Match the words and phrases to their definitions.

Video games and Life skills (Optimise B2)


“You mustn’t spend so long playing computer games! Stop staring at that screen!” Does that sound familiar? Some parents still believe that playing video games is bad for you, however, in recent survey over 80 % of people questioned agreed that some games  could help teenagers develop valuable life skills.


Every day we face challenges at school, work or in our personal lives, and we need to develop the skills to deal with them. Computer skills, for example, are vital for most activities we carry out in our daily lives as well as helping you with studying. When we are young we are able to learn basic social skills but there are other important skills that can be more challenging to acquire. 1______________


    For example, there are many video games which can help us to develop problem solving skills. Some games help develop patience and perseverance skills by continuing to increase the level of difficulty. 2_________ As a result of playing these games, players can develop confidence, as being able to overcome the obstacles gives you a real sense of achievement. Patience, perseverance and overcoming difficulties are three essential skills in everyday life.


As humans we often learn through mistakes, however some mistakes would be best avoided. Video games can expose you to making decisions in the virtual world by allowing you to choose your characters’ actions and then showing you the results of these actions. 3_____________


In the game The Sims, players control every aspect of a Sim’s life including making important decisions and learning how to budget, so that the Sims can successfully build a life in society. 14-year-old Sylvia is a big StarCraft fan. She says “To succeed in the world of StarCraft you have to plan ahead and think strategically. 4__________ I could use those same skills to plan my studies ”.


However beneficial these games may be, there are things to remember. Too much screen time can isolate you from the real world and if you play multi-player games online, then you need to be sure who you are playing with. 5___________ It’s also vital to make sure that you are not running up a huge bill in games that you pay for online. Ian, 16, said “I used my Dad’s credit card and when the statement came, I wasn’t allowed to play games online for six months! Now we have special internet awareness classes at school to educate and inform us better. I certainly learn my lesson”.


Links between schools and video games developers have resulted in more games focused on developing life skills. The not-for-profit organization, Makerspace, has developed an education programme based around games in conjunction with Minecraft. The programme claims that 30 minutes of video play in the classroom can improve planning skills, memory and motor skills. 6___________ So, play and learn two valuable lessons at the same time.

Chose which sentence A-G fits each gap 1-6. There is one extra-sentence you don’t need.

A- This may help you to make more informed choices in the real world.

B- This teaches you not to trust all characters in a virtual world.

C- You shouldn’t give your personal information about yourself to someone you don’t know.

D- Surprisingly, video games can often help us to master these.

E- You need to decide what to build, how to use resources effectively and which strategies work.

F- As well as developing life skills, having excellent computer skills could also help you with a future career.

G- They constantly place obstacles in your path until you reach the solution.


Match summaries A-G to paragraphs 1-7

A – Some games teach players to develop very important qualities.___

B – Playing video games in the classroom can be positive if there is a time limit.________

C – Research suggests that video games may help young people with life skills.____

D – It is necessary to be informed about the dangers of playing video games._____

E – Making errors in a game may help players understand their consequences. _____

F – We need to develop life skills every day at school and at work.____

G – One popular game teaches players to organize and think in an analytical way.___

Match the words and phrases to their definitions.

To stare at to plan how much money you will spend on something
valuable to get something, for example by buying it or being given it
to master continued effort to do or achieve something, determination
Consequence a world created by computer technology
perseverance to learn how to do something well
to budget to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject, or thing
patience a result of a particular action or situation
a virtual world  very useful and important  
focus on to look for a long time with the eyes wide open
to succeed in to achieve something that you have been aiming for
carry out to allow something that is usually covered or hidden to be seen
to acquire to do a particular piece of work, research
expose the ability to wait


Make your own sentences

Дата добавления: 2022-01-22; просмотров: 21; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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