Каникулы и праздники .                      


Holidays are the most pleasant times of the year for majority of kids. They can forget about school subjects and relax doing anything that they want. In my country the most important holidays are New Year, Victory Day and Easter. My favorite holiday is New Year because we get two weeks of vacations. I can sit at home all day and watch my favorite TV programs. Or, for example, play with my friends. Also there are many dishes in that time of the year. I celebrate that holiday at home with my friends and relatives. Also we give each other presents. Personally I like to give presents to other people because I think that it’s great that I can make them happy by doing it. In conclusion, I like holidays. They unite people together.



Путешествия .

Today many people around the world choose travelling as the main hobby. They save money for such trips. And then they travel to another city or country with friends. I think that most people like travelling because it gives them an opportunity to meet new people. Also it's a good chance to find out interesting historical facts. In my opinion, summer is the best season for travelling because there are many different offerings and discounts in this time of the year. Also the majority of people are busy the whole year. That is why summer is the only time when they can go somewhere. I think that buses and trolleybuses are the most convenient means of transport because they allow people to move all over the town. In conclusion, I think that travelling is great and all people should use an opportunity to visit other countries.


Профессия и карьера .

I would like to start with the idea that almost all young people today consider making a successful career as the main goal in life. That is why so many people go to universities. Most of them spend four or six years on getting a decent education. Speaking about me, I want to be an economist working in the bank. Or in a big multinational company. It’s an interesting and well-paid job. But this job is also difficult because you should be very good both at microeconomics and math. Those two subjects are important because a true economist should know both economic theory and mathematical models. That is why this profession requires a lot of knowledge which you get during the six year period. In fact, my family doesn’t approve my career choice. They think that I should become a lawyer. In conclusion, I think that being economist is great. And I’m looking forward to it.


Дата добавления: 2021-12-10; просмотров: 20; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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