Задание 6. Грамматика: Сочинительные союзы either... or(или... или), neither ... nor (ни... ни), both ... and (и... и; как... так и)

Эти союзы могут соединять любые части речи.

Не plays both football and basketball. — Он играет и в футбол, и в баскетбол. (Он играет как в футбол, так и в баскетбол.)

She'll come either on Monday or on Tuesday. — Она приедет или в понедельник, или во вторник.

Не is neither at home nor in the office. — Его нет ни дома, ни в офисе.

Обратите внимание, что в отрицательных предложениях с союзом neither... nor глагол стоит в положительной форме, так как в английском предложении возможно только одно отрицание, и союз neither... nor выполняет эту функцию.

Сравните: She drinks neither tea nor coffee. — Она не пьет ни чай, ни кофе.

Если подлежащее, состоящее из двух слов, соединяется союзом either... or или neither... nor, то глагол-сказуемое употребляется в единственном числе, если последнее слово стоит в единственном числе.

Если последнее слово стоит во множественном числе, то глагол-сказуемое употребляется во множественном числе.

Either Pete or Bill knows this man. —Или Пит, или Билл знает этого человека.

Neither my sister nor my parents know the man. — Ни моя сестра, ни мои родители не знают этого человека.

Если подлежащее, состоящее из двух слов, соединяется союзом both... and, то глагол-сказуемое употребляется во множественном числе.

Both his friends and his sister live in Wales. — И его друзья, и сестра живут в Уэльсе.

Упражнение 1. Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or, neither... nor, both... and. Model: I drink ... coffee ... hot chocolate. — I drink neither coffee nor hot chocolate.

1.I didn't like the new book. It was ... interesting ... useful.

2.I invited two friends, but ... Liz ... Jane could come to the party.

3.Granny promised me a nice dessert. It will be ... a chocolate cake ... an apple pie.

4.Last year I visited ... London ... St Petersburg.

5.Alex will phone me ... at five o'clock ... at six o'clock.

6.No, thank you. I'll have ... tea ... coffee.

7. Borrow some money from your friends.... Ann... Mary will help you.

8. ... my words... Dad’s arguments had any effect on him.

9. It’s getting dark. You must... go at once ... wait till tomorrow.

10. What’s happened to Jim? He has... written... phoned.

11. Inside the examination room we could ... smoke ... talk.

12. Charles lives ... in Camberley ... in Guildford, doesn’t he?

13. The room was ... comfortable ... clean, was it?

 14. If you do any more housework tonight, we’ll be able ... to attend the concert... to go to the cinema.

 15. Haven’t you heard that Sally lives not far from us? She has ... bought a new flat... rented it.

16. I’d like to help you a little. I can... walk the dog... go shopping.

Упражнение 2. Either ....or/Neither ...nor?

1. You must go. You can take ____ a bus ____ a taxi.

2. Has anybody a pen? No. ____Robert ____I have.

3. Who can help you? ____John ____Kate can help me.

4. Did he come yesterday? No, he ____came ____phoned.

5. What is his name? Is he Jack or Ben? - I'm not sure. He is ____ Jack____ Ben.

6. If you don't buy tickets beforehand, we'll not get ____ to the theatre ____to the concert.

7. Where is she from? - I'm not sure. She is ____Russian ____ Polish.

8. ____Tom ____ I have a bike. We want to buy bikes soon.

9. You must go. You can take ____ a bus ____ a taxi.

10. Has anybody a pen? No. ____Robert ____I have.

11. Who can help you? ____John ____Kate can help me.

12. Did he come yesterday? No, he ____came ____phoned.

13. What is his name? Is he Jack or Ben? - I'm not sure. He is ____ Jack____ Ben.

14. If you don't buy tickets beforehand, we'll not get ____ to the theatre ____to the concert.


Дата добавления: 2020-12-12; просмотров: 231; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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