Phrases for Receiving Presents

Существительное: a gift vs. a present

!!! Любой present — это gift, но не каждый gift — это present !!!

Глагол: to gift vs. to present

birth date — дата рождения
jubilee — юбилей
birthday boy — именинник
birthday girl — именинница
birthday invitation — приглашение на день рождения
to send invitations — рассылать приглашения
birthday card — открытка на день рождения
birthday party — вечеринка по случаю день рождения
to have a party — провести вечеринку
to throw a party — организовывать вечеринку
to invite guests — приглашать гостей
decorations — украшения
put up decorations — вешать украшения (украшать)
the house is decorated with… — дом украшен…
candles — свечи
put up candles — поставить свечи
to light the candles — зажечь свечи
blow out the candles — задуть свечи
ribbon — лента
a bow — бант
wrapping paper / gift wrap — оберточная бумага
balloons — шарики
sparklers — бенгальские огни
fireworks — фейерверк
to watch a fireworks display — смотреть фейерверк
to enjoy the fireworks — наслаждаться фейерверком
to have fireworks — устроить фейерверк
confetti — конфетти
to sprinle confetti — разбрызгивать конфетти
pinata — пиньята
to hit the pinata with a stick — ударить палкой по пиньяте
party favours — подарки (сувениры) для гостей
bunch of flowers — букет цветов

to grow up — расти
to bring up — воспитывать
upbringing — воспитание
be coming of age — достигнуть совершеннолетия
get older — стареть
be young at heart — быть молодым душой


🎁give somebody a gift - дарить кому-то подарок;
🎁receive a gift -получить подарок;
🎁accept a gift -принять подарок;
🎁wrap (up) a gift -упаковывать подарок;
🎁shower somebody with gifts - завалить кого-то подарками;
🎁exchange gifts -обменяться подарками;
🎁a birthday gift -подарок на День рождения;
🎁a Christmas gift -подарок на Рождество;
🎁a wedding gift -подарок на свадьбу;
🎁a free gift -бесплатный подарок (бонусом);
🎁the perfect/ideal gift for somebody -идеальный подарок для кого-то;
🎁a suitable gift -подходящий подарок;
🎁a generous gift -щедрый подарок;
🎁a parting gift -подарок при расставании, на прощание;
🎁an unwanted gift -ненужный подарок;
🎁a gift idea - идея подарка;
🎁a gift shop - магазин подарков.


Phrases for Giving Gifts

Informal Situations

Here are some common informal phrases you can use when giving a gift to a close friend, a family member, or a loved one:

· I got you something. I hope you like it.

· Look what I have for you!

· I thought you might like this for...

· Happy Birthday! [Happy Anniversary!] Here's a little gift/present for you.

· [Handing present to someone] Enjoy!

· It's only something small, but I hope you like it.

· Here's a little present for you.

· Guess what I bought you!

· It’s only something small, but I hope you like it. –
This is when you haven’t really spent too much however bought a thing which can be useful and liked by all.

· I wasn’t sure what to get you but I hope you like it
Use it when you were really confused while buying something.

· I thought this might go well with your (new dress / new bag)
When you buy something that would suit the thing that the person already owns.


Formal Situations

These are a few common phrases for gift-giving in formal settings, such as a wedding or a business dinner:

· [Name], I'd like to give you this present/gift.

· [Name], This is a present that I/we/staff got you.

· I'd like to present you with this...(very formal, used when giving an award or special present)

· In the name of [xyz], I'd like to give you this present. (also very formal)

· Here is a token of our appreciation.


Phrases for Receiving Presents

A sincere "thank you" spoken with a smile is the only English phrase you really need when someone gives you a gift. But if you want to expand your vocabulary, you'll want to know some other phrases to use in different situations:

· Thank you so much!

· That's so kind!

· You shouldn't have!

· Thank you! It's beautiful.

· I love it! I'll put it on/hang it up/... immediately.

· That is so thoughtful of you. It matches my...perfectly!

· How did you know I've always wanted go with my...?

· Thank you. I really needed a...

· Fantastic! I've been thinking about getting a...

· This is exactly what I needed. Now, I can...

· How kind of you! I've always wanted to concert/at the movies/at an exhibition.

· Wow! This is a dream come true! Tickets for...

· Thank you so much! I've hoped/wanted to travel to...for a long time.


Дата добавления: 2021-07-19; просмотров: 159; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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