The current status associated with the development and use of volitional qualities of an individual is described. It is shown that the current methods of identification and classification of volitional qualities contribute very little to their practical application. The will power of an individual is an averaged strength of acts of will, which is composed of the efficiency of manifestations of separate volitional qualities. Therefore, determination of the will power should be based on measurements of the strength of each single volitional quality. An approach to the basic system of volitional qualities of a person, based on the property of independence, is proposed. This system consists of the following volitional qualities: endurance, initiative, persistence, self-discipline, determination, independence, and courage. It is shown that every act of will can be represented using only these volitional properties. The application of the basic system opens the way to constructing methods of quantitative measurement of volitional qualities and to the metrization of the whole space of acts of will.

Keywords: basic system, act of will, volitional quality, effort, identification, independence, will power.


Глазунов Юрий Трофимович, доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры теоретической физики и квантовой информатики факультета технической физики и прикладной математики   Гданьский технический университет (Польша) Польша, ул. Нарутовича, 11/12, 80-952 Гданьск. (Polska, ul. Narutowicza, 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk). E-mail: glazunovyury@gmail.com   Сидоров Константин Рудольфович, кандидат психологических наук, доцент   ФГБОУ ВО «Удмуртский государственный университет» 426034, Россия, г. Ижевск, ул. Университетская, 1 (корп. 6) E-mail: kоnstantsid@yandex.ru Glazunov Yu.T., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Informatics faculty of technical physics and applied mathematics   Gdansk Technical University (Poland) Poland, Gabriel Narutowicz st., 11/12, 80-952 Gdansk E-mail: glazunovyury@gmail.com   Sidorov K.R., Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor   Udmurt State University Universitetskaya st., 1/6, Izhevsk, Russia, 426034, E-mail: konstantsid@yandex.ru


[1] Мы считаем, что все ВК – качества характерологические, но содержание характерологических качеств значительно шире, чем собственно волевых.

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