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Практическое занятие 19.

Тема: на международной специализированной выставке. Представление продукции. Переговоры с потенциальными клиентами.

Ознакомьтесь с новой лексикой по теме. Запишите в тетрадь, выучите.

opening of this exhibition – открытие выставки

exhibition of investment projects – выставка инвестиционных проектов

trade exhibition - выставка-продажа

This is an exhibition sample. - Это выставочный образец

Can I have your business card? - Можно мне вашу визитку?

I would like to order samples of your products. -Я бы хотел заказать образцы вашей продукции.
An exhibition of flowers and decor was opened at the Crocus Expo. -В Крокус Экспо открылась выставка цветов и декора.

Commercial Vehicles Exhibition -  Выставка коммерческого автотранспорта

Exhibition of warehouse equipment -  Выставка складской техники

This year at the exhibition in Samara we will have our own stand. We want to conclude contracts for the supply of food products with the leading shops of the city. -В этом году на выставке в Самаре у нас будет свой стенд. Мы хотим заключить контракты на поставку продуктов питания с ведущими магазинами города.

We are glad to welcome you at our company stand. Here you can find our products, you can ask questions or take our booklet, where all the key parameters are detailed. - Мы рады приветствовать вас на стенде нашей компании. Здесь представлена наша продукция, вы можете задавать вопросы или взять наш буклет, где подробно расписаны все ключевые параметры.

Прочитайте, устно переведите текст, письменно ответьте на вопросы.

Let’s read and translate the text.

WELDEX is a leading trade show for welding materials, equipment and technologies in Russia.

5 330 experts from 65 regions of Russia and 25 countries visited Weldex in 2017.

Exhibit at WELDEX to find new clients and boost your sales in Russia: Market your products to a large targeted audience. Demonstrate your equipment at work. Appeal to visitors actively seeking welding equipment and materials. Connect with major Russian distributors. Access the entire Russian market.

The business program of the exhibition is a platform for open dialogue between manufacturers and customers of equipment and materials, discussion of market trends, a review of innovative technologies and creative solutions in the field of welding processes. Participation in business program events is an opportunity to get first-hand practically valuable information for business development in Russia, exchange of experience and acquaintance yourself with successful cases.

Among the speakers of conferences and seminars are representatives of manufacturers and integrators of welding equipment and technologies, international experts and top specialists from foreign manufacturers.

In 2018, the business programme of the Weldex exhibition expanded significantly and was supplemented with new thematic events. For the first time, the exhibition hosted the conference "Industrial robotization: from decision-making to successful implementation", during which reports were made on the development prospects of the industrial robotics market in Russia and in the world, cases on the use of new technologies abroad and on a phased approach to welding robotization. The conference participants also shared their experience in introducing robotic welding in production and talked about the possibilities of increasing production efficiency when using robotic systems.

In the framework of the business programme Weldex with great success were held:

Seminar «How to start a manufacturing business of high-tech welding equipment in Russia»

Seminar «Modernization of production processes: implementation of additive technologies»

Moscow main welders’ session

Conference «Welding of polymeric materials»

All events of the business programme were visited by more than 400 specialists.

Answer the following questions .

1. What is WELDEX?

2. Why do the specialists participate in WELDEX?

3. Who are the speakers of conferences?

4. How many specialists were there at WELDEX?


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– Hi. You have a very interesting stand.
– Thank you. Did something interest you?
– Yes. I have a car service and I need a tire changer.
– We have several models.
– And what of this most fresh?
– Here is the machine tool – here there is computer diagnostics, all processes are very thought out, and it is very effective in work.
– I see it costs more than other machines.
– So it is, this is our novelty. But we can talk about discount and installment payment. If you interenso, I will fail you to the manager who will solve these questions with you.
– Oh sure.


Дата добавления: 2022-06-11; просмотров: 150; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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