The most important verbs – part 2.

The most important verbs – part 1.

1. like

2. want

3. need

4. get

5. listen

6. ask

7. start

8. love

9. finish

10. come

11. understand

12. live

13. tell

14. put

15. hate

16. work

17. teach

18. play

19. buy

20. see

21. learn

22. look

23. hear

24. let

25. help



26. read

27. wait

28. explain

29. drink

30. think

31. sleep

32. know

33. speak

34. eat

35. write

36. make

37. fight

38. do

39. give

40. drive

41. rest

42. take

43. sit

44. hope

45. pay

46. run

47. go

48. stay

49. have

50. answer

The verbs – 1. Part one.

1. Here in America for your good work you will get good money. We like talented people like you.

2. What do you want from me?

3. All I need is a good lunch and a little rest.

4. What did you want to ask me about this business? 

5. I am listening to you with great attention. 

6. Day by day he was getting richer and richer. 

7. When are you going to start the work on the project?

8. At last you’ve come! --- I told you I would be a little late.

9. You should understand: life is not a picnic. --- Sometimes it is.

10. To live better we should work harder – the principle is simple but it works. 

11. When people love each other they think about each other almost all the time. 

12. I’d like to tell you something very interesting.

13. Who has put here this book?

14. Let’s go to some Chinese restaurant! --- No way! I hate their food!

15. I’m not going to work on this problem. This is their problem, not mine!

16. When you finish your work you will have to clean up all the mess.

17. There they will teach you good manners.

18. If you are a real Canadian you have to play ice hockey. --- I don’t, but I like to watch it on TV.

19. What have you bought, Mom? --- This is not for you. This is a present for the Granny’s birthday. 

20. Which of these people did you see there? --- This one, in a black coat.  

21. Why are you looking at me like this?

22. Who? Professor Wallace? No, I have never heard this name.

23. Let them do whatever they want.

24. At last I’ve learned how to do it!

The verbs – 1. Part two.

1. We all are going to go to the Mall, but you will stay at home.

2. I am reading an important letter from my business partner.

3. We wanted you to help us, but you didn’t come. 

4. I am not going to wait until you finish your boring explanation.

5. Will you let me explain at last what has happened here?

6. It’s too hot outside. We should drink more water.

7. Of course, we all should have thought about this ahead of time.

8. This is your room. You will sleep on this couch.

9. Who knows your name in this country? --- Soon everyone will.

10. If you even try to speak with them in their native language they will like you.

11. Who has eaten my portion of pizza? --- Don’t make a problem out of it; we have a lot of different tasty food.

12. Please don’t disturb me, I am writing an e-mail to my Granny.

13. Don’t make me read this boring long story! I prefer comics!

14. Have you been fighting? --- I just fought back, sir, that’s it.

15. What will we all do there? --- Nothing special. We – you and me - will work somewhere, the kids will learn at school. 

16. OK, let’s give him one more chance. --- He will let us down again.

17. Kids, stop it! With this noise you’ll drive me crazy!

18. It’s time to rest. Everybody’s tired and hungry.

19. America makes, everybody takes! Have you ever heard such a saying? 

20. I have been sitting here and waiting for you for two hours. --- You should have called me by the phone!

21. People always hope for the better.

22. I am not going to answer to their stupid questions.

23. You will pay a high price for your stubbornness.

24. “Everyone, come up here!” – And the soldiers ran up to the General.

25. You shouldn’t spend that much, Johnnie. --- Leave it! Easy come – easy go!

Verbs 1.

             Этот человек   1. был богат

                                   2. жил в большом доме

                                   3. мог покупать дорогие вещи

                                   4. ездил на джипе

                           Он 5. любил итальянскую еду

                                   6. пил много пива

                                   7. ел пиццу каждый день

                                   8. был большим боссом

                        Мэри 9. могла отдыхать во Флориде каждый год

                                  10. иногда брала нас туда

                                  11. можно было оставаться дома 

                                  12. покупала красивые платья

                   Арнольд 13. приносил домой еду

                                  14. учил своего сына работать

                                  15. давал нам деньги

                                  16. приходил домой поздно

                     Джейн 17. понимала нас

                                  18. должна была знать об этом

                                  19. видела тебя там

                                  20. слышала об этом

                    Никто не 21. думал об этом

                                  22. платил за еду

                                  23. имел достаточно денег

                                  24. приходил к ней

                         Сэм 25. говорил только по-английски

                                  26. хотел учить французский

                                  27. спрашивал нас об этом

                                  28. боялся идти туда

Мои друзья в Нью-Йорке 29. знали об этом    

                                  30. помогали мне искать работу

                                  31. рассказывали мне об этом

                                  32. были рады меня видеть

                Мой босс 33. сидел на этом месте каждый день

                                  34. писал все эти письма

                                  35. заставлял нас работать

                                  36. летал в Европу почти каждую неделю

                          Он 37. читал все эти книги 

                                  38. надеялся на лучшее

                                  39. иногда смотрел на нее

                                  40. стеснялся об этом спрашивать

                        Она 41. пела для нас

42. плавала в море

43. по-прежнему жила там же

44. жалела об этом

        Кто-то 45. сражался за это

46. начинал работу в пять утра

47. хотел заставить нас делать это

1. тратил на это много денег

The most important verbs – part 2.


1. believe

2. happen

3. bring

4. allow

5. forbid

6. try (try on)

7. find (find out)

8. say

9. look for

10. fly

11. compare

12. smile

13. use

14. call

15. laugh

16. break

17. stand

18. demand

19. pour

20. clean

21. count (count on)

22. dress

23. walk

24. catch

25. command

26. manage

27. build

28. agree

29. recommend

30. show

31. sell

32. wash

33. keep

34. wear

35. spend

36. win

37. forget

38. talk

39. promise

40. lose

41. remember

42. mean

43. seem

44. visit

45. prefer

46. thank

47. study

48. refuse

49. meet

50. send


The verbs – 2. Part one.

1. I have no idea why, but we all started believing this man.

2. What has brought you to our town?

3. Allow me to explain what exactly has happened there. 

4. Who forbids you? You may do whatever you want!  

5. She tried to find out something about this guy.

6. I want to say you something very important.

7. What are you looking for? --- My keys. They were here. 

8. Every summer they flew to Florida.

9. How can you compare these two people? They’re completely different!

10. Our new boss Mr. Tyler smiles to everyone. – This is just a beginning!

11. Explain me please how to use this program.

12. His full name was Sam Henderson, but everybody called him simply “Sammy”.

13. They laughed at this man but didn’t know who he really was.

14. Who has broken my favorite coffee cup?

15. What is the name of the man who is standing near the bar?

16. It was demanded to prove, and I did it.

17. She has poured him a cup of strong black coffee.

18. Are you going at last to clean your room?

19. Come on time, we will count on you!

20. Every evening they walked together in the park.

21. There we have caught a very strange animal.

22. The commander has counted the soldiers. “One, two, three… Everyone’s here!”

23. How do you manage with your five kids, Mrs. Jefferson?

24. She preferred not to think about this. “What will be, will be!” – That’s what she always said to her friends.

25. In his college he studied Math.

26. There you will find everything you dream about.

27. She is dressed for a picnic, not for work.  

The verbs – 2. Part two.


1. I know an excellent place to have a lunch nearby, and I want to recommend it to all of you.

2. The workers are building the house.

3. I think we should sell our old car and buy a new one. Do you agree with me?

4. Boss said them to stop telling him stories and show real results.

5. What is Dad doing? --- He’s washing the car.

6. I usually kept the gun in my left coat pocket.

7. I wore these jeans when I was as young as you are now.

8. She shouldn’t have spent so much. Her husband won’t be able to pay her bills. 

9. We will definitely win, I believe in it.

10. She always forgets her phone on the table.

11. What is this lady talking about?

12. I promise you, I’ll come exactly on time. Everything will be OK.

13. He loses a lot of money in the casino. – What does his wife think about this? – I am sure she has no idea where he spends his time.

14. Do you remember Jim Morrison? He won a million in the yesterday’s lottery! 

15. What did you mean when you called Jim a lucky guy?

16. It seems to me she doesn’t take the work seriously.

17. We regularly visit our Granny, and she is always glad to see us.

18. Don’t refuse to go to business trips; the most of them are very interesting!

19. There forty years ago she met her future husband.

20. Once or twice a month he sent a letter to Florida where his parents lived.

21. What do you thank this man for? He has done nothing good for you!




                         Я  1. всегда верил в это

                                 2. приносил им молоко

                                 3. разрешал детям играть там

                                 4. пытался научиться этому

                       Все 5. называли его просто по имени

                                 6. объяснили мне причину

                                 7. сравнивали ее с голливудскими кинозвездами

                                 8. должны были слушать этого человека

               Эти люди 9. обманывали его

                                 10.продолжали делать то же самое

                                 11.продавали ему всякую дрянь

                                 12. обещали мне хорошие условия

                Никто не 13. слушал этого человека

                                 14. соглашался это делать

                                 15. носил такие куртки

                                 16. собирался тебя искать

Все наши работники 17. начали бояться нового босса

                                 18. показывали мне, как это делать

                                 19. навещали его в больнице

                                 20. предпочитали молчать                                          

          Мои друзья 21. рекомендовали мне вашу гостиницу

                                 22. могли показать мне этого человека                                                                       23. продолжали меня навещать

                                 24. пообещали помочь мне

     Он  25. перестал думать об этом

                26. носил эту куртку пять лет

                27. обещал прийти

                                 28. боялся даже мечтать об этом

Этот молодой человек 29. приходил научиться чему-то

                                 31. пытался меня понять

                                 32. терял свою сумку три раза

                       Это 33. происходило очень часто

                  Ричард 34. разбогател около трех лет назад

                                 35. благодарил нас за помощь

                                 36. начал изучать итальянский

                                 38. каждый раз находил новую причину не ходить туда

                                 39. тратил так много на рестораны

Этот молодой человек 40. мыл руки

                                 41. гулял в парке каждый день

                                 42. вначале казался умнее

                                 43. отказывался ехать в Париж

                         Ты 44. имел в виду Мэри

                                 45. встречал их там каждое утро

                                 46. предпочитал проводить время с друзьями

                                 47. присылал этих людей ко мне                                         

                     Джон 48. всегда опаздывал на работу

                                 49. мог справиться сам

                                 50. проигрывал все свои деньги в ближайшем казино

                                 51. продолжал жалеть об этом


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