Practical Work: Computer Networks



Topical Vocabulary

a network сеть
to link соединять
a cable кабель
a wire провод
across the world/ all over the world в разных странах мира, во всем мире
a user пользователь
to share ( files, data, information) передавать, обмениваться
a fax machine факс (аппарат факсимильной связи)
to run a program запускать программу, использовать пограмму
a node узел
a connecting medium соединительное средство
wireless connection беспроводное соединение
a router роутер, маршрутизатор
a switch коммутатор
a path маршрут
LAN (Local Area Network) локальная сеть
WAN (Wide Area Network) глобальная/территориальная сеть
the exchange of information обмен информацией
 a communication protocol протокол передача данных/обмена информацией
 a format формат
to follow rules соблюдать правила, следовать правилам
to talk to one another  общаться друг с другом
Ethernet ['iːθǝnet] communication коммуникационная локальная сеть Ethernet
a family of protocols семья/семейство протоколов
a protocol suite [swi:t] набор протоколов
to facilitate содействовать, обеспечивать, облегчать
to send (e-mails, texts, viruses, computer worms) отсылать
a computer worm компьютерный червь, вирус
to make (phone, video) calls звонить (осуществлять телефонные, видео звонки)
to access (data, information)/to have access to иметь доступ к чему-л, получать
to store (data, information) хранить
on a computer на компьютере, в компьютере
to set up налаживать, устанавливать
insecure ненадежный, небезопасный
 a net computer сетевой компьютер
to interfere with (other technologies) создавать помехи, вмешиваться
powerline communication технология связи по линии электропередачи
to disturb расстроить, нарушать, подавлять
radio communication радиосвязь
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) ассиметричная цифровая абонентская линия

№ 1


          2c o n n e c t 3i o n    
          a       d     n        
          b       i   4u s e r    
    5p     l       u     t        
6w i r e l e s s   m   7a c c e s s
    o                   u        
    t     8w         9w o r m      
  10f o r m a t           e        
    c     n           11c          
    o               12n o d 13e      
    14l 15a n   16n         m   t      
      d     e         p   h      
      17s w i t c h     u   e      
      l     w       18s t o r e    
            o         e   n      
            19r o u t e r   e      
            k             t      


Across: 2. The successful completion of necessary arrangements so that two or more parties (for example, people or programs) can communicate at a long distance. 4. A person who uses or operates something. 6. Using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other. 7. The right or opportunity to use or receive something. 9. A harmful computer program that can copy itself and spread across a number of connected computers. 10. The way in which information is arranged and stored on a computer. 12. Any system or device connected to a network. For example, if a network connects a file server, five computers, and two printers, there are eight ____ on the network. 14. A computer network that connects the computers of people who work in the same building. 17. A device which helps to select a specific path to follow. 18. To keep information, music, etc. on a computer. 19. A piece of electronic equipment that connects computer networks to each other, and sends information between networks.

Down: 1. A connecting means like cables, wires, etc., that links several devices together. 2. A set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, phone signals, etc. 3. The adjective with the meaning “not safe or not protected”. 5. A common set of rules and instructions that each computer follows. 8. A computer network that connects separate machines over a wide area.11. A programmable machine which can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. 13. The traditional technology for connecting wired local area networks (LANs), enabling devices to communicate with each other via a protocol.15. A method of transferring data over copper telephone lines. 16. A collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data.

№ 2

Practical Work: Computer Networks

I. Match the notions with their definitions:

1. a network a) local area network
2. a user b) a person who uses a computer system to gain an unauthorized access to another system for data or who makes another system unavailable
3. a switch c) a small software that can spread form one computer system to another and cause interferences with computer operations
4. a router d) an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings or commands used with computer programs
5. LAN e) asymmetric digital subscriber line
6. WAN f) a group of computers linked together
7. a computer virus g) a special computer enabled to send messages
8. ADSL h) a person who uses or operates something ( a computer, a network, a program, etc.)
9. a file i) a device that helps to select a specific path to follow
10. a computer hacker j) wide area network


II. Translate the following from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the text:

1. обмен информацией; 2. обмениваться данными, файлами и другой информацией; 3. иметь доступ к данным на чужом компьютере; 4. отправлять электронные письма и тексты, осуществлять телефонные и ведео звонки; 5. компьютерные пираты (хакеры) могут отправить различные вирусы на сетевой компьютер; 6. данные, хранящиеся на чужом компьютере в сети; 7. пользователи сети могут совместно использовать аппаратные средства (сканер, принтер, аппарат факсимильной связи); 8. широко известным протоколом передачи данных является Ethernet; 9. беспроводная связь; 10. которые определяют форматы и правила, которым должны следовать компьютеры при общении друг с другом.

III. Translate the following from English into Russian:

1. two computers joined by cables in the same office; 2. allowing people to send e-mails and texts; 3. networks can be insecure as computer hackers can send computer worms; 4. connected in different ways; 5. a WAN operates in a larger area; 6. offer many advantages; 7. on the other hand; 8. to select a specific path to follow; 9. cables or wireless connection; 10. a family of protocols used in LANS.

IV. Put in the missing words:

1. They ___________ communication, allowing people to send e-mails, texts, make phone calls and videoconference. 2. Communications protocols define the ___________ and ___________ that computers must follow. 3. Networks can be connected in different ways according to the area __________ ____________ . 4. Computer ___________ can send viruses to the net computer. 5. ___________ , a WAN operates in a larger area.

Баллов – 5

Баллов – 4

Баллов – 3

№ 3

Network Topologies

Посмотрите видео.

Опишите на английском языке все описанные топологии сетей, используя лексику видео.

Видео доступно по ссылке


Solve the crossword puzzle using the clues below; the topical vocabulary will be helpful while doing the crossword:*для выполнения данного задания распечатайте кроссворд, решите его письменно и решенный кроссворд вышлите на ЭИОС


          2             3        
6                     7          
          8         9            
                    12     13      
    14l 15     16                    

Across: 2. The successful completion of necessary arrangements so that two or more parties (for example, people or programs) can communicate at a long distance. 4. A person who uses or operates something. 6. Using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other. 7. The right or opportunity to use or receive something. 9. A harmful computer program that can copy itself and spread across a number of connected computers. 10. The way in which information is arranged and stored on a computer. 12. Any system or device connected to a network. For example, if a network connects a file server, five computers, and two printers, there are eight ____ on the network. 14. A computer network that connects the computers of people who work in the same building. 17. A device which helps to select a specific path to follow. 18. To keep information, music, etc. on a computer. 19. A piece of electronic equipment that connects computer networks to each other, and sends information between networks.

Down: 1. A connecting means like cables, wires, etc., that links several devices together. 2. A set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, phone signals, etc. 3. The adjective with the meaning “not safe or not protected”. 5. A common set of rules and instructions that each computer follows. 8. A computer network that connects separate machines over a wide area.11. A programmable machine which can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. 13. The traditional technology for connecting wired local area networks (LANs), enabling devices to communicate with each other via a protocol.15. A method of transferring data over copper telephone lines. 16. A collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data.

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