Task 7.Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 6

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для студентов заочного отделения факультета таможенного дела

(3 курс 6 семестр)

  1. Risk-management
  2. Federal Customs service. The Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan
  3. Customs Service in the US, Great Britain, Canada and Australia.
  4. Incoterms

Вариант 1 7

Task 1. Write the full name of the following international terms and organizations:


2. FCA



Task 2. Match the definitions given below with the appropriate international organisation and term.

1. ____________ - was a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas.

2. ____________ is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for the collection of taxes, the payment of some forms of state support and the administration of other regulatory regimes including the national minimum wage.

3. ___________is a term which means the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, at a named place. The goods can be delivered to a carrier nominated by the buyer, or to another party nominated by the buyer.

Task 3. Are these statements right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones.

1. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service manages the security and integrity of Austria's borders.

2. Consignments and persons considered as ‘low-risk’ based on the risk profile attract utmost attention and intervention from Customs.  

3. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service does not cooperate with other government and international agencies,

4. The CBP ensures that all imports and exports comply with U.S. and EU laws and regulations.

5. HMRC inland detection officers are not authorized to arrest, search and detain anyone. 

6. Risk management prevents Customs staff from concentrating their efforts and resources on fewer consignments.

7. The customs control on the borders between the member states of the CU has been abolished completely.

8. HMRC is responsible for border security of the UK.

9. Unified Customs Non-Tariff Regulations of the Customs Union do not allow to impose certain economic proscriptions and limitations on the cross-border trade activities in the Customs Union territory

10. Most of the Customs Union procedural rules are set forth by the EU Commission.


Task 4.Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.

A woman who hid three people in a car and tried to drive them into the UK has been jailed for people smuggling.

The Home Office (say) officers (discover) the stowaways after stopping Wendy Thomas' car at the Eurotunnel terminal in France on 9 October 2016.

Thomas, 50, of Cardiff, (admit) assisting illegal immigration and (sentence) to 33 months at Blackfriars Crown Court.

Two women (find) inside a large black holdall in the boot of Thomas' car and (cover) by pillows and a large soft toy.

The third passenger, a man who later (claim) to be an Iranian national and (hand) to the French authorities, (find) hiding under cushions and a quilt in the rear foot wells.

Thomas' co-conspirators Adriano Bettoja-Allen, 37, and his wife Jeanette, 49, of Newport, (sentence) for their parts in two separate "carefully planned" attempts to smuggle people into the UK.


Task 5. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

CBP Intercepts Ancient Artifacts at Miami International Airport

U.S. CBP officers and agriculture specialists at Miami International Airport recently intercepted two separate shipments containing ancient artifacts from Europe and Central America.

One of the shipments sent from the United Kingdom had been manifested as having a value of $252,000. Upon opening the wooden cargo container, what appeared to be a helmet was discovered. The item appeared to be an antique possibly dating back to ancient times.

The shipment documentation appeared incomplete and similar items have been deemed authentic and repatriated in the past. An expert appraiser was consulted and determined the item to be an authentic "Corinthian Helmet" dating back to 100-500 B.C.

CBP agriculture specialists at Miami International Airport selected the second shipment sent from El Salvador for an agriculture examination and discovered 13 individual pieces of pottery and figurines. The shipment manifest listed the contents as "Handicrafts".

The items appeared to be pre-Columbian and CBP detained the shipment for appraisal and authentication. An expert appraiser recently concluded the items are of Mayan origin. Some of the items date back to 300 A.D. while others date back to 1200 A.D.

 “The interception of these ancient antiquities is a great example of the role CBP plays in enforcing international repatriation laws of ancient artifacts." said Miami International Airport Port Director Christopher Maston.

 Task 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using your active vocabulary.

1. Процедура таможенного контроля призвана гарантировать, что перемещение морских и воздушных судов, наземного транспорта и граждан за границу государств проходит в рамках законов, правил и процедур, указанных в Таможенном Кодексе.

2. Работа Таможенных служб характеризуется огромным объёмом торговых операций и невозможностью проконтролировать их все.

3. Ускорить процесс прохождения таможни можно путем выборочного досмотра пассажиров.

4. Технологии управления рисками позволяют таможенникам сконцентрировать силы и ресурсы на меньшем количестве партий товаров.

5. Характеристики рисков охватывают такие категории, как тип товара, показатели соответствия трейдеров, страна происхождения и назначения, средства транспортировки и т.д.

6. Это учреждение отвечает за сбор прямых налогов, включая подоходный налог, корпоративный налог, налог на капитал, и косвенных налогов (включая НДС), акцизные сборы и пр.

7. Таможенная служба Её величества ставит перед собой две всеобъемлющие задачи: улучшить показатели сборов налогов, с одной стороны, и улучшить экономическую ситуацию в стране и мнение обывателей о Таможенной службе Её Величества- с другой. 

8. Необходимо принять во внимание, что многие аспекты, связанные с работой Таможенной службы, такие как банковская сфера, налоги (такие как НДС) всё ещё регулируются национальным законодательством.

9.  Согласно новым правилам, больше не нужно получать отдельный сертификат на запчасти.

10. Это соглашение, безусловно, облегчает процесс торговли между тремя крупнейшими экономиками СНГ, но оно не отменяет налоги и тарифы полностью.  


Task 7.Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

The title of the article The article is headlined … The headline of the article I have read is … The title of the article is... The article is entitled...
The author of the article; where and when the article was published The author of the article is … The article is written by … It is (was) published in …
The main idea of the article The article is about … The article is devoted to … The article deals with … The article touches upon … The article focuses on … The main/central idea of the article is … The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on … The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on …
The contents of the article (facts, names, figures, etc.) The author starts by telling the reader (about, that …) The article describes … According to the text … The author writes/ states/stresses/points out  that … Further the author reports (says) that … In conclusion … The author comes to the conclusion that …
Your opinion of the article To my mind … In my opinion … If you ask me … I found the article interesting/ important/ informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to understand


Дата добавления: 2021-12-10; просмотров: 160; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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