В ответе запиши только необходимое слово без каких-либо знаков препинания и пробелов.

Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс

Рекомендованное время выполнения – 60 минут.

Уважаемые участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, используя только латинские буквы (английскую раскладку клавиатуры), иначе компьютер засчитает вам неверный ответ!


1. (2 балла)Match the patterns with these words.

Ответ запиши в виде комбинации цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку. Например, 1а2d3c

Answer: ____________________________

2.(5 баллов)Match the British and American words. Choose the right variant.

a) 1b, 2j, 3a, 4g, 5e, 6h, 7c, 8i, 9f, 10d

b) 1d, 2c, 3a, 4g, 5e, 6h, 7i, 8c, 9f, 10b

c) 1c, 2b, 3a, 4g, 5h, 6e, 7c, 8i, 9f, 10d

d) 1g, 2i, 3a, 4d, 5e, 6h, 7a, 8c, 9f, 10b

3. (5 баллов) Choose the right variant.

1. She has never played golf.

a) Neither has he.              b) Neither I do.

c) So do I.                          d) So he has.

2. Mark would like to go to the Moon.

a) Neither would I.            b) Neither do I.

c) So would I.                    d) So had I.

3. He understood the text quickly.

a) Neither would he.          b) Neither did she.

c) So did she.                     d) So do I.

4. Oleg enjoys watching sport competitions.

a) Neither do I.                  b) Neither I don’t.

c) So I do.                          d) So do I.

5. My little cousin can’t read and write.

a) Neither can they.           b) Neither do they.

c) So does he.                    d) So can he.


4. (5 баллов) Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronouns. Choose the right variant.

a) when           b) why            c) which          d) who

a) whose         b) which          c) whom          d) who

a) which          b) where          c) why             d) when

a) who            b) which          c) whom          d) whose

a) whom     b) which          c) when           d) whose


5.(7 баллов)Read and write the words. Then match them to the correct definition. Ответ запиши в виде комбинации цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку. Например, 1а2d3c

Answer: ______________

6.(7 баллов)Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. Запиши необходимое слово в ответе без каких-либо знаков препинания и пробелов. Например, family

Answer 1: _________                Answer 2: _________

Answer 3: _________                Answer 4: _________

Answer 5: _________                Answer 6: _________

Answer 7: _________

7.(9 баллов) Solve the puzzles. В ответах запиши только разгаданные слова без каких-либо знаков препинания и пробелов. Например, family

Answer 1: _________

Answer 2: _________

Answer 3: _________

8.(15 баллов) Use the words on the right to form a new word that best fits each gap. PUT ONLY ONE NEW FORMED WORD, PLEASE. Записывай только образованное слово возле соответствующего номера без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Answer 1: _________                Answer 2: _________

Answer 3: _________                Answer 4: _________

Answer 5: _________

Tasks on Listening Comprehension

Ссылка на звуковой файл аудирования

Ссылка на текст аудирования

Ссылка для скачивания аудиофайлов


a badger [ˈbæʤə] — барсук

to calm [kɑːm] – успокаивать

to push aside [pʊʃ əˈsaɪd] – отталкивать

to part [pɑːt] – расставаться


This is a true story. It happened some years ago. Somewhere in Canada there lived a small family. They had a boy. His name was Ben. Ben was six years old when this story happened to him. Ben was a clever and gentle boy. He was very fond of animals and spent a lot of time in the forest with his grandparents.

One day he was caught in a terrible storm and didn’t return home. Two weeks later one man saw Ben near a badger’s hole. When he called the boy by his name, Ben disappeared in the hole. With great difficulty the man pulled him out. Ben looked a different boy. He looked wild and didn’t speak. When they reached home, Ben’s father ran out to meet his son, but instead of speaking Ben gave wild shouts. Ben’s mother calmed the boy and put him to bed.

At night the door of the house suddenly opened and a badger appeared. Ben’s father jumped quickly and was going to shoot the badger. But little Ben jumped out of his bed and cried: “My Badger!”

Pushing his father aside, he put his arms round the animal’s neck. The badger was happy. He made some cheerful sounds of happiness and licked the boy’s face and hands.

At night, against the wishes of the family, Ben and his animal slept together. From that time on, the badger became the friend of the family. Ben and the badger played together and never parted.

Time passed. Ben grew up and became a strong young man. He was afraid of nobody and nothing. But he never became a hunter like other men in his town. He never killed animals. He didn’t let other men kill animals.

Now Ben is an active member of the Nature-protection organization and he explains to people that it’s important not only to take care of your own pets at home but protect all wild animals.

9. (5 баллов) Mark the sentences as true or false.

1. The story happened somewhere in the USA.

a) true        b) false

2. The rescuer found the boy in three days.

a) true        b) false

3. The boy changed very much.

a) true        b) false

4. Ben’s father killed the badger.

a) true        b) false

5. When Ben grew up he became a hunter like other men in his town.

a) true             b) false


10. (10 баллов) Write the missing word.

В ответе запиши только необходимое слово без каких-либо знаков препинания и пробелов.

Answer 1: __________________       Answer 2: __________________

Answer 3: __________________       Answer 4: __________________

Answer 5: __________________

Total: 70 баллов.

Дата добавления: 2018-02-18; просмотров: 1276; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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