Tasks on Listening Comprehension

Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. (4 балла ) Read the sentences and form new words from the word ACT. В ответе укажи только слово без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, winter

Ответ 1: ____________________

Ответ 2: ____________________

Ответ 3: ____________________

Ответ 4: ____________________

2. (5 баллов ) Guess 5 means of transport. Make up the words from the given letters in the pictures. В ответе укажи это слово без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: bus

Ответ 1: ______________________

Ответ 2: ______________________

Ответ 3: ______________________

Ответ 4: ______________________

Ответ 5: ______________________


3. (3 балл a) Choose the English-speaking countries from the list below.

a) New Zealand        b) France        c) Australia     d) The UK

e) The USA                       f) Canada        g) Egypt          h) The Irish Republic

i) Japan                    j) Finland        k) Greece

4. (7 баллов ) Match the parts of the sentences. В ответе укажите комбинацию цифр по возрастанию и букв без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, 1 a 2 b 3 c4e5d6g7f

Ответ : ______________________

5. (8 баллов) Match the columns . В ответе укажи комбинацию цифр по возрастанию и букв без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например : 1a2b3c4d5e

Ответ : ______________________


6. (5 баллов ) Complete with A, THE, NO ARTICLE where necessary.

1. He has _______ good memory.

a) a        b) the     c) no article

2. That’s _______ film I told you about.

a) a        b) the     c) no article

3. _______ Brown called you when you were in the bathroom.

a) a        b) the     c) no article

4. In _______ summer I like to go to the beach.

a) a        b) the     c) no article

5. Mr. Brown is in _______ hospital.

a) a        b) the     c) no article

7. (4 балл a) Look at the picture and choose the word combinations that correspond to it.


1) a lot of meat         2) a few sausages     3) a can of Cola

4) a lot of crisps       5) a few cocktails     6) a sandwich

7) much pasta          8) few doughnuts


8. (8 баллов ) Choose the correct word.

1. a) to                     b) for              c) by

2. a) can                   b) like             c) want

3. a) is                      b) has                       c) gets

4. a) Before              b) Then           c) If

5. a) but                   b) so               c) or

6. a) have                 b) would         c) will

7. a) a                                b) an               c) the

8. a) watching          b) watch          c) watched

9. (10 баллов ) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form if necessary. Then find these forms in the fillword. Words may go across and down. Don’t read the words backwards! There is one odd verb in the fillword. Which one ? В ответе укажите это слово без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, speak

1. Have you ___________ (think) about what you’d like for your birthday?

2. Hannah likes to _____________ (walk) home from school.

3. Last Friday, I __________ (buy) a new notebook.

4. Today I will __________ (bring) the notebook to school with me.

5. Rachel and Mike like to ___________ (draw) pictures of animals.

6. May I __________ (hold) your hand if I get scared during the movie?

7. Sometimes we _________ (talk) too loudly in the library.

8. Tanya used coloured pencils when she __________ (draw) that picture.

9. Has your mum __________ (give) you some money?

10. I have never _________ (meet) this man before.

Ответ: ______________________


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Tasks on Listening Comprehension

10. (6 баллов ) Choose the correct answer according to the text.

1. Amanda and her family went to the airport by ____________.

a) taxi                                         b) bus                           c) train

2. In Athens it was ______________ and the sun was shining.

a) warm                             b) wet                                c) hot

3. Mrs Clarke stayed at the hotel because ______________

a) she wasn’t hungry         b) she was tired        c) she didn’t like the restaurant

4. Amanda liked the ______________ at the restaurant.

a) fish                                          b) salad                    c) soup

5. The Clarke family ______________ with some Greek friends.

a) went for a walk                       b) had dinner            c) met

6. People ride donkeys or they ______________ everywhere on the island.

a) drive                         b) walk           c) go by boat


Всего : 6 0 баллов.

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