrooms on the first floor. There is always a room for guests. There is usually a study on the attic.
  Usually houses in England are built from stones or bricks (from the local area), which are different in colour. And sometimes it seems that Britain is a country of multicoloured houses. In England there are many types of houses. People can live in a flat as it was told above. In most towns all over England there are streets of houses joined together in long rows. Such houses are called terraced houses. Two houses joined together are called semi-detached houses. If the houses are not joined to any other buildings they are called detached houses. The most popular types of houses among British people are semi-detached and detached houses.
     Though more and more people tend to buy a house in the countryside, it has become a great problem for the English to buy a house because the prices on the property are increasing much faster than the wages. But it is always possible to take a mortgage in a bank, call upon rich relatives or buy a house jointly with friends.

6) Test № 2: Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. Where do most of English people prefer to live?
2. Why are the houses in the country more expensive than the flats in big cities?
3. What types of houses do you know in England?
4. What are the most popular types of houses among English people?
5. Is it easy or difficult nowadays to buy a house? Why?
6. How can you buy a house?

7) Test № 3: Подберите описание жилья с его названием:

1) a house which is not joined to another one on either side

2) a house which is joined to another one by a wall on one side that is shared

3) a house that is one of a row of houses that are joined together on each side

4) a set of rooms for living in, including a kitchen usually on one floor of a building

5) it is a house which is only on one floor, without stairs. It may be joined to another one or stay alone

6) a small house, especially in the country

7) a small house used by people on holiday/vacation at the sea

8) a small, simply built house or shelter


a) a terraced house

b) a bungalow

c) a hut

d) a detached house

e) a semi-detached house

f) a cottage

g) a flat

h) a chalet

8) Посмотрите учебный видеоролик а правилах образования и употребления Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее продолжительное время): https://youtu.be/Gn1tlmZGK_M (3.01)

9) Test № 4: Для образования формы Continuous потренируемся добавлять – ing окончание к глаголам:

Work, swim, come, play, lie, tell, get, take, cut, drink, make, hit, sleep, try, look, walk, serve, eat, die, sit, cry, ski, travel, smile, begin, prepare, stop, listen, shave.

Test № 5: Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be (am, is, are).

1) Frank and Martin … watching a TV show now.

2) Kelly … washing her dress in the bathroom.

3) Our teacher … writing something on the blackboard.

4) It … getting dark.

5) The birds … singing sweetly in the garden.

6) I … preparing for my report at the moment.

7) The children … decorating the hall for the party.

8) The wind … blowing now.

9) People … speaking quietly in the conference-hall.

10) You … waiting for the call.

Дата добавления: 2022-07-02; просмотров: 20; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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