Based on the information from the text and your own knowledge, decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F), or the information is not given (NG).

1. Space exploration means investigation of interplanetary or interstellar space, its properties, biology and the bodies that exist within it.

2. Space research is carried out by astronauts during their missions.

3. Space travel without science is tourism.

4. Outer planets like Venus and Jupiter could be reached with current crewed space flight technology.

5. Tsiolkovsky was the first to launch a rocket into space.

6. The ISS is an international endeavor (попытка, стремление) of global collaboration, with more than 220 astronauts from 17 countries visiting the ISS since 2000.

7. The ISS was designed for testing space craft systems and equipment for missions to the Moon and Mars.

8. The possible benefits from exploring space outweigh the risks and money spent on this industry.

Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions, using information from the text. Use the question words like what, which, how, why, who etc.


- Question: What does the term “space exploration” refer to?

- Answer: It refers to…

Find terms/words in the text corresponding to the following definitions.

1. a person who studies the physical world (n)

2. man-made device put in orbit round a planet (n)

3. travel into or through an area in order to learn about it (v)

4. a test, trial; an act or operation for the of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition(n)

5. to do or complete something, especially that you have said to do(v)

6. the area beyond the earth around the planet and stars (n)

7. to find something by thinking, to find a solution for, calculate (v)

8. the branch of science that deals with rockets and rocket propulsion (n)

9. necessary, most important (adj)

10. an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do, or the possibility of doing something (n)

11. lasting for a long time or forever (adj)

12. profit, gain (n)

13. sort, type (n) (pl. unchanged)


12 -  Watch the video “A History of Space Exploration” and say what events happened in 1961, 1969, 1977, 1986, 1998, 2003, 2010, 2012.

13 * - Fill in the gaps in the text below with the words from the box in their correct form:

Carry out scientist      explore     experiment be created   satellite  presence        discover can exist     not find   analysis    send


(1) ______ have already (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ the surface of Mars, and (5) ______ (6) ______ to see if they can (7) ______ any signs of life. So far, they (8) ______ any, but the (9) ______ of rocks from Mars has confirmed that they (10) ______ by the (11) ______ of water and wind. In other words, life (12) ______ in the past.

*time-consuming exercise

14 - Combine the two parts from the table to make one sentence:

1. Space exploration a. are more suited to telerobotic rather than crewed operation due to lower cost and risk factor.
2. Many space missions b. for testing space craft systems and equipment.
3. It is essential that c. a microgravity and space environment research laboratory.
4. Tsiolkovsky’s ideas were d. space exploration should give people an opportunity to discover new, habitable words.
5. The ISS serves as e. is the ongoing discovery and exploration of celestial structures in outer space.
6. The station is designed f. because the benefits of it outweigh all the possible risks and money spent in this field.
7. We should explore space g. followed by a number of very important works in the field of astronautics.

15 - Highlight all the benefits of space exploration mentioned in the text. Start to fill in the table below, giving reasons for and against space research. Add some more after watching the movie and listening to audio files:

Pros Cons

Дата добавления: 2021-04-15; просмотров: 83; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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