Изучить конспект грамматического материала. Сослагательное наклонение.

Урок № 2.        Группа БРПХ-411              27.01.2022г.

Тема урока: Современный путь. Ремонт пути. Сослагательное наклонение.

Записать и выучить новую лексику по теме: Современный путь. Ремонт пути.

1. Railway track- железнодорожный путь

2. sleeper- шпала

3. gauge- колея

4. load- нагрузка

5. vehicle- транспортное средство

6. permanent way- верхнее строение пути

7. fish bolt- стыковой болт

8. fittings- крепления

9. temporary- временный

10. formation- земляное полотно

11. perform- выполнять

12. involve- включать

13. assembly- сборка

14. rail-length- рельсовое звено

15. rolling stock- подвижной состав

16. delivery- доставка

17. site- строительная площадка

18. condition- условие

19. employ- использовать

20. wear and tear- износ.

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From the history of rail gauge

Rail gauge is the distance between the inner sides of the two parallel rails that make up a railway track. Sixty percent of the world's railways use a gauge of 4ft 8½ in (1,435 mm), which is known as the standard or international gauge.

Gauges wider than standard gauge are called broad gauge, those smaller are called narrow gauge.

The standard gauge of 4 ft 8½ in (1,435 mm) was chosen for the first main-line railway, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L&MR), by George Stephenson, because it was the de facto standard for the colliery railways where Stephenson had worked.

Brunel on the Great Western Railway chose the broader gauge of 7 ft 0¼ in (2,140 mm) because it offered greater stability and capacity at high speed. The conflict between Brunel and Stephenson is often called as the Gauge Wars.

The first section of the London Underground was built as dual gauge –both to Brunel's 'broad gauge' trains and to the standard gauge of the other trains in the city. All the railways of the UK were finally converted to standard gauge in 1892.

In the 19th century, Russia chose a broad gauge 5 ft 0 in (1,524 mm). It is widely believed that the choice was made for military reasons, to prevent potential invaders from using the Russian rail system.

Now the European Union is seeking to standardize not only track gauge, but also signalling and electrical power systems rail at all networks across the EU area.

Ответить на вопросы к тексту (письменно).

1) What is rail gauge?

2) What is known as the standard or international gauge?

3) What are called broad gauge and narrow gauge?

4) Who chose the standard gauge of 4 ft 8½ in (1,435 mm)?

5) What is often called as the Gauge Wars?

6) When were all the railways of the UK finally converted to standard gauge?

7) What gauge did Russia choose in the 19th century?

8) What is the European Union seeking now?

Найти в тексте, расположенном ниже, недостающие части следующих предложений и записать их.

1) _____________________ can be solved in some ways.

2) Originally, a variety of gauges were used ____________________.

3) ____________________________ had 5 ft 0 in (1,524 mm) gauge. 

4) ____________________________ pulled the spikes from the west rail of all the broad gauge lines in the South.

5) The new gauge was close enough __________________________________.

6) Dual-gauge rail lines are used ____________________________________.

7) ________________________enable trains to change gauge with only a few minutes spent in the gauge conversion process.

8) The same system is also used between ______________________________.

  Solution of problem of different gauges

The problem of different gauges can be solved in some ways.

Originally, a variety of gauges were used in the United States (from 4 ft (1,219 mm) to 6 ft 0 in (1,829 mm)). Problems began as soon as lines began to meet. In Northern states, standard gauge was adopted. But most Southern states had 5 ft 0 in (1,524 mm) gauge. On May 31, 1886 over a period of 36 hours, tens of thousands of workers pulled the spikes from the west rail of all the broad gauge lines in the South, moved them 3 inches (76 mm) east (to 4 ft 9 in (1,448 mm) gauge) and spiked them back in place. The new gauge was close enough that standard gauge equipment could run on it without problem.

Some stretches of track are dual gauge, with three (or sometimes four) parallel rails in place of the usual two, to allow trains of two different gauges to share the same track. Dual-gauge rail lines are used in the railway networks of Switzerland, Australia, Brazil and some other countries.

Variable gauge axles (VGA), developed in Spain, enable trains to change gauge with only a few minutes spent in the gauge conversion process. The same system is also used between China and Central Asia, and Poland and Ukraine. But of course, it is not very useful.

Изучить конспект грамматического материала. Сослагательное наклонение.

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