Горожане говорят о своих плюсах и чужих минусах сельские - наоборот.

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A General Idea of a Town

Nowadays travelling is a common ac­tivity. For those who are fond of trave­lling, visiting different cities and towns is an enjoyable thing (приятное дело). Many towns have much in common and every town has its own pe­culiarities. To get an idea of the town you must make a tour of the town and go sightseeing.

There are broad straight avenues (широкие прямые проспекты), lined with trees, in every town. As a rule they can be found in the centre next to beau­tiful squares with fountains or monuments.

Generally in the centre of the town there are only blocks of flats, but in some towns, especially in western countries, you can see semi-detached houses, or two-storeyed cottages with green lawns (лужайками) in front of them. These houses are mostly made of brick (кирича) or stone. In other towns you can find multi-storeyed buildings called «sky­scrapers» as in New-York. In the suburbs there are usually narrow streets with bungalows (бунгало).

But every town has its own face not only due to its streets, avenues and squares, but its places of interest or historical buildings, museums, monuments, castles, churches, cathedrals, palaces. All these pla­ces if interest attract many tourists to these towns.


В ) Say what can be found in the centre and in the suburbs of every town and what sights can be seen there.

…. can be found in the centre ….                         …. can be found in the suburbs ….


С ) Ответьте на вопросы .

1. Is travelling a common ac­tivity nowadays?

2. What is an enjoyable thing for those who are fond of trave­lling?

3. Have towns much in common?

4. What must you do to get an idea of the town?

5. What are in every town?

6. What can be found in the centre?

7. What are in the suburbs?

8. Due to what has every town its own face?

9. What attracts many tourists to the towns?

Тема «Город или деревня»

Выражения, связанные с жизнью в городе и сельской местности.

1) lot’s of museums, theatres and cinemas

2) the air is fresh

3) there is no pollution

4) beautiful parks

5) everyone may find an interesting work and earn a lot of money

6) eat lots of fruit and vegetables

7) a healthy lifestyle

8) live in their own houses with lots of rooms

9) go to the forests and gather mushrooms and flowers

10) spend much time in the open air

11) prestigious education

12) a wider choice of shops, sports facilities and health centres

13) good restaurants

14) much pollution and traffic jams

15) need much money

16) there is nothing to do

17) have to work hard all day long to grow fruit and vegetables

18) no cinemas and theatres

19) it is difficult to find a job

20) can’t get good education

21) dangerous life for children

22) a lot of crime and violence

23) transport and industry

24) more problems with health

25) bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs)

  City Village

2. You need to know some rules for discussion. Here we have some of them. Let`s read them and see if they are good rules for discussion or not:

1. Never interrupt.

2. Never listen to others. What you are saying is most important.

3. Be polite. Attack the problem, not the person.

4. Don`t shout.

5. Push others if they don`t listen to you.

6. Make notes.

7. Ask questions.

8. Listen with an open mind.

9. Focusontheproblem.

Учащиеся читают правила ведения дискуссии и выбирают подходящие.

You may use these words and the word с ombinations in your speech.

On the one hand     С одной стороны

On the other hand      С другой стороны

As for me                   Что касается меня

I (don’t) agree with you Я (не) согласна с тобой

Besides -                         Кроме того

because -                           потому что

because of -                       из-за

My opinion is that…        Мое мнение…

To my mind…                   по-моему

In my opinion…               по моему мнению

I am for/against…            Я за/против…


Guess what are these sentences about – village or city?

1. It`s a nice, quiet place, with beautiful nature, and everything is easy to do.

2. The people are friendly and kind-hearted.

3. Life is too (слишком) quiet and easy.

4. Life is more exciting and interesting.

5. There are a lot of theatres and museums.

6. You can have a great time in a fitness or at the cinema.

7. You can meet a lot of interesting people.

8. You know everybody.

9. Life is more dangerous.

10. The streets are full of people, cars and buses.

11. Life is unhealthy.

12. Life is healthier.

Учащиеся определяют, какое предложение относится к городу, а какое к деревне.


Горожане говорят о своих плюсах и чужих минусах сельские - наоборот.

City-dwellers        +     -

1. There are a lot of beautiful churches, palaces, museums.

2. Most people live in small villages and work as farmers.

3. They have a hard life.

4. There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and clubs.

5. Some places don’thave enough hospitals and schools.

6. There are a lot of schools and you can make a choice.

7. There are no theatres, zoos, parks

Countrymen          +     -

1. There are beautiful old houses in the country.

2. There are too many people in the cities.

3. In the country a lot of people spend time gardening.

4. The air is dirty in the city.

5. Home- grown vegetables taste better than those in shops.

6. There are too many cars in the city.


Работа с текстом .

Living in a City or a Village: Advantages and Disadvantages.


Sometimes you may think that city life is better than village. However there are many advantages anddisadvantages of living either in a city or in a village.

There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. Children can get a good education. Living in a big city with a large population, you get used to making contacts and in this way you become more socialized. There are large shops, banks, offices, cinemas, hotels, clubs, hospitals etc in and around a city. People have better transport facilities. There are the facilities or electricity, highways, communication, telecommunication, and plumbing. So people can lead a comfortable and enjoyable life.

But there are some disadvantages too. The cost of living is very high in the city. Most goods and food products are expensive. There is no fresh air and pure water. The pace of life is high. The environment is polluted with dust, smoke, garbage and dioxide gases from factories. The streets are dusty and unclean. So it is hard to lead a healthy life. Many criminal activities often take place in the city. The city is always busy and noisy. There are a lot of vehicles and people on the roads.

There are also many advantages in village life. Generally, people there live in harmony and peace. They have more friends in the community since it is small. The village people always try to protect their traditional habits and culture. The village has clean air, less noise, pollution and rush, and the environment is very beautiful. The village has few vehicles, so roads are less dangerous for driving or cycling. People can easily get fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and milk.

Village life also has its bad points. Some people are not well-education. Villagers’ children go to the village school. They have difficulty in keeping up with new developments in their field or profession. They have to face many difficulties in their everyday lives, like travelling problems, entertainment and culture. They have to go to the city to supply some of their needs.


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