Obedient quiet easy – going  untidy  lonely tidy    friendly

mischievous serious

А теперь поместите эти слова в таблицу, разбив на три группы:

Parents like a child who is: Parents don’t want their child to be: Parents aren’t sure about a child who is:

Упражнение 7    ROUND TABLE

When does someone stop being a child? Выберите ответ на вопрос из данных утверждений, или предложите свой вариант.

Someone stops being a child when he or she:

· smokes their first cigarette;

· first has a boyfriend or girlfriend;

· start buying their own clothes;

· drinks a glass of beer or wine;

· drives a car;

· leaves school;

· moves into their own flat

· gets married;

· ………………………………………………………………………………………

Can you remember a point in time when you felt you “grew up”?


Упражнение 8   Монолог

Most people have old school photos or address books that remind them of friends from the past. Please, tell us about a friend you remember well but haven’t seen for a long time.

- When did you last see him / her?

- What was he / she doing then?

- What was she / he like?

- Where is she / he now? (Guess if you don’t know)

- Would you like to get in touch again? (Why? or Why not?)

READING – 2  Прочитайте стихотворение, переведите и попытайтесь подобрать пропущенные слова. (Подсказка – они должны рифмоваться со словом ‘sea’).

It was long ago…  by Eleanor Farjeon

1. I'll tell you, shall I, something I remember? Something that still means a great deal to .... It was long ago.   7. And while she hummed, and the cat purred, I remember how she filled a saucer with berries and cream for …. So long ago.
2.A dusty road in summer I remember, A mountain, and an old house, and a … that Stood, you know,   8. Such berries and such cream as I remember I never had seen before, and never … Today, you know.
3. Behind the house. An old woman I remember In a red shawl with a grey cat on her … Humming under a …   9. And that is almost all I can remember, The house, the mountain, the gray cat on her … Her red shawl, and the …,
4. She seemed the oldest thing I can remember. But then perhaps I was not more than …. It was long ago.   10. And the taste of the berries, the feel of the sun I remember, And the smell of everything that used to … So long ago
5. I dragged on the dusty road, and I remember How the old woman looked over the fence at … And seemed to know   11. Till the heat on the road outside again I remember And how the long dusty road seemed to have for … No end, you know.
6. How it felt to be three, and called out, I remember 'Do you like bilberries and cream for …?' I went under the ….   12. That is the farthest thing I can remember. It won't mean much to you. It does to … Then I grew up, you ….


Помните изумительную песню «Город детства», которую впервые исполнила Эдита Пьеха в 1966 г.? Слова для русской версии написал Р. Рождественский

Где-то есть город,
тихий, как сон...
В медленной речке вода как стекло.
Где-то есть город,
в котором тепло.
Наше далекое детство
там прошло…

В основе композиции лежит шотландская баллада о любви - Greenfields , и у обеих песен общая только мелодия. Предлагаем вам текст оригинальной версии.  

Читаем, слушаем и поем!

Let’s Sing!

Once there were green fields kissed by the sun. Once there were valleys where rivers used to run. Once there were blue skies with white clouds high above. Once they were part of an everlasting love. We were the lovers who strolled through green fields Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun. Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run Gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart, Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart. Where are the green fields that we used to roam? I'll never know what made you run away. How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day? I only know there's nothing here for me. Nothing in this wide world, left for me to see But I'll keep on waiting till you return. I'll keep on waiting until the day you learn You can't be happy while your heart's on the roam You can't be happy until you bring it home. Home to the green fields and me once again.

Thank you!



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