Ex.7. Say the following in English.

1. -Добрий день. Я хотів би зупинитйся у вашому готелі» Мені
xoтілосяб номер на одного з ванною і телефоном.

2. Ви замовляли у нас номер?.- Так,я послав лист на номер з 12 вересня. Ось лист-підтвердження.

2. - Так, усе гаразд. Заповніть, будь ласка, форму.

1. - Я розраховую пробути у вашому готелі тиждень. Ви не
будете заперечувати, якщо я сплачу рахунок, коли буду

2. - Звичайно, як Вам зручно.
1.- Якщо ви кажете, що ваш готель переповнений, чи не могли б ви порекомендувати мені інший готель? 2. - Звичайно, є вільні номера в «Інтуристі».

1. - Я виїжджаю через півгодини. Попросіть, будь ласка, портє віднести до холу мій багаж і викликати таксі. І підготуйте рахунок.

2. - Звичайно, сер.

Граматичний матеріал: Узгодження часів.

Ex. 1. Convert the following statements into indirect speech.

1. John said: "I met them at the airport yester­day." 2. He said: "I shall come to the party if I am free tomorrow." 3. She said: "I shall go to the cin­ema in the evening if I am not very tired." 4. My mother said to me: "It will be difficult for you to get up tomorrow if you don't go to bed at once." 5. Nina said: "I like music and I listen to it every evening before going to bed." 6. My aunt said: "I shall not be thirsty if I eat some grapes." 7. Moth­er said to us: "Don't go out before I return." 8. My sister said: "I shall be neither hungry nor thirsty if I have a cup of tea with a sandwich." 9. Mary said: "Don't switch on TV, Fred, I am working." 10. The teacher said to us: "You will have to work hard tomorrow." 11. My girl-friend said to me: "I shall not be able to go for a walk with you today, because I am very busy." 12. She said to me: "How long are you going to stay in the country?" 13. He said to me: "I like to go to the canteen during the break." 14. He asked me: "When will you go to the canteen?"

Робота над текстом за профілем спрямування: Disabled people

Sadas it is, every year thousands of children are born with mental disordersand physical deformities,thousands of people meet with accidents. However, only in a few civilized states the problems and needs of the disabledare given proper attentionand care.In the remaining countries, including Ukraine, discriminationagainst people with physical and mental disabilities is still being practiced in many areas of social life.

For decades the handicapped have been refused their basic rights.Their job applications were turned down, their active participation in business life has been disallowed on most occasions and there has been little interest in their convenience  in public transport. But the less fit part of society   wants to be treated in the same way as healthy people and to be normal members of society. They do not expect   our mercy   but rather understanding   and acceptance.For this reason, these people should first be helped to develop their skills   and abilities   in order to   get a job.This is very important because work gives sense and direction to their lives.

It is also very important for us to change   our own attitude   towards the handicapped. They need our help and support    and we should not treat them as inferior,worse people.

What else can be done for them? There should be more schools where disabled children can learn together with fit ones. Also in public buildings there should be rampsfor wheelchairs.

There should be special invalid cars which enable the handicapped to enjoy greater mobility. We should do everything to make the life of the disabled easier and more comfortable; we should remember that no one has insurance against becoming disabled.


1) mental disorders — розумовий розлад

2) physical — фізичний, матеріальний, тілесний

3) deformity — каліцтво

4) disabled people — непрацездатні люди, інваліди

5) attention — увага

6) care — піклування, турбота

7) discrimination — дискримінація

10) disability — фізична неспроможність, безсилля, непрацездатність

11) the handicapped — люди, які мають розумові або фізичні вади, інваліди

12) refuse — відмовити

13) right — право

14) application — заява

15) turn down — відмовити

16) participation — участь

17) occasion  — випадок

18) convenience — зручність, вигода 

19) expect — сподіватися, чекати

20) mercy— милосердя

21) understanding — розуміння

22) acceptance визнання, сприймання (чогось)

23) reason-— причина                                                                   

24) skill — майстерність

25) abilities — здібності

26) in order to ...— для того, щоб

27) get a job — отримати роботу

28) change — змінити

29) attitude — відношення, ставлення

30) support — підтримка

31) inferior  — тут: неповноцінний

32) ramp — скат, спуск (Push a wheelchair up/down a ramp).

1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F), according to the text?                                                   

1. The main source of physical deformities is road accidents.

2. The disabled are discriminated against in all countries of the world.

3. Disabled people take an active part in business in Ukraine.

4. The handicapped want us to be merciful to them.

5. The disabled should be helped to get a job, first of all.

6. Disabled children should study in separate schools, apart from ordi­nary children.

7. People with physical deformities should not go out because they can hurt themselves.

2. Give the English equivalents of the following words:

     заява , зручність , милосердя, належність,ставлення,визнання, участь, майстерність, випадок, сподіватися, цивілізовані держави.

3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words:

Disability, deformity, reason, society, to refuse, mental disorders, to turn down, care .


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.

Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Пасивний стан.

2. Презентація рекламного проспекту готелю.

3. Обговорення теми «Приватні готелі: недоліки та переваги».

Пасивний стан дієслова.


1. Що таке пасивний стан дієслова?

2. Як утворюються часові форми пасивного стану в англійській мові?

3. Часові форми якої групи не вживаються у пасивному стані?

4. Як утворюється питальна форма у пасивному стані? Як утворюється питальна форма при складеній формі допоміжного дієслова?

5. Як утворюється питальна та заперечна форма у пасивному стані?

6. Які правила вживання часових форм пасивного стану?

7. Які часові форми вживаються у пасивному стані замість Present Perfect Continuous та Past Perfect Continuous?

8. Чи вживається у пасивному стані форма майбутнього тривалого часу?

9. Як перекладаються на українську мову дієслова у пасивному стані?

Вправа 1. Перепишіть речення у пасивному стані:

Model: They grow wheat here. – Wheat is grown here.

  1. The girls water the flowers every day.
  2. We don’t discuss such questions at our meetings.
  3. My sister teaches me English.
  4. They will not finish the work tomorrow.
  5. Mary has lost her keys.
  6. Our music teacher was conducting the orchestra.
  7. The travelers made camp not far from the village.
  8. His assistant will meet the delegation.

Вправа 2. Оберіть потрібну форму дієслова:

  1. The house (is built/are built/ was built/will be built) by my husband’s great-grand father in 1790.
  2. as a result of an earthquake, the house there (is burned down/ are burned down/ was burned down/ will be burned down) and her parents and brothers and sisters all lost their lives.
  3. While I was sitting there a note (is brought/ has brought/ was brought/had brought) me from the house.
  4. I don’t want to stop here. I (recognize/ will recognize/will be recognized).
  5. The room (is cleaning/ has cleaned/ is being cleaning/has been cleaned) now.

Вправа 3. Перекладіть на англійську:

  1. Читальна зала провітрюється чотири рази на день.
  2. Ця фабрика була збудована 10 років тому.
  3. Підручники продаватимуться завтра.
  4. Їй дали українсько-англійський словник.
  5. Це питання зараз обговорюється на зборах.
  6. Якщо мене запитають, я їм все розкажу.
  7. ЇЇ попросили заспівати цю пісню ще раз.
  8. Такі питання часто запитують на іспиті.
  9. Коли я прийшла, це питання обговорювалося.
  10. На цьому майдані буде збудовано новий будинок.


  1. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. Довідник: Київ, ТОВ «ВП Логос», 2002. – 352 с.
  2. Голицынский Ю.В. Граматика: сборник упражнений. – СПб.: ИПЦ «Каро», 2000. – 506 с.

VІІІ. Змістовий модуль „Їжа. Заклади харчування”

Практичне заняття 1

Тема: Українська кухня. Традиційний та святковий стіл.

План роботи

       Ukraine enjoys a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favourite imported dishes. Breakfast is a simple meal of bread, butter, and perhapssoft-boiled eggs. Homemade jam with whole berries in heavy syrup is prized. Lunch may consist of a fish dish, a salad, or a vegetable.

      Dinner is the main meal, and guests are treated with great hospitality. Soup is made from available vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage, or turnips, plus a piece of meat that is removed for serving. Accompaniments may include kasha /buckwheat grouts/, cabbage, or pearl barley.

      Desserts are simple, perhaps small pastries, a fruit puree, or fruit compote. Tea is the favourite drink, although coffee is enjoyed as well. Kvass, a slightly fermented drink, may be made from white or dark rye bread,


WaiterAre you ready to order now?

Bob:Yes, I think so. Could you tell me what "dolmadakia" is, please?

W: It is vine leaves stuffed with meat and onions and served with lemon sauce.

B: It sounds delicious. I will try that, please. I will have the fish and vegetable soup and the roast lamb with salad, please.

W: What dressing would you like on the salad?

B: French dressing, please.

W: And would you like anything to drink?

B: I’d like some white wine. Is there a Greek wine you can recommend?

W: Well, the Santa Helena is very nice.

B: Yes, a bottle of the Santa Helena then, please.

W: Thank you. Would you like a desert?     

 B: No, thank you. Just a cup of coffee. And could I have the bill, please?

W: Yes, sir.

Граматичний матеріал: Ex. 5. Convert into indirect speech.

1. "I want to sit in the armchair," said the boy. 2. The secretary said to me: "The delegation ar­rived in Kyiv yesterday." 3. "Open the window, please," she said to me. 4. He said: "I shall light a fire and make myself breakfast." 5. "Don't run to the door when you hear the bell," said the woman to her little daughter. 6. She asked me: "How long are you going to stay here?" 7. Mary asked me: "Will you spend your vacation in Moscow?" 8. "Lock the door when you leave the house," said my elder sister to me. 9. "Have you received a telegram from your wife?" she asked Robert. 10. Mabel said: "Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town tonight." 11. "Please don't smoke in the room," said the old woman to her nephew. 12. "I am shivering with cold," said the girl.

Ex. 6. Convert into indirect speech.

1. "Why did our team lose the game?" said Vera. "It has always been very strong." 2. "Where have you put my book, Mary?" said Tom. "I cannot find it." 3. "I am very happy," said Fred. "I have bought a very good bicycle." 4. "Whom are you waiting for, boys?" asked the man. 5. "I shall not go to the party tomorrow because I don't feel well," said Mary. 6. "We saw a lot of places of interest when we were travelling around Europe last summer," said Wal­ter. 7. "I suppose we shall go to the theatre tomorrow.' " said Jane. 8. "Please, don’t take the books from my table," said Lena to me. "I have specially prepared them for working at my report." 9. "Don't be afraid, Nick," said his grandfather. "This dog is very clever and it won't do you any harm." 10. "I shall gladly go to the cinema with you because I haven't seen this film and I want to see it very much," said my aunt. 11. "Which of you can an­swer my question?" the teacher asked the pupils. 12. "Do you think that simple food is better for children than rich food?" she asked the doctor." 13. Не said: "I haven't yet seen the film you are talking about." 14. He said: "I seldom went to see my friends”.

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