Ex. 1 Find the English equivalents in the text

Text 2 Read the text, translate it and learn the vocabulary by heart

a statesman – государственный деятель

a foundation – основание

a site – место

according to – в соответствии с

prominent – выдающийся

a scientist – учёный

between – между

a fortress – крепость

an uprising – восстание

a peasant – крестьянин

to besiege –

a century – век

severe – суровый

a lack – недостаток, нехватка

step by step – шаг за шагом

common people – простые люди

a province – губерния

under the supervision – под руководством

the development of the greenery – работы по озеленению

to devote smth. to sb. – посвящать что-то кому-либо

to be famous for – быть известным чем-либо

to award – награждать

local – местный

downy shawls – пуховые платки

to do one’s best – делать всё возможное

a combat action – военное действие

stationary – стационарный

folk choir – народный хор

The History of Orenburg


The history of Orenburg is very interesting. It got its name before its factual foundation which took place three times. For the first time Orenburg was founded in August 1735 by the state expedition headed by statesman Ivan Kirillovich Kirillov. It happened on the site of the present Orsk. For the second time Orenburg was founded in August 1741 by the state expedition headed by prince V.A. Urusov. It happened on the site of the present village Krasnaya Gora (not far from Saraktash). It was done according to the advice of the prominent Russian scientist Vasily Nikitich Tatischev. Finally, Orenburg was founded on its present site by the prominent Russian statesman Ivan Ivanivich Nepluyev.

Orenburg was planned not only as a fortress but as an important centre of commerce between Russia and Asia. The original fortress had 10 bastions and 4 gates. In the 18th century the development of the town was rather slow because of the severe climate and the lack of population.

During the peasants’ uprising in 1774 Orenburg was besieged by the Pugachev’s army. The Orenburg province was the site of exile for many prominent people – several Decembrists, poets Alexei Plescheyev, Taras Shevchenko, a composer Alexandr Alyabyev and many others.

Step by step the population of Orenburg and its province grew. In general the population of the Orenburg province was multinational. At the beginning of the 19th century more and more buildings were constructed in Orenburg. They were private houses for noblemen, merchants, doctors, engineers, teachers, clerks and common people.

More and more public and military institutions appeared in the town. In 1833 Orenburg was visited by A.S. Pushkin who collected material for his literary works “The Captain’s Daughter” and “The History of Pugachev”. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal lived and worked in Orenburg for several years. Orenburg is the birthplace of the revolutionary poet M.Z. Mikhailov.

S.T. Aksakov had a country-seat in the Orenburg province. He devoted many beautiful stories to the nature of the province. In the 1850ies the development of the greenery in the Zauralnaya Roscha began under the supervision of the engineer and general Bikbulatov.

At the end of the 19th  century Lukian Vasilyevich Popov, an artist belonging to the Peredvizhniks’ movement lived and worked in Orenburg. One can see his works not only in the local museum of Fine Arts but also in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Orenburg was traditionally famous for the Orenburg downy shawls. They are real works of art.

There are some examples of fine architecture in Orenburg. The famous Karavan Sarai was built according to the project of architect Brullov. There are many interesting buildings in the present Sovetskaya (the former Gubernskaya, then Nicolayevskaya) Street.

During the revolutionary years Orenburg was the place of severe battles between the Red and White armies. During the Great Patriotic War many factories were evacuated to Orenburg from the west of the country. Our people did their best for the victory. 188 people from Orenburg were awarded with the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union for their courage in combat action – among them were poet Musa Jalil and general Alexander Rodimtsev.

Now Orenburg is not only administrative and industrial centre of the huge region but also its cultural and educational centre.

There are several institutions of higher learning, some training colleges, a lot of secondary schools.

The first world cosmonaut Y.A. Gagarin studied at the Orenburg flying school. There are five stationary theatres in Orenburg: the Drama theatre, the Musical Comedy theatre, the National Tatar theatre, two Puppet theatres and the State Folk Choir.

There are many places of interest in Orenburg: the Museum of Regional Studies, the Fine Arts Museum, the Exhibition Hall, the Musical Hall, some palaces of culture, clubs, cinema-theatres, stadiums, monuments, parks.

I like my native town.


Ex. 1 Find the English equivalents in the text

получил своё название; фактическое основание; возглавляемой государственным деятелем; на месте нынешнего Орска; по совету; первоначальная крепость; развитие города; из-за; нехватка населения; был захвачен; выдающиеся люди; многонациональный; в целом; всё больше и больше; частные дома; дворяне; купцы; литературные работы; место рождения; усадьба; движение передвижников; местный музей; в революционные годы; звание Героя Советского Союза; среди них; административный; промышленный; культурный; образовательный; высшие учебные заведения; профессиональные колледжи; средние школы; лётная школа; драматический театр; театр музыкальной комедии; татарский национальный театр; кукольный театр; государственный народный хор; краеведческий музей; художественный музей; филармония; выставочный зал; дворец культуры


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