Translate the information about the novel «Jane Eyre»

Дистанционное обучение английскому языку

Урок № 2 «Literature»

Read and write down new words and phrases

• affection-привязанность

• bewildered – озадаченный

• a threat –угроза

• an infliction - нанесение ущерба

• to take smb’s side against smb –принимать чью-то сторону против кого- то

• obedient – послушный

• to dread – страшиться

• shortly – вскоре

• to totter – идти неровно, ковылять

10) sneaking- крадущийся, тайный

11) accustomed to – привыкший к

12) a dependant – иждивенец

13) to rummage – рыться, искать, копаться

14) to predominate – преобладать

15) to bellow – кричать, вопить

16) to hurl – метнуть

17) to grasp –ухватиться

18) to trickle – струиться


Matching pictures and words. Name the books of each writer.



Ernest Hemingway


William Shakespeare


Charlotte Brontё


Arthur Conan Doyle

Переведите биографию известной английской писательницы Шарлотты Бронте и информацию о её двух сестер, писательниц и какие произведения они написали.

Charlotte Brontё’s biography

Charlotte Brontё was born in Yorkshire, England, on the 21st of April 1816. She had 5 sisters and 1 brother. Two of her sisters – Emily and Anne – became English novelists and poets too. When her mum died of cancer in 1821 Charlotte was sent away to school by her aunt. After finishing school Charlotte worked as a teacher and then as a governess. Her first novel was A Professor but that time it was rejected by the publishers and was published only after Charlotte’s death. Charlotte and her sisters Emily and Anne had already published some poems. Jane Eyre was her second novel and it was published in 1847. Then she also wrote the novels Shirley and Villette. Her marriage in 1554 was successful but short because on the 31st of March 1855 Charlotte Brontё died.



1.”The Professor”

2.”Jane Eyre”

3. “Shirley”



1. “Wuthering Heights”


1. “Agnes Grey”

2. “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”

Choose the right answer and translate:

Sue and Lora always do what they are asked, the girls are very….. children


• bewildered

• dependant

• obedient

• sneaking


Match the words with their definitions and translate

a dependant   when you have a habit or something is ordinary for you  
affection   frightening words or actions  
a threat   a person in a family without own money  
accustomed   when you can’t understand the situation  
bewildered   care and love  
to predominate   to be over the others  


Make the portraits of the writers and their characters:











Домашнее задание Урока №5:

Translate the words

• струиться


• угроза


• схватить


• зареветь, заорать


• метнуть, бросить


• искать


• нанесение вреда


• привязанность


• страшиться


• вскоре


Домашнее задание Урока №6:

Translate the information about the novel «Jane Eyre»

The novel Jane Eyre is about an orphaned girl who is brought up by her aunt and cousins John, Eliza and Georgiana. John strongly disliked Jane and she was bewildered by his threats and inflictions. Once he struck her and told that Jane was a dependant and couldn’t rummage through his bookshelves to find a book to read. Then he told Jane to stand by the door and hurled a book which hit her. So, she replied that he was a wicked and cruel boy, a murderer like Roman emperors. John ran to Jane, grasped her hair and her shoulder. She didn’t remember what she did with her hands because deep suffering predominated over fear but John bellowed out aloud..

Thus, Jane had a difficult life, which the book follows, but finally found love and happiness. Jane Eyre is one of the most well-known English books all over the world.

Дата добавления: 2021-12-10; просмотров: 52; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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